
Monthly Archives: December 2010

The failure of the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ repeal, as part of the Defense Authorization bill, on a procedural vote in the Senate is a serious disappointment to the many who have worked so hard to close the door on … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Rights, Real Security, Speaker Pelosi | Leave a comment

House Democrats share the President’s commitment to providing the middle class with a tax cut to grow the economy and create jobs. The House passed a bill last week to provide tax cuts for all Americans but not a bonus … Continue reading

Posted in Fiscal Responsibility, Labor and American Jobs, Speaker Pelosi, What's Happening | Leave a comment

Tonight, the House passed the DREAM Act by a vote of 216-198: The DREAM Act is common-sense legislation to give hundreds of thousands of young people who call our nation home and strive to take part in the American dream … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Immigration, Real Security, What's Happening | Leave a comment

Later tonight, the House will be voting on the DREAM Act—common-sense legislation to give students who grew up in the United States a chance to contribute to our country’s well-being by serving in the U.S. Armed Forces or pursuing a … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Immigration, Real Security | Leave a comment

In the 111th Congress, Democrats have been working with President Obama to move America forward, restore Main Street values, and create jobs here at home. We are fighting for an approach that lifts every American, not just the privileged few—in … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Consumer Protections, Correcting the Record, Energy Independence, Financial Reform, Fiscal Responsibility, Labor and American Jobs, Retirement Security, The Environment, Veterans | Leave a comment

This afternoon, the House passed a resolution congratulating imprisoned Chinese democracy advocate Liu Xiaobo on being awarded the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize (H.Res. 1717) by a vote of 402-1. Liu Xiaobo was one of the original signers of Charter 08, … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights, What's Happening | Leave a comment

Congressional Republicans have been holding tax cuts for everyone (on all income up to $250,000) hostage to give a bonus tax cut to millionaires and billionaires. These bonus tax cuts do not create jobs and add tens of billions to … Continue reading

Posted in Correcting the Record, Economic News, Fiscal Responsibility, Labor and American Jobs | Leave a comment

The tax proposal announced by the President clearly presents the differences between Democrats and Republicans. Any provision must be judged by two criteria: does it create jobs to grow our economy and does it add to the deficit? The Democratic … Continue reading

Posted in Economic News, Fiscal Responsibility, Labor and American Jobs, Speaker Pelosi | Leave a comment

This afternoon, Speaker Pelosi signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act sending it to President Obama for his signature into law: This legislation dramatically increases access to nutritious meals, enhances the quality of meals children eat both in and out of … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Consumer Protections, Education, What's Happening | Leave a comment

On Tuesday, the House passed the Claims Resolution Act–legislation that provides long-delayed justice for tens of thousands of black farmers and hundreds of thousands of American Indians. Among its provisions, the bill contains funding to implement the settlements of the … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Rights, Speaker Pelosi | Leave a comment