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Recognition Week Honors Public Servants

Video Length: 54 seconds

A long line of enthusiastic walkers — stretching a few city blocks — were seen on the streets and pathways of Washington, DC, May 6, 2010, as GSA employees joined together for a fitness walk to the National Mall to kick off Public Service Recognition Week.

Led by GSA Administrator Martha N. Johnson, the walkers were also joined by employees from the U.S. Department of the Interior, and the Office of Personnel Management and its director, John Berry. The three agencies participate in a shared work/life campus initiative that improves health and wellness opportunities for federal employees.

As she walked, Johnson spoke with and thanked employees for their important work and discussed some of the innovative initiatives GSA is undertaking to improve government operations. Johnson also spoke about the dedication, professionalism, and commitment of GSA's workforce.

The 30-minute fitness walk concluded on the National Mall in time for the official kickoff celebration for national Public Service Recognition Week. Johnson and Berry were joined on stage with Secretary of Energy Dr. Steven Chu; Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius; and Scott Gould, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Johnson read a letter from President Barack Obama, which said in part: "Federal, state and local government employees devote their time and energy to the American people and our country. Their dedication and expertise are vital to our Nation, and my Administration is committed to drawing the best and brightest to government service."

In her remarks, Johnson thanked all the dedicated public servants in the audience and reinforced GSA's mission to support employees as they solve our nation's biggest problems. "GSA is committed to ensuring that our public servants have the best workplace solutions to effectively serve the American people," Johnson said.

GSA and OPM are co-sponsors of this year’s annual celebration along with the Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to inspiring a new generation of civil servants.

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