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Re: Uniforms for the fallen are always perfect
As a retired military member and father of a current serviceman, thank you for your service to the men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice for their country. I know the parents, friends, and other military members throughout the world would agree your service is greatly appreciated. I salute you!!!
Eli Lessing
Cincinnati, Ohio

Comment: Air Force, industry herald T-38 turning 50
Is the fact that we are flying 50 -year-old aircraft really a cause for joy? We are training our pilots on obsolete equipment. Our aircraft fleet average age is the highest it has ever been, but we can't get money to replace them; we just keep throwing money away on the soaring cost of maintaining our aging fleet. I'm certain none of the congressmen who allocate our funds drive a 50-year-old car.  Am I the only one that sees a problem here? View story
Tech. Sgt. Kyle Stryker
Dover Air Force Base, Del.

Re: PT is kind of like dirty socks
While I agree that being "Fit to fight" is important, the fact is, not enough points are given for the strength portion. I am currently on my 7th deployment and NEVER has my waist size come into play while defending my country abroad.
Staff Sgt. Juan Garza
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas

Comment: Air Force officials test ability to recall retirees
I would gladly volunteer. Even at the age of 72, I could handle a classroom environment or similar job with minimum walking;  I can teach corrosion control and painting. I still paint today. There are several jobs I could handle. View story
Master Sgt. (Ret.) Dean Williams
Corpus Christi, Texas

Comment: Starve the trash can, feed the recycling box
I recycle at home. I have different plastic bins for plastic, paper, cardboard, glass and aluminum. However, when I would come to work at my clinic I couldn't continue what I was doing at home. So, I personally have started my own clinic recycling program. I take the unread base papers, used paper products (without sensitive info, of course), cardboard and plastic items to the base recycling center. I do this at the same time I take my items from home. I, too, wait until the end of the month or until the bins are full. I really wish everyone on base would do this in their own duty sections. View commentary
Staff Sgt. David Cook
Scott Air Force Base, Ill.

Re: Uniforms for the fallen are always perfect
This story was hard for me to read because for some strange reason my eyes were watering. These folks make us all proud.
Master Sgt. Bill Brockman
McEntire JNGB, S.C.

Re: Uniforms for the fallen are always perfect
Regarding Capt. Shannon Collins' article, I just have to say I'm glad we're finally telling stories like these about the great work being done at Dover AFB, Del., for our fallen brethren. I recall the recent dignified coverage of remains arriving at Dover. And, as I read this article, it showcased the personal dedication of the people there. Through these stories and others, like the movie, "Taking Chance," I think the public may finally come to understand the devotion the military has to taking care of those who give the ultimate sacrifice.
Tech. Sgt. Mike Hammond
Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras

Comment: Uniforms for the fallen are always perfect
I want to thank all of you for what you do to ensure that every servicemember that comes to you receives the honor and respect that they deserve. With so many of my friends and family members in all branches of the military, I know that if they come through your "doors" they are in the best hands. Again, thank you all for all you have done and will do for our country. View story
Krystal Mishler

Comment: Medal of Honor recipients visit Airmen in Southwest Asia
Having these brave heroes tour the bases and talk with the troops is an inspiration to all military members. We should thank them for their service and sacrifice more often. A question about awarding the MOH today is; why after all these years of fighting in SWA has the MOH only been given out posthumously? Have the regulations changed, or are our military service leaders afraid to hand out such an important medal to a serving living member? View story
Lt. Col. Michael Mawson
Miami, Fla.

Re: Medal of Honor recipients visit Airmen in Southwest Asia
I had the honor and privilege to meet and work with Command Sergeant Major Gary Littrell at the James A. Haley VAMC in Tampa, Fla. A finer and more honorable man does not walk this earth. Big salute to you, Gary.
Chief Master Sgt. (Ret.) Frank Millen
Smyrna, Ga.



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