Building Healthy RC/EZ/ECs
Information and Tools to Link Health Improvement to
Economic and Community Development

This web site is part of a larger project, funded by the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), to provide health planning technical assistance for Renewal Communities, Empowerment Zones, and Enterprise Communities (RC/EZ/ECs). Because RC/EZ/ECs represent some of the nation's most economically disadvantaged and ethnically diverse urban and rural areas, ASPE has initiated a multi-faceted technical assistance project that will build their capacity to eliminate health disparities and incorporate health improvement into their RC/EZ/EC economic and community development initiatives. Other pieces of this project include technical assistance by request, where RC/EZ/ECs can request specific assistance related to health planning from the Public Health Foundation (PHF) via phone, fax, or email. In addition, RC/EZ/ECs will be able to participate in two audioconferences.

Specific areas of assistance provided on this site are listed below. Each area provides a topic overview, a story from the field, several examples from the field, tools, tips, and links. The Good Health/Good Economy section provides highlights from a literature review on how health planning can benefit and strengthen economic development initiatives, fact sheets, newsletter articles, and links.

RC/EZ/ECs are encouraged to forward their own health-related success stories to PHF.

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ASPE Homepage HealthFinder® PHF Homepage
Urban EZ/ECs HHS EZ/EC/RC Homepage Rural EZ/ECs


These technical assistance resources for RC/EZ/ECs were funded by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through a cooperative agreement administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and prepared by the Public Health Foundation. Duplication and adaptation, with credit, are encouraged.
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| Good Health / Good Economy | Planning for a Healthy RC/EZ/EC
Mobilizing Partnerships and Making Contacts | Working on Priority Health Issues
Evaluating your Efforts | Funding | Links

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US Department of Health and Human ServicesUS Department of Health and Human ServicesOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation