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Farewell MC4, Welcome LTC Morton

April 4, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Over the past several weeks I reviewed my previous 130 blogs and we’ve come a long way in the past four years. Our focus has been on enhanced capabilities for the war fighter and institutionalizing the MC4 system in the Army. What’s made the biggest impact on me is the personal commitment of the folks at MC4 who take pride in our mission. Their efforts result in improvements for medical personnel who use the system, as well as the Soldier who benefits from having a lifelong medical record.

I’ve also witnessed a more active and vocal community lending support and lessons learned to a very important mission. It’s a key time in MC4’s history because of the swell in interest and support in placing the very best technology solution in the hands of our forces for the betterment of Soldier care. From the surgeon general on down, I really appreciate and value their support and willingness to share candid feedback – the good, the bad and the ugly – about their experience with the operational EMR system. It’s because of your support and feedback that we continue to move one step closer to becoming the premier enabler for operational health care and better decision making.

Although my tenure as the MC4 product manager comes to a close, in my mind the significance isn’t about my leaving and another product manager coming, but the continued growth, change and emergence of the mission at hand.

The future holds immense possibilities for MC4, including expanding the footprint and enhancing capabilities for telehealth, point-of-injury documentation and integration on mobile electronic devices. Leveraging technology to enhance a Soldier’s access to a health care provider in the field or giving tools to a medic so they can do their job is what it’s all about. Supporting the users with the latest and greatest tools and helping units train up on the MC4 system in garrison and exercises will continue to be a focus for the program.

As I pass the reigns to Lt. Col. Danny J. Morton, I’m confident he will lead the program to great places. He comes to MC4 from the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency with extensive background in operations, logistics and readiness. He understands the importance of providing high-quality products and capabilities to our medical community who are responsible for caring for the Army’s greatest asset, our Soldiers. Please join me in welcoming him.

Again, it’s been an honor to serve.

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