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GSA/Department of Health and Human Services Host a Small-Business Fair

By Marie-Alice Denis
General Services Administration

WASHINGTON, April 13, 2011 – The Getting Back to Business fair organized by GSA and Department of Health and Human Services educated entrepreneurs on how to do business with both federal agencies

Additionally, the event for small-business owners highlighted specific projects under way, including prime projects and subcontracting opportunities around the Atlanta region, and offered two informational workshops and matchmaking sessions for vendors.

General Services Administrator Martha N. Johnson, HHS Assistant Secretary for Administration E.J. “Ned” Holland Jr., and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed shared tips on how to increase their chances of winning government contracts.

GSA’s small-business team was also on-site to discuss its new Mentor-Protégé Program and the recently launched the Business Breakthrough Program. The latter equips businesses with information and resources that will help them compete for the nearly $50 billion of federal purchases that flow through GSA each year.

About 300 guests from Atlanta and across GSA's Southeast Sunbelt Region – which covers Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Mississippi – attended Getting Back to Business. This year’s daylong fair was at the newly renovated Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Building. Atlanta was chosen for the site since it’s one of the nation’s epicenters for local and foreign business.

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Upcoming Event
Small Business Symposium, May 11-12, 2011>>

Related Links
How GSA Helps Small Businesses>>
Opportunities for Small Businesses>>

GSA Office of Small Business Utilization>>


Image of Administrator Martha Johnson and Michael Strautmanis
Administrator Martha Johnson and Michael Strautmanis, Deputy Assistant to the President, were on hand Tuesday in Atlanta for an event designed to help expand federal contracting opportunities for small business owners.

Atlanta Small Business Event