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Enforcement Guidance

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See also Dispositioning of Enforcement Issues in a Risk-Informed Framework PDF Icon - Memorandum from Director, Office of Enforcement, December 5, 2000.

Enforcement Manual

On October 1, 2010, the NRC completed the seventh full revision of the NRC Enforcement Manual. This document is used by the NRC enforcement staff.  Revision 7 is a joint effort that draws on the knowledge and experience of the enforcement staff from across the Agency. The manual is a living document that is regularly updated for accuracy.

The Manual was first published in June 1990 as a tool to assist the NRC staff in implementing the Commission's enforcement program consistent with NRC's Enforcement Policy. Intended for internal use by the NRC, the Manual contains procedures, requirements, and background information used by the staff who develop or review enforcement actions. As such, failure to follow the guidance in this Manual does not invalidate an enforcement action.

This Manual supersedes the previous version issued as Revision 6 (December 22, 2008). Revision 7 includes multiple changes, including updated and reformatted information and hyperlinks to other NRC documents. Updates to the Manual will be made as necessary.

Highlights of the changes to the Manual include:

  • Guidance and information reflective of the revised Enforcement Policy published in the Federal Register on September 30, 2010 (75 FR 60485).

  • An update to 42 of the Standard Formats for Enforcement Packages in Appendix B to revise out-dated wording and incorporate current enforcement practices.

  • Incorporation of recommendations from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audit OIG-08-A-17, and subsequent changes to Inspection Manual Chapter 2800, "Materials Inspection Program" regarding materials inspector signature authority on Form 591 requiring management review and approval.

The Appendices have been updated and reformatted as necessary and new document markings have been added.

Appendix A contains an updated list of Enforcement Guidance Memoranda (EGMs).

Appendix B contains updated standard formats for enforcement packages which includes updated document markings.

Appendix C contains updated standard citations that have been reviewed by the Office of the General Counsel.

Appendix D contains updated enforcement processing aids and forms.

A more detailed summary of the changes in Revision 7 is included in Revision 7 - Summary of Changes.

Change Notice Index
Chapters 1-8: Narrative Guidance PDF Icon
Appendix A: Temporary Enforcement Guidance
Appendix B: Standard Formats for Enforcement Packages
Appendix C: Standard Citations for Enforcement Actions PDF Icon
Appendix D: Enforcement Processing Aids and Forms

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Inspection Manual - Excerpts

The NRC Inspection Manual includes procedures for issuing Notices of Enforcement Discretion (NOEDs) for Power Reactors and Gaseous Diffusion Plants.

Implementing Procedures for Power Reactor NOEDs
Implementing Procedures for Gaseous Diffusion Plant NOEDs

Memoranda of Understanding Between NRC and Other Agencies Regarding Enforcement

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012