Lobster Group Page

Although spiny lobsters lack the large front claws of the iconic American lobster, they are prized instead for their delicious tail meat. In fact, items marketed in stores as "lobster tail" are usually from a spiny lobster.

American lobster

American Lobster

The meat of the American lobster is so highly prized that it supports one of the most intense and valuable commercial fisheries in North America, with revenues in the hundreds of millions. Operating from Maine to Virginia, lobster fisheries are carefully regulated and as a result, harvests in some areas are at their peak. Fishery managers and lobstermen are working on ways to ensure the continued health of this valuable resource and are developing additional harvest restrictions for the southern New England population due to concerns about its long-term sustainability.

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Caribbean spiny lobster

Caribbean spiny lobster

Also known as crawfish, Caribbean spiny lobster is harvested by U.S. commercial fishermen as well as recreational and commercial scuba divers off the southeastern United States and in the Caribbean. The majority of the U.S. harvest of spiny lobster comes from Florida. To help conserve the spiny lobster resource and sustain this valuable fishery, fishery managers restrict the size and amount fishermen can harvest, as well as how, when, and where they can be caught.

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