Cummings Launches Investigation of “True the Vote” in Maryland, Other States

The Congressman raises questions about Conservative group’s campaign to challenge legitimate voters.
Cummings Launches Investigation of “True the Vote” in Maryland, Other States feature image

Cummings Launches Investigation into Allegations of Voter Registration Fraud by RNC Consulting Firm

Claims of fraudulent voter registration practices in Florida and other states prompt Cummings to start an official inquiry into a company retained by the RNC.
Cummings Launches Investigation into Allegations of Voter Registration Fraud by RNC Consulting Firm feature image

BET Congressional Confidential: Rep. Elijah E. Cummings

BET News kicks off its series on members of the Congressional Black Caucus - known as the "Conscience of the Congress" - starting with its profile on Cummings.
 Rep. Elijah E. Cummings feature image

FREE Independent Mortgage Reviews Available for Qualified Borrowers

Homeowners who faced foreclosure in 2009 and/or 2010 may qualify for a free, independent review of their foreclosure case.
FREE Independent Mortgage Reviews Available for Qualified Borrowers feature image

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Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Congressman Cummings is the Ranking Member of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. He is also a member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and the Joint Economic Committee.


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