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Johnson Says Telework, Sustainability, Performance Go Hand-in-Hand

Video Length: 1 minute 48 seconds

October 7, 2010

GSA, a government leader in telework, is using its expertise to create a more sustainable and efficient federal government. That's the message GSA Administrator Martha Johnson sent to hundreds of federal employees and industry professionals during a telework townhall meeting held Oct. 7 in Washington, DC.

“Work is what you do, not where you are,” said GSA Administrator Martha Johnson. “GSA is about workplaces: your geographic and your electronic address. We’re experts in this and we have been for years.”

Johnson said GSA is aligned around a bold vision to achieve a zero environmental footprint, and telework will help the agency achieve that goal. In addition, GSA is leading an effort to help agencies save space, facility dollars, and increase sustainability, in which telework will also play a role.

“The president has asked GSA to lead federal agencies in a government-wide cut of at least $3 billion worth of unneeded space from real estate inventories by 2012,” Johnson said. “Telework will be an important tool in achieving this cost reduction and in pursuing this aggressive consolidation strategy.”

Read Administrator Johnson’s Remarks>>

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