Pollock Group Page

Atlantic pollock and Alaska pollock are usually labeled simply as “pollock” in the marketplace, yet they are actually different species altogether. The fisheries for these species are very different as well – Alaska pollock is harvested in one of the largest, most valuable industrial fisheries in the world, with landings averaging more than a million tons. Atlantic pollock, on the other hand, is harvested along with a number of other groundfish species in the Northwest Atlantic, with annual landings of just over 11 million pounds.

Alaska pollock

Alaska Pollock

Alaska pollock are found throughout the North Pacific Ocean but are most common in the Bering Sea. Pollock is commonly used as imitation crab or “surimi” and fried fillet sandwiches. It is also sold headed and gutted and as fillets and can be a great substitute for cod. The Alaska pollock fishery is one of the largest, most valuable fisheries in the world. It’s one of the first U.S. fisheries to be managed with catch shares and is often considered one of the best managed fisheries in the world.

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Atlantic pollock

Atlantic Pollock

Atlantic pollock is a member of the cod family but can be distinguished by its green hue. The meat is white and firm and has a sweet, delicate flavor. Atlantic pollock abundance dropped in the early 1990s due to heavy fishing, but under strict harvest restrictions, landings rapidly decreased and populations steadily increased. Today, Atlantic pollock is well above its target level. Harvests have generally increased but remain under the limits imposed by managers to keep the resource abundant.

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