Color Page Charges

Color Page Charges

Agreeing to pay color page charges is at the discretion of each individual Program at the Ames Laboratory.  If a publisher charges for color and you need to have all or some of your figures printed in color, please have Tessa Lemons prepare a purchase order, provide proper justification, and she will have your Program Director sign it.  You must obtain the Program Director’s signature when requesting payment of color page charges even if the purchase order amount falls within your signature authority limit.  The Program Director’s signature on the PO indicates that they are willing to pay for color page charges. 

If you need to pre-pay a journal for color page charges, please send your request to Tessa Lemons, and she will prepare a memo and seek approval from the Chief Operations Officer.  Once approved, you will still need to prepare a purchase order.  The payment of color charges by p-card is unallowable.