NOAA Fisheries: Office of Law Enforcement
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Complaints & Compliments

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Thank you for visiting our website and taking the time to let us know how NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement (OLE) can improve our delivery of services within your community. We are dedicated to excellent service through partnerships that build trust, protect resources, create a safe environment, reduce crime and enhance the overall quality of life for all Americans. Citizen and community input is fundamental to the creation and continuation of meaningful partnerships with the citizens we serve.

Filing a Compliment:
Citizens wishing to compliment an employee should prepare a brief description of the employee's performance and forward it to the employee's Special Agent in Charge or to the Director. (See Contacts page for telephone and mailing information for all supervisors.) In addition to sharing your comments with both the employee and his or her supervisor, a copy of your complimentary letter also will be placed within the employee's personnel file.

Filing a Complaint:
Citizens wishing to file a complaint may do so in writing or telephonically by contacting the Office of Professional Responsibility located at Headquarters or by contacting any supervisor within the agency. (See Contacts page for telephone and mailing information for all supervisors.) Complaints from citizens who wish their names to be held in confidence or to remain anonymous will be accepted; however, OLE personnel have been instructed to make every effort to obtain contact information to allow us to conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged violation. Once a complaint is filed, you will be personally contacted by the investigator in the case.

NOAA also has established a hotline specifically to report alleged unfair or overzealous enforcement actions or other alleged breaches of conduct by NOAA enforcement agents, officers or attorneys.  This Enforcement Complaint e-Hotline allows stakeholders to report any issues to NOAA management through a specific email address ( that will go directly to NOAA, not to NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement.  Any complaints received will be reviewed at NOAA and, as necessary, investigated further.  This should provide fishermen and other members of the regulated community a mechanism for raising issues about NOAA law enforcement without fear of reprisal.  NOAA will evaluate the effectiveness of the Enforcement Complaint Hotline after one year to ensure that it is providing an appropriate outlet for enforcement complaints.  If it is not working, NOAA will take additional actions to ensure that if the regulated community has issues with NOAA enforcement, they will be heard.

Filing a comment under the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA):
In accordance with the provisions of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act, the Small Business Administration has established a National Small Business and Agriculture Regulatory Ombudsman and ten Regional Small Business Fairness Boards to receive comments from small businesses about federal agency enforcement actions. The Ombudsman annually evaluates enforcement activities and rates each agency's responsiveness to small businesses. If a small business wishes to comment on the enforcement actions of NOAA, it may do so via the internet at (, e-mail (, mail (Small Business Administration, Office of the National Ombudsman, 409 Third St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416), or by calling 1-888-REG-FAIR.

The Office of the National Ombudsman of the Small Business Administration (SBA) has asked all Federal agencies to make clear that, if a small business requests Ombudsman assistance on a matter or otherwise questions or complains about a Federal agency action, the agency will not retaliate in response.

The Department of Commerce is committed to fair regulatory practices, supports the right of the regulated community to raise concerns about regulatory enforcement actions without the fear of retaliation, and will investigate any allegations of retaliation and take appropriate action. We take such concerns and allegations very seriously and strive to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. However, while the Department will investigate any allegation of retaliation, a complaint to the Ombudsman will not stop or delay investigations and legal or administrative proceedings as part of the Department's ongoing responsibility to enforce relevant Federal laws.

The right to file comments with the Ombudsman is in addition to any rights a small business may have, including the right to contest the assessment of a civil monetary penalty or permit sanction. Filing a comment with the Ombudsman neither takes the place of filing a request for an administrative hearing contesting the assessment of a penalty or permit sanction, as required by 15 C.F.R. Part 904, nor extends the maximum time period for requesting such a hearing.

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