MOUs and MOAs


Memorandum: Interim Policy on Management of White Nose Syndrome in Bats (PDF)


Department of Defense Ecosystem Management Policy Evaluation - Final Report, August 2002 (00-125) (PDF)

The goal of this study is to provide insights into the level of ecosystem management implemented across the military Services. The objectives include performing a gap analysis of the individual military Services' conservation policy, regulations, and guidance to determine if they carry through the requirements set out by DoDI 4715.3; developing a protocol to evaluate ecosystem management implementation; and applying the protocol through case study.


Extension of MOU between DoD and Bat Conservation International (BCI) (PDF)

Memorandum of Understanding between the DoD and Bat Conservation International (BCI) (PDF)

Memorandum of Understanding, Continuation of the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units Network (PDF)

Extension of MOU Between the DoD and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Promote the Conservation of Migratory Birds (PDF)

Memorandum of Understanding Between the DoD and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Promote the Conservation of Migratory Birds (Original) (PDF)

MOU Among the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies for a Cooperative Integrated Natural Resource Management Program of Military Installations (PDF)

Memorandum of Understanding between the DoD and that State of California to Conserve Habitat Values and Protect Military Missions in California (PDF)

Memorandum of Understanding - Federal Native Plant Conservation Committee (PDF)

Memorandum of Understanding between the DoD and the Nature Conservancy (PDF)

Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the DoD (PDF)

Last Modified: 30 December 2011 at 08:31