United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Commission Action Memoranda (COMs and COMSECYs) for 2001

As a general policy, COMs and COMSECYs will be released to the public unless they contain specific limited types of information which warrant protection. Missing numbers in the listing indicate that these papers involve matters which the Commission has specifically agreed should be withheld: Classified, Safeguards, Allegation, Investigation, Security-Related, Proprietary, Privacy Act Information, Federal/State/Foreign Government and International Agency-Controlled Information, Adjudicatory, Enforcement, Lawyer-Client or Legal Work Product, and limited sensitive matters which contain a specific withhold recommendation and supporting justification. (Reference Internal Commission Procedures, Chapter II.)

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Document Number Description Date
COMSECY-01-0037 CSN Request for NRR Support on Implementation of Risk-Informed Inspection Activities 12/20/2001
Staff Requirements – COMSECY-01-0037 - CSN Request for NRR Support on Implementation of Risk-Informed Inspection Activities 01/29/2002
Commission Voting Record – COMSECY-01-0037 - CSN Request for NRR Support on Implementation of Risk-Informed Inspection Activities 12/20/2001
COMSECY-01-0029 To Inform the Commission on Revisions to Final Part 63 Rulemaking Package Due to the Terrorist Activities of September 11 10/16/2001
Staff Requirements – COMSECY-01-0029 - To Inform the Commission on Revisions to Final Part 63 Rulemaking Package Due to the Terrorist Activities of September 11 10/19/2001
Commission Voting Record – COMSECY-01-0029 - To Inform the Commission on Revisions to Final Part 63 Rulemaking Package Due to the Terrorist Activities of September 11 10/16/2001
COMSECY-01-0021 Draft Press Release and Federal Register Notice to Solicit Qualified Candidates for Appointment to the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste 07/12/01
Staff Requirements – COMSECY-01-0021 Draft Press Release and Federal Register Notice to Solicit Qualified Candidates for Appointment to the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste 08/06/01
Commission Voting Record – COMSECY-01-0021 Draft Press Release and Federal Register Notice to Solicit Qualified Candidates for Appointment to the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste 07/12/01
COMSECY-01-0017 Staff Requirements – Order Referring Petitions to Intervene in MOX Proceeding to Licensing Board 06/14/2001
COMSECY-01-0015 Continuation of Sending Paper Copies of a Selected Set of Documents to the Public Document Room 05/17/2001
Staff Requirements – COMSECY-01-0015 - Continuation of Sending Paper Copies of a Selected Set of Documents to the Public Document Room 06/13/2001
Commission Voting Record – COMSECY-01-0015 - Continuation of Sending Paper Copies of a Selected Set of Documents to the Public Document Room 03/17/2001
COMSECY-01-0013 Draft Press Release and Federal Register Notice to Solicit Qualified Candidates for Appointment to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards 04/17/2001
Staff Requirements – COMSECY-01-0013 - Draft Press Release and Federal Register Notice to Solicit Qualified Candidates for Appointment to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards 05/10/2001
Commission Voting Record – COMSECY-01-0013 - Draft Press Release and Federal Register Notice to Solicit Qualified Candidates for Appointment to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards 04/17/2001
COMSECY-01-0001 Response Letter to Utah on Land Ownership Issue 01/02/2001
Staff Requirements – COMSECY-01-0001 - Response Letter to Utah on Land Ownership Issue 01/18/2001
COMNJD-01-0001 Power Uprate Applications 04/20/2001
Staff Requirements – COMNJD-01-0001 - Power Uprate Applications 05/24/2001
Commission Voting Record – Power Uprate Applications 04/20/2001
COMJSM-01-0002 Transportation of Spent Fuel 09/13/2001
Staff Requirements – COMJSM-01-0002 - Transportation of Spent Fuel 08/03/2001
Voting Record – Transportation of Spent Fuel 08/03/2001
COMJSM-01-0001 Coordination with Mexico and Canada 04/12/2001
Staff Requirements – COMJSM-01-0001 - Coordination with Mexico and Canada 06/26/2001
Commission Voting Record – Coordination with Mexico and Canada 04/12/2001
COMEXM-01-0001 D.C. Cook Potential Red Finding, and the Implementation of the Significance Determination Process Within the Reactor Oversight Program 12/26/2001
Staff Requirements – COMEXM-01-0001 - D.C. Cook Potential Red Finding, and the Implementation of the Significance Determination Process Within the Reactor Oversight Program 02/05/2002
Commission Voting Record – D.C. Cook Potential Red Finding, and the Implementation of the Significance Determination Process Within the Reactor Oversight Program 02/05/2002



Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012