
Author Archives: Leader's Press Shop

Today the Department of Labor announced that the economy added 114,000 jobs and the unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent in September. Private businesses added 104,000 jobs last months – marking 31 consecutive months of private job growth. Even though … Continue reading

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Today, Congresswoman Donna Edwards tried to get Do-Nothing Republicans to come back to the floor to work on the long list of unfinished business the GOP left behind when they rang the recess bell.  The GOP gaveled her down and … Continue reading

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Today, Speaker Boehner confirmed the House Republicans have no intention of bringing a Farm Bill to the floor for a vote before leaving for a two month vacation. Farmers and experts agree this is exactly the wrong decision for American … Continue reading

Posted in Economic News, In the News, Labor and American Jobs | Leave a comment

In a now infamous video released on Monday, Gov. Romney derided hardworking Americans, seniors and members of our Armed Services, by calling them “victims” and repeating a favorite misleading talking point of House GOP leaders. This morning on the NBC … Continue reading

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MEMORANDUM To: Interested Parties Fr: Democratic Leader’s Press Office Dt: September 10, 2012 Re: GOP “Do Nothing” Congress Doing What They Do Best – Nothing After a five week summer break, the GOP-led Congress finally is back in session… for … Continue reading

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House Republicans rang the recess bell earlier this month and left behind a long list of unfinished business including a jobs agenda, middle class tax cuts, and the farm bill. Their unwillingness to work with President Obama and their failure … Continue reading

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77 years ago, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Social Security into law. As a result, seniors were rescued from poverty and the middle class was strengthened. Congressman Xavier Becerra’s office put together this helpful timeline to remind us of Social … Continue reading

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Congressional Republicans have been making the rounds in their districts, but there is one topic that they can’t run away from: their vote for the Ryan budget to end Medicare as we know it while shifting costs to seniors. While … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Retirement Security | Leave a comment

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has proposed a House Republican budget which achieves many terrible results for the nation. Among them, here are three important facts you need to know: 1. Ryan’s Budget Ends The Medicare Guarantee And Shifts Costs To … Continue reading

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Yesterday, House GOP leaders rang the recess bell and rushed to leave town for a five-week vacation. As one GOP member said on the House floor, “Let’s just go home!” The House Democratic Leader’s press office produced a video to … Continue reading

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