UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Revision Of Existing Regulations ) Under Part 157 and Related Sections ) of the Commission's Regulations Under ) Docket No. RM98-9-000 the Natural Gas Act ) NOTICE TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE ABOUT THE REVISED ELECTRONIC FILING REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATE APPLICATIONS (November 30, 1998) On September 30, 1998, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) in Docket No. RM98-9-000 that, among other things, made modifications to the existing electronic filing requirements for certificate applications. This notice will provide additional information about the new format described in the NOPR. The NOPR modifies the electronic filing requirements as follows: 1/ "The Commission currently requires that an electronic filing consists of three parts, File1, a structured ASCII record, File2, a footnote record applicable to material filed in File1, and File3, an unstructured ASCII record. To reduce the burden of the current filing requirements, effective upon issuance of this NOPR, the Commission will only require that material currently submitted electronically be submitted in File3, the unstructured ASCII format. Further, the header and trailer records formerly required for File3 can also be eliminated." During the weeks following the release of the NOPR several inquiries have been made by industry representatives requesting more detailed information or clarification of the new format. Therefore, the Commission is issuing the following supplemental information to help address those questions. The document that is the basis for this discussion is the instruction manual titled "Natural Gas Pipeline Company Certificate Filing" dated April 1994 (Certificate Manual). The Certificate Manual will not be revised to reflect the new electronic filing format requirements. However, a copy of this notice will be attached to the front of 1/ Revision Of Existing Regulations Under Part 157 and Related Sections of the Commission's Regulations Under the Natural Gas Act, 84 FERC  61,345, 63 FR 55686 (October 16, 1998). Docket No. RM98-9-000 - 2 - the manual to alert the users that the requirements have been modified. 1. What is the new electronic filing requirement for certificate applications? The new electronic filing requirement for certificate applications consists of a single file, referred to as FILE3 in the Certificate Manual, which contains an ASCII text representation of the information submitted in the paper filing. The information in the electronic filing must be in the same order as the paper filing and the ASCII text line length must adhere to the guidelines specified in General Instruction 1 (c) of the manual. Note: Some of the information submitted in the paper filing is not required to be filed electronically, e.g., maps, flow diagrams, and certain externally generated documents and charts. See the table in General Information under item III (b) of the Certificate Manual for a list of those items. 2. What happened to the other two files, called FILE1 and FILE2, that were previously filed? The NOPR eliminated these two files from the electronic filing requirement. Consequently, all of the instructions, record formats and appendices referring to the FILE1 and FILE2 files are no longer valid. 3. Are the structured record formats (record types CA/01 through CA/11 and CA/15) used in the new electronic filing? No. These record formats were used to compose the old FILE1 and FILE2 files. Any data that was previously coded onto these record formats as part of the FILE1 and FILE2 files must be included as part of the ASCII text within the FILE3. 4. Are the "header" records (CA/12 and CA/13) and the "trailer" record (CA/14) still required in the FILE3? No. However, if an electronic certificate filing has already been prepared using the previous version of the FILE3 structure and contains only CA/13 (nonstandard) "header" records, ASCII text, and CA/14 "trailer" records, the filing will be accepted. This filing is acceptable because the structure and, more important, the data content of the FILE3 are consistent with the new filing format set forth in the NOPR even though the CA/13 and CA/14 records are present. The respondent does not have to edit this FILE3 to eliminate the CA/13 and CA/14 records. Note: An electronic certificate filing submitted using the previous version of the FILE3 structure and which has one or more CA/12 header records is not an acceptable filing because the Docket No. RM98-9-000 - 3 - CA/12 header record refers to data coded in the FILE1, which is no longer submitted under the new electronic filing format. 5. What instructions for FILE3 are still valid in the Certificate Manual dated April 1994? Generally, all of the instructions applicable to the FILE3 remain valid provided the user disregards that portion of any instruction that references FILE1, FILE2, and the "header" (CA/12 or CA/13) and "trailer" (CA/14) records. 6. Is there a contact at FERC to answer other questions about the new electronic filing format for certificate filings? Yes. Contact Craig Hill, phone number (202) 208-0621 or email address craig.hill@ferc.gov for any additional information. David P. Boergers, Secretary. NATURAL GAS PIPELINE COMPANY CERTIFICATE FILINGS Revised April, 1994 TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SCHEDULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 (1) General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 (2) Certificate Application - Customer/Shipper and Services - (Sales, Transportation, Storage, Exchange, Abandonment) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 (3) Certificate Application - Environmental Report - (Part B - Environmental Factors) . . . . . . . . deleted (4) Certificate Application - Total Gas Supply - (Exhibit H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . deleted (5) Certificate Application - Total Gas Requirements (Exhibit I - Market Data, Part 1) . . . . . . . . . . . 22 (6) Certificate Application - Customer Market Data (Exhibit I - Market Data, Part 2) - Gas Supply . . . . 24 (7) Certificate Application - Customer Market Data (Exhibit I - Market Data, Part 2) - Requirements . . . 26 (8) Certificate Application - Customer Market Data - (Exhibit I - Market Data, Part 3) - Number of Customers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 (9) Certificate Application - Construction & Operation or Abandonment - (Exhibit K, Physical and Location Factors) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 (10) Certificate Application - Construction & Operation or Abandonment - (Exhibit K, Cost Factors) . . . . . . 35 (11) Footnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 (12) Standardized Format Header Record . . . . . . . . . . . 38 (13) Non-Standard Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 (14) Non-Standard Format Trailer Record . . . . . . . . . . 40 (15) Pipeline - Construction/Replacement Annual Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) APPENDIX A: Magnetic Tape Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 APPENDIX B: Diskette Filing Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . 51 APPENDIX C: Certificate Applications - Filing Requirements . 54 APPENDIX D: FERC Geographic Area Names . . . . . . . . . . . 61 APPENDIX E: State Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 APPENDIX F: Special Instructions for Record 3 - Environmental Factors - . . . . . . . . deleted APPENDIX G: Alternative Method and Format For Filing Environmental Report (Code 502) . . . . . . . 68 APPENDIX H: Pipeline Company ID Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 APPENDIX I: Hard Copy Filing Formats for Certificate Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 ii GENERAL INFORMATION I. PURPOSE: All FERC Gas Certificate and Abandonment Applications under Subparts A, E and F of Part 157; blanket certificate applications under Subparts A and G of Part 284; and the Environmental Report under Part 380 will be maintained electronically by the FERC. To accomplish this, all certificate and abandonment applications filed after October 31, 1989 will be submitted consistent with these electronic filing instructions and formats. II. WHO MUST FILE: All interstate natural gas companies seeking certification or abandonment approval by the FERC for the sale or transportation of natural gas, or facilities necessary therefor, under the Natural Gas Act. III. WHAT TO SUBMIT: a) After October 31, 1989, all applications and subsequent amendments for certificates of public convenience and necessity for the sale, transportation, storage, or exchange of natural gas and their related facilities, or for the abandonment of such services or facilities, will be submitted in conformance with these instructions. b) All data, with the exception of that listed below, will be submitted on 9-track magnetic computer tape(s), 18-track magnetic computer cartridge(s), or on computer diskette(s). Selected Items Not Required on Electronic Media Section Item Part of: 157.14(a)( 6) Map (Exh. F) 1 Selected Items Not Required on Electronic Media Section Item Part of: 157.14(a)( 6a)(i) Map (Exh. F-1) 157.14(a)(6-d) Maps or externally (Exh. F-IV) generated charts 157.14(a)( 7 ) Flow diagrams (Exh. G) 157.14(a)( 8 ) Flow diagrams (Exh. G-I) 157.14(a)( 9 ) Flow diagram data (Exh. G-II) 157.14(a)(10 )((iv) Map (Exh. H(iv)) 157.14(a)(14)(x)- Externally (xiii) generated (Exh. L) documents 157.14(a)(18)(i)(b) Pro forma tariff sheets (Exh. P) 157.16(b) Externally generated (Exh. R) documents 157.18(b) Externally generated (Exh. U) documents 157.18(c) Flow diagram (Exh. V) 157.18(g) Map (Exh. Z) 157.205(b)(4) Verified statement 157.208(c)(3) Map (4) Map (5) Flow diagram (9) Externally generated documents 157.210(b)(5) Affidavit 284.11(b)(2) Externally generated documents 284.11(b)(3) Map 284.223(c)(3) Executed transportation (Prior notice agreements filings) 2 c) Data filed on magnetic tape(s) should conform in all respects to the requirements of the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication, FIPS Pub 79, "Magnetic Tape Tables and File Structure For Information Interchange." Copies of this publication are for sale by the National Technical Information Service(NTIS),U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161. Level Three Labeling Standards described in the Federal Standard should be used for file formats, tape labels and record formats. Specific instructions to be used for file formats, tape labels and record formats are provided in Appendix A. d) Filings on computer diskette(s) must conform to the specific instructions provided in Appendix B. e) The magnetic tape(s) or diskette(s) must be accompanied by an original and seven paper copies of the information submitted on the magnetic tape(s) or diskette(s). The paper copies must conform in all respects to the requirements of 18 CFR sections 157.5 through 157.16, 385.213 and 385.214. The magnetic tape(s), cartridge(s), or diskette(s) and paper copies submitted must be accompanied by a transmittal letter. Filings on magnetic tape/cartridge must include a completed Standard Form 277 (12-77) contained in The Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS PUB 53), "Transmittal Form for Describing Computer Magnetic Tape File Properties." The tape reel, cartridge, or diskette(s) must have a sticky label affixed indicating the company name and type of filing. Do not attach staples, paper clips, alligator clips, etc., to the electronic medium. The main body of the application must also include the subscription provided in section 385.2005(a). The subscription must state, in addition to the requirement in section 385.2005(a), that the paper copies contain the same information as the magnetic tape(s), cartridge(s), or diskette(s); that the signer has read and knows the contents of the paper copies; and that the contents as stated in the paper copies are true to the best knowledge and belief of the signer. If these procedures are not followed, the filing will not be accepted. f) Respondents claiming that information contained in a certificate application filing is privileged must file in accordance with section 388.112; otherwise, all data submitted will be considered non-privileged and will be made available to the public upon request. 3 g) Upon request of the Secretary of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the company must submit such additional supporting data to clarify filed data and information as may be required. IV. WHEN TO SUBMIT: At the time when a certificate application, amendment, supplement or data response to such application or amendment is filed. V. WHERE TO SUBMIT: (1) Submit this filing by mail or hand delivery to: Secretary of the Commission Room 11G-1 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 825 N. Capitol Street, NE Washington, DC 20426 4 ----------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. The certificate application filing submitted on magnetic medium must be reported as follows: (A) The required information must be submitted in three (3) files. The first file, FILE1, must contain only the structured data required in schedule CA, records 1 through 15, as appropriate. A second file, FILE2 must contain all of the footnotes being reported in schedule CA/11. (FILE2 is only required when information reported in the structured data file, FILE1, is footnoted.) The third file, FILE3, will consist of free form text, header records and trailer records. FILE3 must be ordered in such a way that the required information and exhibits are reported in the order listed in Appendix C of this document without sorting. Pages included in free-form text (FILE3) must also be ordered in such a manner that when printed, the tables and pages will follow in logical sequence. (B) The applicant may choose to submit any required exhibit using the standardized hard copy format provided by the FERC (see Appendix I) or may, alternatively, choose to submit the information in its own unique format. If the information is formatted in the applicant's hard copy using one of the FERC standardized formats, a Standardized Format Header Record, CA/12 should be recorded in FILE3 to indicate that fact. Alternatively, if the information is submitted in hard copy in a format specific to the applicant company, the free-form text should be reported in FILE3 preceded by a Non-Standard Format Header Record, CA/13 and immediately followed by a Non-Standard Format Trailer Record, CA/14. FILE3 must be structured in such a way (utilizing the Regulation Code(s) as necessary but, not necessarily in sequential order) that the requirements of each of the sections of 18 CFR coded in Appendix C of this document is either included in the FILE3 in free-form text or is producible from the information in the structured data file, FILE1. If the structured data reported in FILE1 is to be used to generate an informational report required by a particular regulation section and included in the applicant's hard copy submittal, a header record, CA/12 is required, with no trailer 5 record as indicated above. However, if the applicant submits an informational report in hard copy displayed in a format unique to the applicant, the free-form text must be preceded by a header record, CA/13, and immediately followed by a trailer record, CA/14. (C) In recording any text information in FILE3, a maximum number of 54 print lines, including blank lines, is permitted per page. Each logical page should be terminated with FF symbol (ASCII form feed character - 12 decimal, 0C hexadecimal) located in position '1' of the line immediately following the last line of text for the page. The orientation (Landscape or Portrait) and the pitch, the number of print characters per horizontal inch (cpi) to be used for printing a section of the certificate application in free- form text must be given in the Non-Standard Format Header Record, CA/13. Since the number of lines to be printed per vertical inch will be 6, the following table provides the maximum acceptable lines per page and line length for portrait and landscape orientations for various numbers of characters per inch specifications: Maximum Line Length Maximum Lines Page Orientation (Characters) Per Page 10 cpi 12 cpi 15 cpi 6 lpi Vertical (Portrait) 70 84 105 54 Horizontal (Landscape) 100 120 150 42 These parameters of line length in characters per inch (cpi) will fix the margins for both portrait and landscape orientations for an 8 1/2" x 11" page. For portrait orientation (vertical), there will be a one inch (1") margin at the top, on the left (binding edge), and the bottom, and a one-half inch (1/2") margin on the right. For landscape orientation, there will be a one inch (1") margin at the top (binding edge) and a one- half inch (1/2") margin on the left, the right, and the bottom. (D) Except for the material not required to be submitted electronically and specified on pages 1-2, it must be possible to produce a copy of the applicant's hard copy submittal from the information contained in the files: FILE1, FILE2, and FILE3. 6 2. The notation f(m,n) will be used to denote a numeric string of length "m" including a decimal (".") with "n" digits following the decimal. 3. Numeric Fields. Each numeric field should not be left blank if the applicant has information to report. If the applicant has no information to report for a numeric data item, the field must be left blank. Each non-blank numeric field must be right justified unless indicated otherwise. The following conventions should be followed in preparing the respondent's filing: (A) If a numeric item is not applicable to the applicant, the following conventions must be used: (i) If the data item is a gas volume, gas cost, or gas revenue, the field should be left blank. A numeric value "0" should be recorded in such a field only when reporting a zero gas volume, gas cost or gas revenue. (ii) If the data item is not a gas volume, gas cost, or a gas revenue, the numeric value "0" may be recorded in the field provided for this data item. Alternatively, such a field may also be left blank. (B) If a numeric item is considered privileged by the respondent, the field provided for this data item must be blank filled in the copy of the respondent's filing with privileged information eliminated. A footnote must be included for any record in which information has been omitted, specifying the data items excluded. (C) Report all money items rounded to the nearest dollar except where noted. (D) Report all rates and/or unit costs in dollars expressed as fixed decimal numbers, format f(7,4). (E) Do not include commas in reporting any numeric value on magnetic tape or diskette. (F) Report all volumetric data at 14.73 psia @ 60ø Fahrenheit rounded to the nearest MMbtu, Mcf, or Dth except where noted. (G) Report all dates as six digit numerics (year, month, day), unless otherwise indicated. (H) Report negative values with a "-" sign preceding the first non-zero digit reported. 7 4. Footnotes. Provide, by footnotes, a brief description of any adjustments significantly affecting this filing. A "Footnotes Record", (Record 11 of Schedule CA) is provided for this purpose. 5. The footnote ID is a blank or decimal integer. The footnote ID will be recorded in the appropriate field of a schedule/record when it is desired to footnote information being reported in that record. The footnote ID will also be recorded in the Footnotes Record, (Schedule CA, Record 11), to permit the footnote text to be matched with the record being footnoted. The Footnote ID, when present (i.e., nonblank), will indicate one of a sequence of footnotes recorded in the Footnotes Record (Record 11 of Schedule CA) which applies to one or more data elements (or fields) of the record (line) being footnoted. Each footnote should be cross- referenced to the item(s) it pertains to in the text of the footnote. It is acceptable for one footnote to be referenced in more than one record (line) of a schedule/record. 6. Character Data. "NA" should be entered wherever a character item is not applicable to the applicant unless otherwise indicated. Note: The Footnote ID field should be left blank when no footnote is reported for the record. If a character item is considered privileged by the applicant, "NA" should be entered in the field provided for this data item in the version of the applicant's filing with privileged information eliminated. A footnote must be included for any record in which privileged information has been omitted, specifying the data items excluded. 7. Table of Contents. As required by 18 CFR section 157.13, the table of contents should be incorporated as the first part of each exhibit. 8. Executed Contract Text. File pro forma service agreements, precedent agreements, and executed contract text in electronic format as prescribed for company documents. Submit a hard copy signature page cross-referenced to the electronic filing. Otherwise, if executed contract text is not clean, ie., if it contains handwritten notations, it may be filed in hard copy providing it is referenced to the pertinent electronic record. 9. Signed Documents. Signed documents that do not originate with the company may be filed in hard copy providing they are referenced to the pertinent electronic record. 10. Environmental Report. All environmental reporting requirements are now contained in Part 380, Appendix A, of the regulations. Although code 501 in Appendix C for Part 8 380 is the required code to be used in filing information required in section 157.14(a)(6), section 157.208 and any other sections requiring environmental reports, note should be taken of code 502 which is the preferred alternative. 11. The general information in section 157.13(a) for exhibits may be included in the initial records for each exhibit, as required should be included in free-form text in FILE3. 12. Record Lengths. All records submitted on tape will be padded on the right with blanks to a length of 255 bytes. Diskette filings should not be padded with blanks. 13. Pipeline Facility/Segment Number is the sequential number (starting with 01) assigned to each pipeline segment (contiguous pipe of the same physical dimensions) or other type of facility (compressor station, M&R station, etc.), regardless of the number of projects, by the applicant in Exhibit F and is to coincide with all other exhibits, documents, reports and their related schedule/record. Exhibit K (Schedule/Records CA/09 and CA/10) project numbers and facility/segment numbers must use the following convention: Project Number 01; Facility/Segment Number 01, 02, 03, 04..., Project Number 02; Facility/Segment Number 05, 06..., Project Number 03; Facility/Segment Number 07, 08, 09..., and so on. 14. Mile Post. All mile posts must be identified, must be in ascending order and in numeric form (this field is a character field and will accept math symbols) in order to be used in mathematical operations. 15. Rate Schedule. Enter "Direct Sale" if for non-jurisdictional service. 16. Year Reported. This item need only be reported when Exhibits H and I are required. The first year reported (First Year Actual Volume) is the third year immediately preceding the commencement date of the proposed service. Indicate actual requirements for three (3) years immediately preceding the commencement date of the proposed service(s) and forecast requirements for three (3) years subsequent to the commencement date of the proposed services as required by the Commission's Regulations. The requirements forecast in Schedule/Records CA/05 and CA/07 should be extended for an additional four (4) years so it will coincide with the supply forecast in Schedule/Records CA/04 and CA/06. Report supply forecast volumes for seven (7) years beginning with the year that includes the commencement date of the proposed service. The supply records should also report three (3) years of 9 actual supply so as to coincide with the actual requirements reported in Schedule/Record CA/05. A standard reported year will be from November 1 through October 31. For example, the data for the year November 1, 1988 through October 31, 1989, should be reported as "1989." If the applicant utilizes a basis different from that of the standard reported year (for example; calendar year, October 1 through September 30, etc.), follow the same methodology for determining the reported year and identify in a footnote the basis that is being utilized. The annual, winter period, summer period, and winter peak day requirements should be reported based on design weather patterns. Define in a footnote design weather parameters such as source and term of base weather data, number of normal degree days, number of design period degree days, design day temperature, and any other parameters that might be helpful to assure a complete understanding of the reported information. 17. Winter Period Volume. The winter period is the period from November 1 through March 31. If a different timeframe is utilized, report in a footnote on the appropriate Schedule/Record(s). 18. Summer Period Volume. The summer period is the period from April 1 through October 31. If a different timeframe is utilized, report in a footnote on the appropriate Schedule/Record(s). 19. Source of Codes. (A) Pipeline Use the code for the pipeline as Company ID contained in of these instructions. These codes are derived from the Buyer Seller Code List, U.S. Department of Energy's Publication DOE/EIA-0176. If the applicant's code is not listed in , a code can be obtained by calling EIA at (202) 254-5435. 10 (B) State Code Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 6-3 (FIPS Pub 6-3): Counties and County Equivalents of the States of the United states and the District of Columbia. Copies of this publication may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161. (C) Production See Appendix D. Area 20. Corrections to Errors in Filing. If errors are discovered in the filing which do not constitute substantial new or additional data or material, the entire docketed filing together with the corrected information must be resubmitted on electronic media using the same file name as the first uncorrected submission, however, only the corrected information need be filed in hard copy. The transmittal letter submitted with the corrected filing should specifically state what errors were found and the corrections made. 21. Sequence Number is the sequential number assigned to a record as it is recorded on a schedule/record. The sequence number is incremented as additional records are added to a schedule and will be between 1 and 999,999 inclusive (Note: The sequence number should be right justified, zero filled.). 22. Records Required. Not all records will be required to be submitted in the structured data file with all applications. If a particular Schedule/Record ID is not required for a filing, do not include a blank or zero-filled Schedule/Record ID in FILE1. Some examples of required records for particular applications are: (A) All applications will require at least Records CA/01, CA/12, CA/13, and CA/14. (B) Applications that propose the construction, operation, or abandonment of any facilities will require Records CA/02, CA/09, and CA/10, in addition to those mentioned in (A). (C) Applications that also propose firm sales, transportation, or storage services will require Records CA/04, CA/05, CA/06, CA/07, and CA/08 (depending upon the proposed service) in addition to those mentioned in (A) and (B). 11 (D) Reports and annual reports that are submitted pursuant to sections 157.20, 157.207, 284.11 and 2.55 will require record CA15 in addition to those mentioned in (A). These examples are not meant to be exhaustive or all inclusive, only illustrative. 23. Schedule/Records CA/09 and CA/10 (Exhibit K). While it is not required that Exhibit K be filed as part of an application for abandonment under section 157.18 of the Commission's Regulations, it is the intention of the Commission to capture certain pertinent information, required in an abandonment application, on electronic media in a standardized structured format. Such information is identical in many respects to that required for new facilities which are reported in Exhibit K. Therefore, it is most efficient to utilize the same schedule/records with an identifier code to differentiate between new facilities and those to be abandoned. 24. Joint Applications. Each company in a joint application will file its own structured data (FILE1), accompanying footnotes (FILE2), and a composition file containing non-structured data (FILE3). Each company's Schedule/Record CA/01 must contain a footnote explaining, in detail, the joint nature of the application and must cross-reference the other joint applicants and their respective file names. 25. Amendments and Supplements to Original Docket Number. a. When an amendment or supplement is filed under the original docket number, a complete refiling of structured data in FILE1 is required. This new FILE1 will combine all of the correct data and records from all previous filings made in the docket with any new or modified data pertinent to the instant amendment or supplement. By way of example: If CP91-XXXX-000 is filed on April 1, 1991 and a response to a staff data request is filed in CP91-XXXX-000 on April 15, 1991, then FILE1 of the data response must contain all correct data from the previous original FILE1 that are still valid in addition to the new data, if any, embodied in the data response. The same procedure holds true if an amendment is filed. b. Any new or modified records or data elements in FILE1 must be annotated using the FOOTNOTE ID in FILE1 and FILE2, the footnote file, and indicate that these particular records are being modified or added in the 12 instant filing. FILE3 will continue to be filed as in the past, that is, it will contain only new information related to the particular amendment or supplement being filed. c. If the supplemental response or the amendment being filed does not contain any new or modified data in FILE1, then the only information that must be filed in FILE1 is a CA01 record with the first eight fields filled in. These are SCHEDULE ID, RECORD ID, SEQUENCE NUMBER, COMPANY ID, COMPANY NAME, DATE FILED, FILING TYPE, and DOCKET NUMBER. All other data elements on the CA01 record MUST BE LEFT BLANK. d. If an amendment is not to replace a previous original filing or amendment (eg. the original filing or amendment was filed prior to the advent of the requirement that certificate applications be submitted on electronic media (November 1, 1989) or the amendment is an alternative to the previous application or amendment, etc), it must be so stated in the beginning or introduction of the pleading of the amendment to be filed. 13 ----------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULES ----------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################# # # # # # THE NATURAL GAS PIPELINE CERTIFICATE FILINGS # # SCHEDULE CA # # # ############################################################# DEFINITIONS OF ITEMS AND FILE LAYOUT FOR THE NATURAL GAS PIPELINE CERTIFICATE FILINGS SCHEDULE CA This schedule will consist of fifteen record formats: (1) General Information Record (2) Certificate Application - Customer/Shipper and Services - (Sales, Transportation, Storage, Exchange, or Abandonment) (3) Deleted (4) Deleted (5) Certificate Application - Total Gas Requirements - (Exhibit I - Market Data, Part 1) (6) Certificate Application - Customer Market Data - (Exhibit I - Market Data, Part 2) - Gas Supply (7) Certificate Application - Customer Market Data - (Exhibit I - Market Data, Part 2) - Requirements (8) Certificate Application - Customer Market Data - (Exhibit I - Market Data, Part 3) - Number of Customers (9) Certificate Application - Construction & Operation or Abandonment - (Exhibit K, Physical and Location Factors) (10) Certificate Application - Construction & Operation or 14 Abandonment - (Exhibit K, Cost Factors) (11) Footnotes Record (12) Standardized Format Header Record (13) Non-Standard Format Header Record (14) Non-Standard Format Trailer Record (15) Pipeline Construction & Replacement Notification and Annual Report 15 *********************************************************************** * * * (1) General Information * * * *********************************************************************** Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = CA Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 01 Sequence Number 5-10 numeric right justified, zero filled, see general instruction 21 1 Company ID 11-16 character company code from buyer/seller code list, see ; 2 Company Name 17-61 character name of filing company, see general instruction 24 3 Date Filed 62-67 character year, month, and day the application is filed (yymmdd) 4 Filing Type 68 character code = 1, initial filing; code = 2, amendment; code = 3, supplement/data response. See NOTE 1B and 1C code = 4, Report/Compliance Filing; code = 5, Annual Report 5 Docket Number 69-83 character enter docket number assigned if known; left justified (for example; CP**-****-***) 6 Type of Case (A) 84-85 character see note 1 7 Type of Case (B) 86-87 character see note 1 8 Type of Case (C) 88-89 character see note 1 9 Type of Case (D) 90-91 character see note 1 16 10 Project Name 92-131 character enter project name assigned by respondent 10a Total Miles 132-138 numeric amount (miles); format (7,2) 10b Total Horsepower 139-144 numeric amount (Hp) 10c Total Cost of 145-156 numeric amount ($) New Facilities 10d Net Present Cost 157-168 numeric amount ($) of Abandoned Facilities 10e Maximum Daily 169-180 numeric amount (Mmbtu/Mcf/Dth) Volume/Capacity attributed to proposed facilities; SEE NOTE 1A 11 Units of Volume 181 character code = 1, Mmbtu; or Capacity code = 2, Mcf; code = 3, Dth 12 Heat Content 182-185 numeric BTU's per cubic foot when volumes are reported in Mcf; use same value as reported in Form No.2 13 Section 7b or 7c 186 character code =1, yes; Facilities code =2, none required 14 First Reported 187-190 numeric see general instruction 16 Year 15 Data Sensitivity 191 character code = 1, filing does not contain privileged data; code = 2, filing contains privileged data - file being read has privileged informa- tion excluded; code = 3, filing contains privileged data - file being read contains privileged information Footnote ID 192-195 character see general instruction 5 Filler (Tape 196-255 character blank filled Only) 17 NOTE 1: Type of Case Codes: Provision is made for reporting up to four case code types in items 6, 7, 8, and 9. Enter case code(s) in the order of importance to best describe the application. A code must be entered in item 6. Items 7, 8, and 9 may be left blank if not required, eg., if code 11 is used, it is not necessary to also use code 04. Code Type of Case 01 Construction & Operation - Offshore (7c) 02 Construction & Operation - Onshore (7c) 03 Sale (7c) 04 Transportation (7c) 05 Storage 06 Abandonment 07 Exchange 08 SNG Proposal 09 Order No. 234 Application 10 Order No. 436/500 Application 11 Order No. 234 Prior Notice 12 Order No. 436/500 Prior Notice 13 Order No. 436/500 Optional Certificate 14 Import 15 Export 16 LNG Proposal 17 Initiation of Service 18 Extension of Service 19 Acquisition 20 Declaratory Order 21 Complaint 22 Gathering Service 23 Reclassification of Facilities 24 Construction Report - (157.20(c)) 25 Acquisition Report - (157.20(d)) 26 Annual Report - (157.207) 27 Abandonment Report - (157.21(d)) 28 Abandonment Report - (157.216(c)) 29 Compliance Filing 30 Order 544 Annual Report - (284.11(d)(2)) 31 Order 544 Advance Notification - (284.11(b)) 32 Order 544 Annual Report - (2.55(b)(4)(ii)) 33 Order 544 Advance Notification - (2.55(b)(1)(iii)) NOTE 1A: For applications which contain new facilities and proposed abandonments, item 10e should indicate a net amount of capacity. Indicate in a footnote what the gross amounts of capacity are for the new facilities and the abandoned capacity. 18 NOTE 1B: If a supplement and/or data response is filed in a docket that has been consolidated with other non-certificate dockets, make sure that such supplement or data response is named using a CP docket number and that FILE1 uses a CP naming convention. NOTE 1C: For supplemental filings in which no new structured data is being filed in records CA02, CA05, CA06, CA07, CA08, CA09, CA10 and CA15; code = 3 for item 4, Type of Filing. (See instruction 25-c on page 13. 19 *********************************************************************** * * * (2) Certificate Application - Customer/Shipper and Services - * * (Sales, Transportation, Storage, Exchange, Abandonment) * * * *********************************************************************** NOTE: Enter a separate record for each combination of customer/shipper, character of service, and receipt and delivery points. Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = CA Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 02 Sequence Number 5-10 numeric right justified, zero filled, see general instruction 21 16 Type of 11 character code = 1, LDC Customer/Shipper code = 2, end-user code = 3, interstate pipeline code = 4, intrastate pipeline code = 5, producer code = 6, marketer code = 7, broker code = 8, affiliated entity 17 Type of Service 12 character code = 1, sales code = 2, transportation code = 3, storage service code = 4, exchange code = 5, abandonment, see note 2 18 Character of 13 character code = 1, firm Service code = 2, interruptible code = 3, seasonal 19 Peak Day Volume/ 14-25 numeric amount, (Mmbtu/Mcf/Dth) Deliverability 20 Average Day 26-37 numeric amount, (Mmbtu/Mcf/Dth); Volume report for Part 284, subpart G only 20 21 Annual Volume/ 38-49 numeric amount, (Mmbtu/Mcf/Dth); Maximum Capacity best estimate not to exceed peak day volume x 365 days 22 Term of Service 50-52 numeric months 23 Evergreen Clause 53 character code = 1, yes code = 2, no 24 Commencement Date 54-59 character (yymmdd); proposed date for service to commence or abandonment to be effective 25 Receipt Point 60-89 character see note 3, general instruction 8 26 Delivery Point 90-119 character see note 3, general instruction 8 27 Identity of 120-159 character Customer/Shipper 27a Project Number 160-161 character identity of facility project associated with this customer/ shipper's service, use same number as in item [109]; if no facilities are indicated, leave blank. 28 Rate Schedule 162-176 character identity of rate schedule Footnote ID 177-180 character see general instruction 5 Filler (Tape 181-255 character blank filled Only) NOTE 2: If abandonment, enter items 19, 20, and 21, and identify facilities to be abandoned in Record CA/09. NOTE 3: Report name and location of receipt and delivery point(s) only when the construction and operation or abandonment of any facilities are indicated. For example: Ridgely Ave, Cumberland, MD; or Whistledown Creek, AZ. 21 *********************************************************************** * * * (5) Certificate Application - Total Gas Requirements - * * (Exhibit I - Market Data, Part 1) * * * *********************************************************************** Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = CA Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 05 Sequence Number 5-10 numeric right justified, zero filled, see general instruction 21 53 Volume Reported 11 character code = 1, total annual; Code code = 2, winter period; see general instruction 17 code = 3, summer period; see general instruction 18 code = 4, winter peak day; see general instruction 16 54 Requirements 12-13 character code = 01, wholesale - firm; Code code = 02, wholesale - interruptible; code = 03, direct sale - firm; code = 04, direct sale - interruptible; code = 05, transportation; code = 06, storage service; code = 07, storage injections; code = 08, other, (specify in item 66); code = 09, company use and unaccounted for; code = 10, total existing requirements; code = 11, new requirements (specify in item 55); code = 12, total new & existing requirements 22 55 Customer Name 14-53 character name of each customer for which new service requirement is proposed in item 54, code = 11; 56 First Year 54-60 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth); see Actual Volume general instruction 16 57 Second Year 61-67 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Actual Volume 58 Third Year 68-74 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Actual Volume 59 Fourth Year 75-81 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 60 Fifth Year 82-88 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 61 Sixth Year 89-95 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 62 Seventh Year 96-102 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 63 Eighth Year 103-109 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 64 Ninth Year 110-116 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 65 Tenth Year 117-123 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 66 Other 124-163 character identify other gas requirement Requirement (item 54, code = 8) Footnote ID 164-167 character see general instruction 5 Filler (Tape 168-255 character blank filled Only) 23 *********************************************************************** * * * (6) Certificate Application - Customer Market Data - * * (Exhibit I - Market Data, Part 2) - Gas Supply * * * *********************************************************************** Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = CA Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 06 Sequence Number 5-10 numeric right justified, zero filled, see general instruction 21 67 Volume Reported 11 character code = 1, total annual; Code code = 2, winter period; see general instruction 17 code = 3, summer period; see general instruction 18 code = 4, winter peak day; see general instruction 16 68 Source of Supply 12-13 character code = 01, pipeline rate Code schedule (specify in item 80); code = 02, storage by source & rate schedule (specify in item 80); code = 03, LNG (specify in item 80); code = 04, LP-air code = 05, SNG code = 06, imports (specify in item 80); code = 07, company owned production code = 08, spot market (specify in item 80); code = 09, other, (specify in item 80); code = 10, total existing supply 24 code = 11, proposed new supply, pipeline rate schedule (specify in item 80); code = 12, proposed new supply, storage rate schedule (specify in item 80) code = 13, proposed new supply, other, (specify in item 80); code = 14, total proposed supply; code = 15, total supply, all sources 69 Customer Name 14-53 character name of LDC, end-user, etc. 70 First Year 54-60 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth); see Actual Volume general instruction 16 71 Second Year 61-67 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Actual Volume 72 Third Year 68-74 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Actual Volume 73 Fourth Year 75-81 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 74 Fifth Year 82-88 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 75 Sixth Year 89-95 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 76 Seventh Year 96-102 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 77 Eighth Year 103-109 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 78 Ninth Year 110-116 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 79 Tenth Year 117-123 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 25 80 Identity of 124-163 character pipeline and rate schedule, Supplier producer, marketer, broker, etc. Footnote ID 164-167 character see general instruction 5 Filler (Tape 168-255 character blank filled Only) 26 *********************************************************************** * * * (7) Certificate Application - Customer Market Data - * * (Exhibit I - Market Data, Part 2) - Requirements * * * *********************************************************************** Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = CA Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 07 Sequence Number 5-10 numeric right justified, zero filled, see general instruction 21 81 Volume Reported 11 character code = 1, total annual; Code code = 2, winter period; see general instruction 17 code = 3, summer period; see general instruction 18 code = 4, winter peak day; see general instruction 16 82 Requirements 12-13 character code = 01, residential Code heating; code = 02, residential non- heating; code = 03, commercial firm; code = 04, commercial interruptible; code = 05, industrial firm; code = 06, industrial interruptible; code = 07, electric generation; code = 08, co-generation; code = 09, company-UUAF; code = 10, other, (specify in item 94); code = 11, total requirements 83 Customer Name 14-53 character name of LDC, end-user, etc. 84 First Year 54-60 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth); see Actual Volume general instruction 16 27 85 Second Year 61-67 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Actual Volume 86 Third Year 68-74 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Actual Volume 87 Fourth Year 75-81 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 88 Fifth Year 82-88 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 89 Sixth Year 89-95 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 90 Seventh Year 96-102 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 91 Eighth Year 103-109 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 92 Ninth Year 110-116 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 93 Tenth Year 117-123 numeric amount, (MMcf/Mdth) Forecast Volume 94 Other 124-163 character identify other gas requirement Requirement (item 82, code = 10); Footnote ID 164-167 character see general instruction 5 Filler (Tape 168-255 character blank filled Only) 28 *********************************************************************** * * * (8) Certificate Application - Customer Market Data - * * (Exhibit I - Market Data, Part 3) - Number of Customers * * * *********************************************************************** Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = CA Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 08 Sequence Number 5-10 numeric right justified, zero filled, see general instruction 21 95 Period Reported 11 character code = 1, total annual; Code code = 2, winter period; see general instruction 17 code = 3, summer period; see general instruction 18 code = 4, winter peak day; see general instruction 16 96 Customer Class 12-13 character code = 01, residential heating; code = 02, residential non- heating; code = 03, commercial firm; code = 04, commercial interruptible; code = 05, industrial firm; code = 06, industrial interruptible; code = 07, electric generation; code = 08, co-generation; code = 09, company-UUAF; code = 10, other, (specify in item 108); code = 11, total customers 97 Customer Name 14-53 character name of LDC, end-user, etc. 98 First Year 54-60 numeric integer number Actual Customers 29 99 Second Year 61-67 numeric integer number Actual Customers 100 Third Year 68-74 numeric integer number Actual Customers 101 Fourth Year 75-81 numeric integer number Customer Forecast 102 Fifth Year 82-88 numeric integer number Customer Forecast 103 Sixth Year 89-95 numeric integer number Customer Forecast 104 Seventh Year 96-102 numeric integer number Customer Forecast 105 Eighth Year 103-109 numeric integer number Customer Forecast 106 Ninth Year 110-116 numeric integer number Customer Forecast 107 Tenth Year 117-123 numeric integer number Customer Forecast 108 Other Customer 124-163 character identify other customer Class class (item 96, code = 10); Footnote ID 164-167 character see general instruction 5 Filler (Tape 168-255 character blank filled Only) 30 *********************************************************************** * * * (9) Certificate Application - Construction & Operation or * * Abandonment - (Exhibit K, Physical and Location Factors) * * * *********************************************************************** For every CA10 record there must be at least one corresponding CA09 record with the identical Project Number, Facility/Segment Number and Information Reported Code. However, it is possible to have multiple CA09 records for each CA10 record. Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = CA Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 09 Sequence Number 5-10 numeric right justified, zero filled, see general instruction 21 109 Project Number 11-12 numeric see general instruction 13; complete for information reported codes 1 and 2; See NOTE 9; 110 Facility/Segment 13-14 numeric see general instruction 13; Number complete for information reported code 1; See NOTE 9; 111 Information 15 character code = 1, segment/facility Reported Code entry code = 2, project total code = 3, total for all projects; See NOTE 9 112 Proposed Status 16 character code = 1, new of Facility code = 2, abandonment, see general instruction 23; code = 3, commencement of construction; code = 4, progress report; code = 5, facilities completed & placed in service; 31 113 Type of Facility 17-18 character code = 01, Pipeline Segment; code = 02, River Crossing; code = 03, Compressor (new); code = 04, Compressor (addition); code = 05, M&R Station (new); code = 06, M&R Station (upgrade); code = 07, Dehydration equip.; code = 08, Separation equip.; code = 09, Heater; code = 10, Other (specify in item 114); see NOTES 5, 6, and 9; code = 11, storage field; code = 12, Compressor (upgrade) 114 Other Type of 19-48 character specify type of facility when Facility "10" is entered for item 113 115 Type of Segment 49 character code = 1, mainline code = 2, lateral code = 3, replacement facility code = 4, system supply/ capacity code = 5, relocation 116 Mile Post, Begin 50-61 character see general instruction 14 117 Mile Post, End 62-73 character see general instruction 14 118 Length of Segment 74-80 numeric amount, (miles); format (7,2) 119 Valve Assemblies 81-82 numeric number of assemblies in segment 120 Outside Diameter 83-84 numeric amount, (inches); 121 Wall Thickness 85-89 numeric amount, (inches); format (5,3) 122 MAOP 90-93 numeric amount, (psig); maximum allowable operating pressure of segment or compressor 123 Compressor 94-123 character applicant's identifier or name for compressor facility 124 Horsepower 124-129 numeric total amount of compressor horsepower proposed in item 123; see note 6 32 125 County Location 130-159 character County, Parish, Block; see Note 7 126 State Location 160-161 character enter state FIPS code; see Appendix E and NOTE 7 127 Customer Provided 162-201 character specify customer for which For facility in items 113 or 114 is provided 128 Cost 202-213 numeric amount ($); enter the total cost of the segment/facility, project or total cost for all projects; provide details in Record CA10; see Note 8 128a Commencement or 214-219 character (yymmdd); Use this field when Inservice Date reporting for item 112 code = 3 or 5. 128b Status of 220-222 numeric percent in whole numbers. Use Construction when reporting for item 112 code = 4. Footnote ID 223-226 character see general instruction 5 Filler (Tape Only) 227-255 character blank filled NOTE 5: Report the information for the selected item numbers below in this record to identify locational and physical factors for all types of facilities as follows: For a code = 1, pipeline segment, report item nos. 115 through 122, 125, and 126; for a code = 3, compressor, report item Nos. 115 (if necessary), 116, 122 through 126; for a code = 4, M&R Station (new), report item Nos. 116, 125, 126, and 127. NOTE 6: Enter total proposed horsepower at one location in item 124: if more than one compressor unit is proposed at this location, indicate in a footnote the number of units and the horsepower of each. Also, indicate in code = 10 and item 114 with a footnote, what other work is proposed at an existing station such as turbine blade upgrade, repowering, impeller changeouts, etc. NOTE 7: If the segment traverses more than one county or jurisdiction, indicate only that jurisdiction which includes majority of segment. If the segment traverses more than one state, enter into item 126, the first state traversed and indicate the remainder of the states traversed in a footnote. 33 NOTE 8: If applicant is reporting a cost for a facility or segment to be abandoned, only the net present cost of the facility should be captured on this structured data record in item 128. No Schedule/Record CA10 is necessary if CA09 is coded as an abandonment. NOTE 9: If item 111 code = 2, then item 110 must be zero-filled. If item 111 code = 3, then items 109 and 110 must be zero-filled. If item 111 code = 2 or 3 leave item 113 blank. 34 *********************************************************************** * * * (10) Certificate Application - Construction & Operation or * * Abandonment - (Exhibit K, Cost Factors & Total Costs) * * * *********************************************************************** For every CA10 record, there must be at least one corresponding CA09 record with identical Project Number, Facility/Segment Number and Information Reported Code. However, it is possible to have multiple records for each related CA10 record. Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = CA Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 10 Sequence Number 5-10 numeric right justified, zero filled, see general instruction 21 129 Project Number 11-12 numeric see general instruction 13; same as item 109; See NOTE 10 130 Facility/Segment 13-14 numeric see general instruction 13; Number same as item 110; See NOTE 10 131 Information 15 character code = 1, segment/facility Reported Code cost code = 2, project cost code = 3, total costs of all projects; See NOTE 10 132 Right of Way 16-25 numeric amount ($) 133 Damages 26-35 numeric amount ($) 134 Surveys 36-45 numeric amount ($) 135 Materials 46-55 numeric amount ($) 136 Labor 56-65 numeric amount ($) 137 Engineering & 66-75 numeric amount ($) Inspection 138 Line Pack 76-85 numeric amount ($) 139 Taxes 86-95 numeric amount ($) 35 140 Freight 96-105 numeric amount ($) 141 Pipe Coating 106-115 numeric amount ($) 142 Cathodic 116-125 numeric amount ($) Protection 143 Telecommunication 126-135 numeric amount ($) Equipment 144 Overheads 136-145 numeric amount ($) 145 AFUDC 146-155 numeric amount ($) 146 Contingencies 156-165 numeric amount ($) 147 Legal Fees 166-175 numeric amount ($) 148 Other Services 176-185 numeric amount ($); specify in and Costs Footnote 149 Regulatory Fees 186-195 numeric amount ($) Footnote ID 196-199 character see general instruction 5 Filler (Tape 200-255 character blank filled Only) NOTE 10: If item 131 code = 2, then item 130 must be zero-filled. If item 131 code = 3, then items 129 and 130 must be zero- filled. 36 *********************************************************************** * * * (11) Footnotes * * * *********************************************************************** FOOTNOTE HEADER RECORD: Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = CA Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 11 Sequence Number 5-10 numeric right justified, zero filled, see general instruction 21 Footnote ID 11-14 character see general instruction 5 Filler (Tape 15-168 character blank filled Only) FOOTNOTE TEXT LINES: Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text 1-165 character see note 11 Filler (Tape 166-168 character blank filled Only) NOTE 11: A total of 165 character positions are provided for entering footnote text. If the respondent chooses to enter information in less than the 165 allowed character positions, the information should be left justified and the remainder of the record (line) should be blank filled through character position 168 when reporting on magnetic tape. 37 ********************************************************************** * * * (12) Standardized Format Header Record * * * ********************************************************************** Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = CA Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 12 150 Regulation 5-7 character see Appendix C for list Section Code of codes Filler (Tape 8-168 character blank filled Only) 38 ********************************************************************** * * * (13) Non-Standard Format Header Record * * * ********************************************************************** Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = CA Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 13 151 Regulation 5-7 character see Appendix C for list Section Code of codes 152 Orientation 8 character code = P, portrait; code = L, landscape; see general instruction 1(C). 153 Pitch 9-10 character enter cpi for exhibit; see general instruction 1(C). Filler (Tape 11-168 character blank filled Only) TEXT LINES: Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text 1-165 character see note 12 Filler (Tape 166-168 character blank filled Only) NOTE 12: A total of 165 character positions are provided for entering free-form text. If the respondent chooses to enter information in less than the 165 allowed character positions, the information should be left justified and the remainder of the record (line) should be blank filled through character position 168 when reporting on magnetic tape. 39 ********************************************************************** * * * (14) Non-Standard Format Trailer Record * * * ********************************************************************** Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = CA Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 14 Filler (Tape 5-168 character blank filled Only) 40 *********************************************************************** * * * (15) Pipeline Construction and Replacement - Notification, * * Annual Report * * * *********************************************************************** Item Character No. Item Position Data Type Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule ID 1-2 character Sch = CA Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 15 Sequence Number 5-10 numeric right justified, zero filled, see general instruction 21 154a Record Type 11 character code = 1, detail record; code = 2, total record 154b Facility Type 12 character code = 1, pipeline; code = 2, meter; code = 3, tap; code = 4, compressor station; code = 5, other facility; see NOTE 11 154c Activity 13 character code = 1, construction; code = 2, acquisition; code = 3, abandonment 154d Status & 14 character code = 1, 157.208(e); Annual Reports code = 2, 157.211(c); Filling Code code = 3, 157.215(b)(1); code = 4, 157.216(d); code = 5, 2.55; code = 6, 157.20 155 Project Name 15-32 character enter project name assigned by respondent 156 284.11 33 character code = 1, interstate; Construction code = 2, intrastate Code 157 In Service Date 34-39 character year, month and day (yymmdd) 158 Total Miles 40-46 numeric amount (miles); format (7,2) 41 159 Type of Pipe 47 character code = 1, transmission; code = 2, lateral; code = 3, offshore 160a Outer Pipe 48-49 numeric size (inches) see NOTE 12 Diameter 1 160b Outer Pipe 50-51 numeric size (inches) see NOTE 12 Diameter 2 160c Outer Pipe 52-53 numeric size (inches) see NOTE 12 Diameter 3 160d Outer Pipe 54-55 numeric size (inches) see NOTE 12 Diameter 4 160e Outer Pipe 56-57 numeric size (inches) see NOTE 12 Diameter 5 160f Outer Pipe 58-59 numeric size (inches) see NOTE 12 Diameter 6 161 Number of 60-62 numeric total number; Facilities if item 154b = 2, enter the Reported number of meter stations; if item 154b = 3, enter the number of taps; if item 154b = 4, enter the number of compressor stations; if item 154b = 5, enter the number of other facilities 163 Compressor Name 63-87 character enter compressor name assigned by respondent 164 Compressor Type 88 character code = 1, transmission; code = 2, field; code = 3, storage; code = 4, offshore 165 Compressor 89 character code = 1, new; Station code = 2, addition; code = 3, upgrade; code = 4, replacement 166 Compressor 90 character code = 1, reciprocating; Engine Type code = 2, turbine; code = 3, electric motor Filler 91-92 character Blank filled 168 Horsepower 93-96 numeric amount (Hp/Unit) see NOTE 13 42 169 Total Horsepower 97-101 numeric amount (Hp) 170 County 102-131 character County, Parish, Block see NOTE 14 171a State1 132-133 character enter state FIPS code; see Appendix E and NOTE 14 171b State2 134-135 character enter state FIPS code; see Appendix E and NOTE 14 171c State3 136-137 character enter state FIPS code; see Appendix E and NOTE 14 171d State4 138-139 character enter state FIPS code; see Appendix E and NOTE 14 171e State5 140-141 character enter state FIPS code; see Appendix E and NOTE 14 171f State6 142-143 character enter state FIPS code; see Appendix E and NOTE 14 172 Materials Cost 144-151 numeric amount ($); see NOTE 15 173 Eng/Inspect/ 152-159 numeric amount ($); see NOTE 15; Super/Survey Cost for 157.20 only 174 Labor Cost 160-167 numeric amount ($); see NOTE 15 175 Right-of-way & 168-175 numeric amount ($); see NOTE 15; Damages Cost for 157.20 only 176 Interest during 176-183 numeric amount ($); see NOTE 15; Construction for 157.20 only 177 Overhead Cost 184-191 numeric amount ($); see NOTE 15; for 157.20 only 178 Other Miscel- 192-199 numeric amount ($); see NOTE 15 laneous Cost for 157.20 only 179 Total Miscel- 200-207 numeric amount ($); see NOTE 15. laneous Cost For 157.20, where CA01 TYPE of CASE code is 24 or 25, item 179 = items 176 + 177 + 178. For 157.207, where CA01 TYPE 43 of CASE code is 26, or for 2.55, where CA01 TYPE of CASE code is 32 or 33, see NOTE 16. 180 Total Cost 208-217 numeric amount ($); of each new For 157.20, where CA01 TYPE Facility of CASE code is 24 or 25, item 180 = 172 + 173 + 174 + 175 + 179. Item 175 is included for pipeline facility only. For 157.207, where CA01 TYPE of CASE code is 26; or for 2.55, where TYPE of CASE code is 32 or 33: item 180 = items 172 + 174 + 179. 181 Total Cost of 218-227 numeric amount ($) Project 182 Maximum Daily 228-233 numeric amount (MMbtu/Mcf/Dth) Volume/Capacity volume or capacity of the facilities 183 Clearance Date 234-239 character year, month and day (yymmdd) for Endangered see NOTE 17 Species 184 Clearance Date 240-245 character year, month and day (yymmdd) for Cultural see NOTE 17 Resource 185 Clearance Date 246-251 character year, month and day (yymmdd) for Coastal Zone see NOTE 17 Resource Footnote ID 252-255 character see general instruction 5 44 Note 11: The following codes should be used in Items 154a, 154b, and 154c when providing detail project information on facilities associated with construction, acquisition, or abandonment: Type of Activity Item # Item # Item # Facility Reported 154a 154b 154c pipeline construction 1 1 1 meter construction 1 2 1 tap construction 1 3 1 compressor station construction 1 4 1 other facility construction 1 5 1 pipeline acquisition 1 1 2 meter acquisition 1 2 2 tap acquisition 1 3 2 comprressor station acquisition 1 4 2 other facility acquisition 1 5 2 pipeline abandonment 1 1 3 meter abandonment 1 2 3 tap abandonment 1 3 3 compressor station abandonment 1 4 3 other facility abandonment 1 5 3 The following codes should be used in Items 154a, 154b, and 154c when providing total project information on all facilities associated with construction, acquisition, or abandonment: Type of Activity Item # Item # Item # Facility Reported 154a 154b 154c pipeline construction 2 1 meter construction 2 1 tap construction 2 1 compressor station construction 2 1 other facility construction 2 1 pipeline acquisition 2 2 meter acquisition 2 2 tap acquisition 2 2 compressor station acquisition 2 2 other facility acquisition 2 2 pipeline abandonment 2 3 meter abandonment 2 3 tap abandonment 2 3 compressor station abandonment 2 3 other facility abandonment 2 3 If Item 154a = 1, Item 154b Facility Type: 45 For code = 1, detail pipeline record data for items 155, 157-159, 160a, 160b-f(if applicable), 170, 171a, 171b-f(if applicable), 172- 180 should be entered. For code = 2, detail meters record data for items 155, 157, 161, 170, 171a, 171b-f(if applicable), 172-180 should be entered. For code = 3, detail taps record data for items 155, 157, 161, 170, 171a, 171b-f(if applicable), 172-180 should be entered. For code = 4, detail compressor stations record data for items 155, 157, 161-166, 168(if applicable), 169-171a, 171b-f(if applicable), 172-180 should be entered. For code = 5, detail other facilities record data for items 155, 157, 161, 170, 171a, 171b-f(if applicable), 172-180 should be entered. Item 154a = 2, total record should be the summation of all facilities for the project. If item 154a = 5, for facility other than pipeline, meter, tap or compressor station, identify "Other" in footnote. NOTE 12: Items 160a through 160f: For multiple diameters list the corresponding mileage for each diameter in the footnote. NOTE 13: For item 168, if each compression unit has different horsepower, leave item 168 blank. Indicate the number of units for each horsepower in the footnote. NOTE 14: Items 170 and 171a are required for compressors and pipeline. If the pipeline segment traverses more than one county or state indicate that county and state which includes the majority of the segment in item 170 and item 171a. Indicate the other states in items 171b through 171f. If more than 6 states indicate in footnote. NOTE 15: For items 172 through 180, if cost overruns, provide explanation in the footnote. For filing under 157.20: For reporting pipeline construction, item 178 Other Miscellaneous Cost consists of Contingenies, Franchises, Consents and other costs. For reporting compressor station, item 178 Other Miscellaneous Cost consists of Land, Right-of way, Damages, Contingencies and other costs. NOTE 16: For filing under 157.207 or 2.55: For reporting pipeline construction, item 179 Total Miscellaneous Cost consists of Engineering, Inspection, Supervision, Survey, Right-of-way, Damages, Interest, Overhead, Contingencies, Franchises, Consents and other costs. For reporting compressor station, item 179 Total Miscellaneous Cost consists of Engineering, Inspection, Supervision, Survey, Land, 46 Right-of-way, Damages, Interest, Overhead, Contingencies and other costs. Report Abandonment Cost under Items 179 and 180. Footnote if necessary. NOTE 17: Items 183, 184 and 185 are required for Annual Report under 157.207 and 284.11 only. See 157.206(d)(3)(i), (ii) and (iii) respectively. Item 185 is required for projects in the Coastal Zone only. 47 APPENDIX A MAGNETIC TAPE PROCEDURES Submission Procedures A magnetic tape(s) containing the required schedules will be filed with the FERC conforming in all respects with the physical specifications given below. 1. All data tapes should be 9-track open reel tapes or 18-track cartridges with American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) standard labels as specified in FIPS PUB 79, "Magnetic Tape Labels and File Structure for Information Interchange". The character code for representing all data should be the American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) as defined in FIPS PUB 1-2. Optionally, any respondent who has the capability may file in EBCDIC code using standard IBM tape labels. 2. Respondents are urged to minimize the number of tapes filed by recording multiple files on a tape volume. Note: The internal volume serial identifier must not have the letter "F" as the first character. 3. Recording density may be 1600 BPI (Bits per inch) or 6250 BPI [9-track tapes]; or 38000 BPI [18-track tapes]. 4. The letter of transmittal accompanying the tape(s) should include a completed Standard Form 277 (12-77) contained in the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS PUB 53) "Transmittal Form for Describing Computer Magnetic Tape File Properties." 5. File Structure a) The data for each Certificate Application Filing should be recorded in exactly three files, herein differentiated as FILE1, FILE2, and FILE3. FILE1 should contain only the structured data; FILE2, the footnotes for the structured data; and FILE3, the non-structured, free-form exhibits. 48 b) The data should be recorded in FILE1 exactly as specified in the record layout for each of the schedule/record(s) CA/01 through CA/10 included with these instructions. c) The data should be recorded in FILE2 exactly as specified in the record layout for schedule/record CA/11. d) The data should be recorded in FILE3, in a logical order using the three digit codes as specified in Appendix C of this document. Non-standard format report(s) must be preceded by a CA/13 header record and immediately followed by a CA/14 trailer record. Data which is formatted in the applicant's hard copy filing in the FERC standardized format should be so indicated with a CA/12 header record. The FERC report writer software will generate the applicant's hard copy certificate application filing (with the exception of those items specified on pp 1-2) from the information recorded in the three files: FILE1, FILE2, and FILE3. e) Record format for the files should be Fixed Block with a maximum block size of not less than 2048 bytes as specified in ANSI X3.27-1978, D4.5, Page 63, and not more than 19K. f) The file names should consist of an eight character filename and a three character extension. The file names must be constructed as follows: The first two characters of the filename must be "CP". The third through the eighth character of the filename must be "YYNNNN", where "YY" is the two digit fiscal year when the certificate application is filed, and "NNNN" is the sequential number of the certificate filing for the fiscal year. The first character of the filename extension will indicate if the filing is an initial or a supplemental filing. An "A" in this position will be used to indicate the original filing, "B", the first supplement, "C", the second supplement, etc. The second character of the filename extension will indicate the file; ie., "1" for FILE1, "2" for FILE2, or "3" for FILE3. The third character of the filename extension will be a "U" or "C", to indicate whether the data is non-privileged or privileged, respectively. This convention also applies to amendments which, for these file naming purposes, are considered to be an initial filing. Examples of file names are as follows: 49 FILE NAME DESCRIPTION OF DATA FILE CP890001.A1U Original, FILE1, 1st Filing for FY 89, Non-Privileged CP890004.A2U Original, FILE2, 4th Filing for FY 89, Non-Privileged CP890001.A3U Original, FILE3, 1st Filing for FY 89, Non-Privileged CP890001.B1C 1st Supplement, FILE1, 1st Filing for FY 89, Privileged CP890002.B2C 1st Supplement, FILE2, 2nd Filing for FY 89, Privileged CP900005.C3C 2nd Supplement, FILE3, 5th Filing for FY 90, Privileged Etc. g) A suggested file structure reference is provided below. CERTIFICATE FILING TAPE FILE STRUCTURE DATA SET BLOCKING BLOCK RECORD NAME LRECL FACTOR* SIZE FORMAT CPYYNNNN.A1U 255 23 5865 FB CPYYNNNN.A2U 168 35 5880 FB CPYYNNNN.A3U 168 35 5880 FB ETC. * Using a maximum blocksize of 6000 50 APPENDIX B DISKETTE FILING PROCEDURES Submission Procedures for Respondents Choosing to file on Diskette: A diskette(s) containing the information specified for each record ID of this Certificate Application Filing will be filed with the FERC conforming in all respects with the following requirements: 1. The character code for representing all data should be the American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) as defined in FIPS PUB 1-2. 2. The definitions, instructions, and schedule ID/record ID data layouts for this form specify explicitly the data items to be reported and the sequence for recording the information on the diskette(s). The data for the certificate application filing should be recorded in exactly three files, herein differentiated as FILE1, FILE2, and FILE3. FILE1 should contain only the structured data; FILE2, the footnotes for the structured data; and FILE3, the non-structured, free-form exhibits and information. a) The data should be recorded in FILE1 exactly as specified in the record layout for each of the schedule/record(s) CA/01 through CA/10 included with these instructions. b) The data should be recorded in FILE2 exactly as specified in the record layout for schedule/record CA/11. c) The data should be recorded in FILE3, in a logical order utilizing the three digit codes as specified in Appendix C of this document. Non-standard format report(s) must be preceded by a CA/13 header record and immediately followed by a CA/14 trailer record. Data which is formatted in the applicant's hard copy filing in the FERC standardized format should be so indicated with a CA/12 header record. The FERC report writer software will generate the applicant's hard copy certificate application filing (with the exception of those items specified on pp 1-2) from the information orded in the three files: FILE1, FILE2, and FILE3. 51 d) The file names should consist of an eight character filename and a three character extension. The file names must be constructed as follows: The first two characters of the filename must be "CP". The third through the eighth character of the filename must be "YYNNNN", where "YY" is the two digit fiscal year when the certificate application is filed, and "NNNN" is the sequential number of the certificate filing for the fiscal year. The first character of the filename extension will indicate if the filing is an initial or a supplemental filing. An "A" in this position will be used to indicate the original filing, "B", the first supplement, "C", the second supplement, etc. The second character of the filename extension will indicate the file; ie., "1" for FILE1, "2" for FILE2, or "3" for FILE3. The third character of the filename extension will be a "U" or "C", to indicate whether the data is non-privileged or privileged, respectively. This convention also applies to amendments which for these purposes are considered to be and initial filing. Examples of file names are as follows: FILE NAME DESCRIPTION OF DATA FILE CP890001.A1U Original, FILE1, 1st Filing for FY 89, Non- Privileged CP890004.A2U Original, FILE2, 4th Filing for FY 89, Non- Privileged CP890001.A3U Original, FILE3, 1st Filing for FY 89, Non- Privileged CP890001.B1C 1st Supplement, FILE1, 1st Filing for FY 89, Privileged CP890002.B2C 1st Supplement, FILE2, 2nd Filing for FY 89, Privileged CP900005.C3C 2nd Supplement, FILE3, 5th Filing for FY 90, Privileged 3. All required data should be recorded in the three files, FILE1, FILE2, and FILE3 on the diskette(s) exactly as specified in the data layout for each schedule/record and in accordance with the general instructions except that logical records are not required to be blank filled. 4. Each logical record should be terminated by CR (ASCII carriage return character - 13 decimal, 0D hexadecimal) and LF (ASCII line feed character - 10 decimal, 0A hexadecimal). 52 5. Do not omit any numeric item. See the General Instructions for detailed instructions for recording numeric data on the diskette(s). 6. NUMERIC items do not require leading zeros unless specifically noted in the description of the data item. 7. Negative NUMERIC items should be recorded with a "-" preceding the first non-zero digit unless otherwise indicated. 53 APPENDIX C CERTIFICATE APPLICATIONS - FILING REQUIREMENTS STRUCTURED DATA REGULATION CODE RECORD(S) SECTION EXHIBIT/INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED SUBPART A: 101 157.6 (b)(1) Applicant information (2) Facts relied upon (3) Description of existing operations CA01-CA02 (4) Description of proposal (5) Related requirements 102 (6) Table of contents 103 (7) Federal Register notice 104 157.6 (c) Request for shortened procedure 105 157.7 (a) Abbreviated applications 106 157.14(a)(1) Exhibit A 107 157.14(a)(2) Exhibit B 108 157.14(a)(3) Exhibit C 109 157.14(a)(4) Exhibit D 110 157.14(a)(5) Exhibit E 111 157.14(a)(6) Exhibit F 112 157.14(a)(6a)(i) Exhibit F-I 113 157.14(a)(6b) Exhibit F-II 114 157.14(a)(6c) Exhibit F-III 115 157.14(a)(6d) Exhibit F-IV 116 157.14(a)(8) Exhibit G-I 117 157.14(a)(9) Exhibit G-II 54 STRUCTURED DATA REGULATION CODE RECORD(S) SECTION EXHIBIT/INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED SUBPART A: (Cont'd) 144 157.14(a)(10)(i),(ii) Exhibit H 118 CA05 157.14(a)(11) Exhibit I 119 CA06-CA08 157.14(a)(11) Exhibit I (11)(i) (11)(ii) (11)(iii) (11)(iv) (11)(v) (11)(vi) (11)(vii) (11)(viii) (11)(ix) (11)(x) 120 157.14(a)(12) Exhibit J 121 CA/09-CA/10 157.14(a)(13) Exhibit K 122 157.14(a)(14) Exhibit L (14)(i) (14)(ii) (14)(iii) (14)(iv) (14)(v) (14)(vi) (14)(vii) (14)(viii) (14)(ix) (14)(x) (14)(xi) (14)(xii) 123 157.14(a)(15) Exhibit M (15)(i) (15)(ii) 124 157.14(a)(16)(i) Exhibit N (16)(ii) (16)(iii) 55 STRUCTURED DATA REGULATION CODE RECORD(S) SECTION EXHIBIT/INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED SUBPART A: (Cont'd) 125 157.14(a)(17) Exhibit O 126 157.14(a)(18)(i) Exhibit P (18)(ii) 127 157.14(b) Additional exhibits 128 157.14(c) Additional information 129 157.15 Applications covering acquisitions 130 157.16(a) Exhibit Q 131 157.16(b) Exhibit R (b)(1) (b)(2) (b)(3) 132 157.16(c)(1) Exhibit S (c)(2) (c)(3) (c)(4) (c)(5) (c)(6) (c)(7) (c)(8) 133 157.17 Applications for temporary certificates in case of emergency 134 157.18 Applications to abandon facilities or service: statement of reasons 135 157.18(a) Exhibit T 136 157.18(b) Exhibit U 137 157.18(c) Exhibit V 138 157.18(d) Exhibit W 139 157.18(e) Exhibit X 56 STRUCTURED DATA REGULATION CODE RECORD(S) SECTION EXHIBIT/INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED SUBPART A: (Cont'd) 140 157.18(f) Exhibit Y (f)(1) (f)(2) (f)(3) 141 157.18(g) Exhibit Z 142 CA15 157.20 Certificate Compliance Report 143 157.21 Abandonment Compliance Report SUBPART E: 201 157.102(b) Specific contents: applications under optional certificate procedures 202 157.102(c) Transportation for others: statement SUBPART F: 301 157.204(d) Blanket certificate applications 302 157.205(b)(1),(2), Contents of request for (4) & (6) authorization 303 157.205(b)(5) Federal Register notice 304 157.208(c)(1)-(c)(10) Contents of request for construction, acquisition, operation, and miscellaneous rearrangement of facilities 305 157.210(b)(1)-(b)(10) Sales for resale: contents of request 306 157.211(b) Sales taps: contents of request 307 157.212(b) Changes in delivery points: contents of request 308 157.213(c) Storage services: contents of request 57 STRUCTURED DATA REGULATION CODE RECORD(S) SECTION EXHIBIT/INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED SUBPART F: (Cont'd) 309 157.214(b)(1-3),(5) Increase in storage capacity: contents of request 310 157.216(c) Abandonment: contents of request 320 CA15 157.208(e)(1-3) Construction, Acquisition, Operation & Miscellaneous Rearrangement of facilities: contents of Annual Report 157.208(e)(1-9) CA15 157.211(c)(2-3) Sales Taps: Contents of Annual Report 157.211(c)(1) 157.213(c) Storage Service: Contents of Annual Report 157.214(c) Increase in Storage Capacity: Contents of Semi-annual Report CA15 157.215(b)(1)(ii), Storage project: Contents of (iii) Annual Report 157.215(b)(1)(i), (iv),(v),(vi) 157.215(b)(2) Storage Project: Contents of Quarterly Report CA15 157.216(d) Abandonment: Contents of Annual Report 157.216(d)(1-5) 157.217(b) Changes in Rate Schedule: Contents of Annual Report 157.218(b) Changes in Customer Name: Contents of Annual Report PART 2: 327 CA15 2.55(b)(1)(iii) Advance Notification: Environmental Compliance 328 CA15 2.55(b)(4)(ii) Annual Report: Environmental Compliance 58 STRUCTURED DATA REGULATION CODE RECORD(S) SECTION EXHIBIT/INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED SUBPART A: 399 CA15 284.11(b) Advance Notification: Environmental Compliance 400 CA15 284.11(d)(2) Annual Report: Environmental Compliance SUBPART G: 401 284.221(b) Blanket certificates authorizing certain transportation by interstate pipelines on behalf of others 403 284.224 Certain Transportation, Sales, and Assignments by Local Distribution Companies SUBPART H 600 284.244 Application Requirements for Interstate Pipelines 59 STRUCTURED DATA REGULATION CODE RECORD(S) SECTION EXHIBIT/INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT (Part 380, Appendix A): 501 380 (App. A) 1. Description of proposed action 2. Description of existing environment 3.1 Environmental impact of proposed action - construction 3.2 Environmental impact of proposed action - operation & maintenance 3.3 Environmental impact of proposed action - termination & abandonment 4. Measures to enhance the environment or to avoid or mitigate adverse environmental effects 5. Human resources impacted 6. Relationship between local short-term uses of man's environment and enhancement of long-term productivity 7. Irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources 8. Alternatives to the proposed action 9. Permits and compliance with other regulations and codes 10. Source of information 502 ALTERNATIVE METHOD AND PREFERRED FORMAT FOR FILING ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT TEXT - see APPENDIX G 60 APPENDIX D FERC GEOGRAPHIC AREA NAMES DESCRIPTION - This item identifies the major FERC areas and/or subdivisions which provide a more definitive location for the source of the gas purchased. Area 1 - "Appalachian and Illinois Basin" 10 Appalachian Basin - North Subarea New York Broome, Cayuga, Chenango, Madison, Monroe, Onondaga, Wayne, Orleans & Niagara Counties and all counties to the south and west. Pennsylvania Franklin, Huntingdon, Centre, Lycoming, Sullivan, Susquehanna counties and all counties west of this group. Northern Ohio Van Wert, Allen, Hancock, Wyandot, Crawford, Richland, Ashland, Wayne, Stark and Columbi- ana counties and all counties north of this group. Also include Offshore Lake Erie and Offshore Lake Ontario areas adjacent to New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio. 11 Appalachian Basin - South Subarea West Virginia Entire state Maryland Garrett, Allegany, Washington. Virginia Buchanan, Dickenson, Lee, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, Wise. South Ohio All counties south of the following: Van Wert, Allen, Hancock, Wyandot, Crawford, Richland, Ashland, Wayne, Stark, Columbiana. Kentucky Clinton, Mercer, Russell, Woodford, Casey, Scott, Boyle, Grant and Boone counties and all counties east of this group. 61 12 Illinois Basin Illinois Entire state Indiana Gibson county Kentucky All counties west of but not including Clinton, Russell, Casey, Boyle, Mercer, Woodford, Scott, Grant and Boone counties. Area 2 - "Other Southwest" 20 Mississippi Entire state of Mississippi plus four Alabama counties: Marion, Fayette, Lamar, Pickens. 21 Mississippi Federal domain. Offshore 22 Northern - All of Louisiana north of 31 degree parallel Louisiana including these counties: Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Caldwell, Catahoula, Claibourne, Desoto, East Carroll, Franklin, Grant, Jackson, Lasalle, Lincoln, Madison, Morehouse, Natchitoches, Quachita, *Pointe Coupee, Red River, Richland, Sabine, Tensas, Union, Webster, West Carroll, *West Feliciana, Winn. (*) Portions of these counties lie north of the 31st parallel. 23 Texas Railroad Anderson, Angelina, Bowie, Camp, Cass, Commission Franklin, Gregg, Harrison, Houston, Marion, District Morris, Nacogdoches, Panola, Red River, Number 6 Rusk, Sabine, San Augustine, Shelby, Smith, Titus, Upshur, Wood. 24 Southern Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Chicot, Columbia, Arkansas Hemstead, Lafayette, Little River, Miller, Nevada, Quachita, Union. 25 Texas Railroad Bosque, Collin, Dallas, Delta, Ellis, Falls, Commission Fannin, Freestone, Henderson, Hill, Hopkins, District Hunt, Johnson, Kaufman, Lamar, Leon, Number 5 Limestone, Mclennan, Navarro, Raines, Robertson, Rockwall, Tarrant, Van Zandt. 26 Texas Railroad Archer, Baylor, Clay, Cooke, Denton, Foard, Commission Grayson, Hardeman, Jack, Knox, Montague, District Wilbarger, Wichita, Wise, Young. Number 9 62 27 Other Oklahoma Adair, Atoka, Bryan, Carter, Cherokee, Choctaw, Cleveland, Coal, Commache, Cotton, Craig Creek, Delaware, Garvin, Greer, Harmon, Haskell, Hughes, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Kay, Kiowa, Lattimer, Leflore, Lincoln, Logan, Love, McClain, McCurtain, McIntosh, Marshall, Mayes, Murray, Muskogee, Noble, Nowata, Okfuskee, Oklahoma, Okmulgee, Osage, Ottawa, Pawnee, Payne, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Pushmataha, Rogers, Seminole, Sequoyah, Tillman, Tulsa, Wagoner, Washington. Also includes Stephens County not within township 2 north, ranges 4 and 5 west. 28 Northern Arkansas Clark, Cleveland, Dallas, Desha, Drew, Howard, Pike, Sevier. Also includes all other Arkansas counties north of this group. Area 3 - "Southern Louisiana" 30 Southern Louisiana Acadia, Allen, Ascension, Assumption, - Onshore *Avoyelles, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, *Concordia, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Evangeline, Iberia, Iberville, Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, Lafourche, Livingston, Orleans, Plaquemines, *Rapides, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. Helena, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Landry, St. Martin, St. Mary, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, Terrebonne, Vermillion, *Vernon, Washington, West Baton Rouge. (*) Portions of these counties lie south of the 31st parallel. 31 Southern Louisiana - Offshore Area 4 - "Texas Gulf Coast" 40 Texas Railroad Bee, Calhoun, Dewitt, Goliad, Jackson, Commission Karnes, Lavaca, Live Oak, Refugio, Victoria District Number 2 63 41 Texas Railroad Austin, Brazoria, Brazos, Burleson, Commission Chambers, Colorado, Fayette, Ft. Bend, District Galveston, Grimes, Hardin, Harris, Jasper, Number 3 Jefferson, Lee, Liberty, Madison, Matagorda, Montgomery, Newton, Orange, Polk, San Jacinto, Trinity, Tyler, Waller, Washington, Wharton 42 Texas Railroad Arkansas, Brooks, Cameron, Duval, Hidalgo, Commission Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, District Nueces, San Patricio, Starr, Webb, Willacy, Number 4 Zapata. 43 Texas - Offshore Federal domain 44 Texas Railroad Atascosa, Bastrop, Bexar, Caldwell, Dimmit, Commission Frio, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Kinney, La Salle, District McMullen, Maverick, Medina, Uvalde, Wilson, Number 1 Zavala. (South) Area 5 - "Permian Basin" 50 Texas Railroad Brown, Callahan, Coleman, Comanche, Coryell, Commission Eastland, Erath, Fisher, Hamilton, Haskell, District Hood, Jones, Lampasas, Mills, Nolan, Palo Number 7-b Pinto, Parker, San Saba, Shackelford, Somer- vell, Stephens, Stonewall, Taylor, Throck- morton. 51 Texas Railroad Coke, Concho, Crockett, Irion, Kimble, Commission McCulloch, Menard, Reagan, Runnels, Schlei- District cher, Sutton, Terrell, Tom Green, Upton. Number 7-c 52 Texas Railroad Andrews, Brewster, Crane, Culberson, Ector, Commission El Paso, Glasscock, Howard, Hudspeth, Jeff District Davis, Loving, Martin, Midland, Mitchell, Number 8 Pecos, Presidio, Reeves, Sterling, Ward, Winkler. 53 Texas Railroad Bailey, Borden, Cochran, Cottle, Crosby, Commission Dawson, Dickens, Floyd, Gaines, Garza, Hale, District Hockley, Kent, King, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Number 8-a Motley, Scurry, Terry, Yoakum. 54 Texas Railroad Bandera, Bell, Blanco, Burnet, Comal, Commission Edwards, Gillespie, Hays, Kendall, Kerr, District Llano, Mason, Milam, Real, Travis, Val Number 1 Verde, Williamson. (North) 64 55 New Mexico Chaves, Eddy, Lea, Roosevelt. Area 6 - "Hugoton" - "Anadarko" 60 Texas Railroad Armstrong, Briscoe, Carson, Castro, Chil- Commission dress, Collingsworth, Dallam, Deaf Smith, District Donley, Gray, Hall, Hansford, Hartley, Number 10 Hemphill, Hutchinson, Lipscomb, Moore, Ochiltree, Oldham, Parmer, Potter, Randall, Roberts, Sherman, Swisher, Wheeler. 61 Oklahoma Beaver, Cimarron, Ellis, Harper, Texas, Panhandle Woodward. 62 Oklahoma Alfalfa, Beckham, Blaine, Caddo, Canadian, Anadarko Carter, Custer, Dewey, Garfield, Grady, Grant, Kingfisher, Major, Roger Mills, Washita, Woods, and part of Stephens county laying within township 2 north, ranges 4 and 5 west. 63 Kansas Entire state. Area 7 - "Rocky Mountain" 70 Utah - Aneth Includes that part of San Juan county, Utah Field Area lying within township 39 through 43 south, ranges 18 through 26 east and township 38 south, Ranges 20 and 21 east. 71 San Juan Basin Area New Mexico McKinley, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, San Juan. Colorado Archuleta, Dolores, Hinsdale, La Plata, Mineral, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, San Juan, San Miguel. 72 Uintah - Green River Basin Area Wyoming Carbon, Lincoln, Sublette, Sweetwater, Uinta. Utah Carbon, Daggett, Duchesne, Emery, Grand, Summit, Uintah, Wasatch. Colorado Garfield, Mesa, Moffat, Rio Blanco, Routt. 65 73 Colorado - Julesberg Area Wyoming Albany, Goshen, Laramie, Platte. Nebraska Banner, Box Butte, Cheyenne, Dawes, Deuel, Garden, Kimball, Morrill, Scotts Bluff, Sheridan, Sioux. Colorado All counties east of but not including Routt, Garfield, Mesa, Montrose, Ouray, Hinsdale, Mineral, and Archuleta counties. 74 Montana - Wyoming Area Montana Big Horn, Carbon, Park, Powder River, Rosebud, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Treasure, Yellowstone. Wyoming Big Horn, Campbell, Converse, Crook, Freemont, Hot Springs, Johnson, Natrona, Niobrara, Park, Sheridan, Teton, Washakie, Weston, Yellowstone National Park. 75 Montana - Dakota Area North Dakota Entire state. South Dakota Butte, Harding, Perkins. Montana Carter, Cascade, Custer, Garfield, Glacier, Golden Valley, Meagher, Musselshell, Pondera, Teton, Wheatland, Also all counties north and east of this group. Area 8 - "Other Areas" 80 Other Areas Consists of the remainder of the continental U.S. not included in any of the other producing areas. 66 APPENDIX E STATE CODES Reference: Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 6-3 Alabama 01 Missouri 29 Alaska 02 Montana 30 Arizona 04 Nebraska 31 Arkansas 05 Nevada 32 California 06 New Hampshire 33 Colorado 08 New Jersey 34 Connecticut 09 New Mexico 35 Delaware 10 New York 36 District of Col. 11 North Carolina 37 Florida 12 North Dakota 38 Georgia 13 Ohio 39 Hawaii 15 Oklahoma 40 Idaho 16 Oregon 41 Illinois 17 Pennsylvania 42 Indiana l8 Rhode Island 44 Iowa 19 South Carolina 45 Kansas 20 South Dakota 46 Kentucky 21 Tennessee 47 Louisiana 22 Texas 48 Maine 23 Utah 49 Maryland 24 Vermont 50 Massachusetts 25 Virginia 51 Michigan 26 Washington 53 Minnesota 27 West Virginia 54 Mississippi 28 Wisconsin 55 Wyoming 56 67 APPENDIX G ALTERNATIVE METHOD AND FORMAT FOR FILING ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT (CODE 502) The following environmental report format is preferred by the Commission staff as an equivalent alternative to that format which is described in CODE 501 (and codified by Part 380). This alternative format identifies the environmental data required to process an application that includes the construction/operation and/or abandonment of any facilities, and to prepare a complete environmental document for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity or Abandonment. If the Applicant provides the detailed information, addresses the environmental issues, and develops specific mitigation measures in the requested alternative format, it will facilitate the staff's analysis and preparation of this document. The information is to be filed in two parts. Below are 12 reports (Part A) that describe specific environmental resource areas and specific topics which must be addressed. The descriptions of the resource reports have been prepared to cover a wide range of projects and facilities. The detail of each resource report should be commensurate with the complexity of the application and its potential for environmental impact. Applicants should check the description of each resource report for specific assistance on which reports or what information may be deleted depending on the type of facilities proposed. All topics specified in resource reports 2-12 must be addressed or their omission must be justified. If material required for one resource report is provided in another resource report it may be referenced. 68 In general, resource reports 2-12 should: a. Address existing conditions or resources which might be affected directly or indirectly by the proposed project.1/ b. Identify all expected significant short-term and long-term environmental effects expected to occur should the project be approved; c. Identify effects of construction, operation (including maintenance and malfunctions) and termination of the project, as well as cumulative effects occurring because of other projects; d. Identify all measures proposed to enhance the environment or to avoid, mitigate, or compensate for adverse aspects of the project, including engineering and design, contract specifications, construction techniques, monitoring and restoration; and e. Show evidence of consultation with any Federal land managing agencies whose land might be affected by the project. PART A - RESOURCE REPORTS (1) General Project Description. This introductory report describes facilities, special construction and operation procedures, construction timetable, future plans, compliance with regulations and codes, and permits which must be obtained. To the extent not covered in the body of the application or in other exhibits, the report must contain: a. A description and location maps of all facilities (including auxiliary facilities) to be constructed or removed including related construction and operational 1/ Direct and indirect effects are those effects which can be discerned as occurring primarily because the proposed action would occur. For example: (1) the impact of a borrow pit would be evaluated to the extent that it would be developed or expanded as a result of the proposed project but the manufacture of conventional trucks to work the pit would not; (2) the impact of construction workers moving into the project area would be evaluated but not the impact of their leaving present homes. However, the impact of their subsequently leaving the construction area must be considered. 69 support activities and areas including maintenance bases, staging areas, communications towers, powerlines, and new access roads. This description should include the length and size of all pipeline(s) and, for above ground facility sites, their land requirements and the type(s) of facilities that would be installed. If any facilities would be removed or replaced, they should also be identified. Rights-of-way, access roads, other linear construction areas, and pipe storage areas should be located on current U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute-series topographic maps or other maps of equivalent detail. Nonlinear construction areas should be shown on maps at a scale of 1:3,600 or larger keyed to the right-of-way maps. Provide current, original aerial photographs, if available, with a scale of 1:6,000 or larger showing the proposed pipeline routes and major aboveground facility locations. Maps and aerial photographs should identify pipeline mileposts. Similar information should be supplied for any alternative locations seriously considered before selection of the proposed locations; b. When new or additional compression is proposed, include large scale (1:3,600 or greater) plot plans of each compressor station, referenced to a readily identifiable point on the USGS maps required above. The topographic map should identify the location of noise-sensitive areas (residences, schools, hospitals, etc.) nearest the compressor station. Noise-sensitive areas within the plot plan area should be shown. Although the applicant should be prepared to provide additional copies of maps, (seven copies required by section 157.6(a) of the Commission's regulations) only three original sets of USGS topographic maps and aerial photographs, if available, should be filed. Two sets should be sent directly to the Office of Pipeline and Producer Regulation (OPPR). c. A description of methods of construction (including restoration) to be used in special areas such as rugged topography, crossings of bodies of water, wetlands, where the pipeline would be located longitudinally under roads, and areas where explosives must be used and an identification where each type of construction would be used; d. A description of current or reasonably foreseeable plans for future expansion of facilities, including additional land requirements and the compatibility of those plans with the current proposal; and 70 e. Identification of all necessary Federal, regional, state, and local permits, licenses and certificates needed before the proposed action can be completed. Describe the status of attempts to secure these permits. Provide a copy of any permit applications that have been prepared and a copy of any permits which have been issued. f. Describe all non-jurisdictional facilities which would be constructed in association with the proposed project. This description should be equivalent to the discussion in (a) and the facilities should be shown on the same maps and photographs specified in (a) and (b) or on additional maps or photographs. g. Provide a summary of the Federal, state, and local review process for the non-jurisdictional facilities and identify what authorization or approvals have been obtained. Identify the issuing authority, date of issuance and authorization/permit number. (2) Resource Report on Water Use and Quality. This report is required for all applications except those only involving facilities at existing an compressor station. It discusses water quality and availability and contains data sufficient to determine the impact to be expected from the project and the effectiveness of any mitigative, enhancement, or protective measures proposed. The report must contain: a. A description by milepost of all perennial waterbodies to be crossed and for each crossing, characterize the seasonal flow rates, the state water quality clas- sifications, and any known potential pollutants in the sediments, and any potable water intake sources within 3 miles downstream of any proposed stream crossing; b. A description of the construction techniques and mitigation measures, i.e. directional drilling, push- pull, dry flume pipe, wet trench, which would be used at each individual stream and wetland area. Also, indicate the type of temporary bridge which would be used to ensure that repeated crossing of streams by construction equipment would no adversely affect the streams; c. A description of each staging area which would be required at each stream or wetland crossing. Describe he circumstances under which the clearing for these staging areas would not be located a minimum of 50 feet from the edge of the stream or wetland to allow for a buffer zone; 71 d. A description by milepost of all wetland crossings, as listed on National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps or state wetland regulation maps. For each crossing identify the wetland classification specified by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the state, and the length of the crossing. Provide copies of NWI maps clearly showing the proposed route. Where NWI maps are not available, provide the appropriate state wetland maps. See Report 1(b) for the required number of copies; e. A description of aquifers within excavation depth in the project area, identifying the depth, current and proposed use, water quality and any known or suspected contamination problems; f. A description of the impact of the proposed action on offshore waters, floodplain, wetlands, perennial watercourses, and groundwater, including discussion of effects on both water movement and quality. This discussion should identify the specific locations and method and rate of withdrawal and discharge of hydrostatic test water, the quantity required, its quality, and season of withdrawal. Any chemical or physical treatment of the test water before, during, or after use and all suspended or dissolved material likely to be picked up by the water should be describ- ed, particularly if any existing pipelines are being retested. It should also describe any chemical or physical treatment of the pipeline for drying, cleaning, or any other purpose before or after installation in the trench, and discuss waste products generated and disposal methods to be used for them; g. Provide detailed mitigation measures proposed to reduce the potential for adverse impact to surface water or groundwater quality including procedures for handling and disposal of contaminated soils and groundwater, locations for storage of fuels and lubricants, and disposal of all construction waste material such as dredge spoil, slash, construction materials, hydrostatic test water, and drilling fluids. Provide disposal sites for disposal of dredged material that cannot be used as backfill. It should describe measures to be used for avoiding groundwater diversion, and wetland drainage, and measures to mitigate impact to well water; and h. Provide the location of all known groundwater supplies, including residential water wells, that would be within 150 feet of the proposed pipeline. Provide detailed monitoring and mitigation measures that would be 72 implemented to ensure that the water supply is not affected; i. A list of all publications, reports, and other literature or communications which were cited or relied upon to prepare the report. (3) Resource Report on Vegetation and Wildlife. This report is required for all applications except those only involving facilities It describes the vegetation and wildlife in the vicinity of the proposed project; expected impacts of the project on these resources; and proposed mitigation, enhancement or protection measures. The report must contain: a. A description of the ecosystems, including wetlands, and typical species that might be affected by the proposed action, specifying all species of commercial, recreational, and aesthetic value, and identification of warm water, cold water, and saltwater fisheries (commercial and recreational) in the affected area and describe any associated spawning or rearing areas. If data are not available for the area to be affected, data from the nearest comparable area may be used; b. A description of all perennial streams, ponds, or lakes, at the proposed crossing(s), including a description of the banks, bottom composition, and type of aquatic and riparian vegetation; c. A description of unique ecosystems or communities, Federal or state listed or proposed threatened or endangered species, including significant or critical habitat and other areas of critical environmental concern, e.g., wetlands, virgin prairie, and estuaries, in the area of the proposed action. Summarize findings and the recommendations of any studies conducted thereon; d. A description of the impact of construction and operation on the terrestrial and aquatic species and habitats in the area, including a discussion of the possibility of a major alteration to ecosystems and any potential impact on threatened or endangered species. Provide an assessment of any cumulative effects of the proposed action and retained alternatives in combina- tion with other existing or proposed projects. Provide a detailed discussion of the impact of maintenance, clearing and/or treatment of the project area on vegetation and wildlife. If non-jurisdictional facilities would be constructed as a result of the 73 project, the applicant should work with the non-juris- dictional company and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service to determine if threatened or endangered species may be affected by these facilities. Documentation of the determination should be filed with the Commission when it is available and should reference the docket number associated with the jurisdictional facilities; e. Provide detailed mitigation measures to mitigate impact to vegetation and wildlife such as: scheduling and routing to construct water crossings during low flow periods or to avoid migration of fishes and spawning/nursery areas of sensitive fish species, and to minimize impact to reproduction, wintering, and migration of wildlife; construction methods which would minimize disturbance of riparian and bottomland vegetation, wetlands, shellfish beds, cold water fisheries, and other important habitat; revegetation measures designed to improve wildlife habitat; and planning of routine maintenance to minimize disruption to wildlife in the project area; f. A list of recommendations, and the applicants response to each recommendation, from appropriate Federal and state fish and wildlife agencies to avoid or limit impact to wildlife and fisheries, including any measures needed to protect threatened or endangered species; and g. A list of all publications, reports, and other literature or communications which were cited or relied upon to prepare the report. (4) Report on Cultural Resources. This report, to be provided in phases as necessary, is required for all applications except those involving only facilities at an existing compressor station. The denial of access to property by landowners is the only acceptable reason for not completing and filing Phase l and 2 of the report. Each phase of the report must be prepared in consultation with the appropriate State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPO), and any appropriate Federal land managing agencies and Indian tribes. Other parties likely to be knowledgeable about cultural resources should also be consulted. If non- jurisdictional facilities would be constructed as a result of the project, the applicant should work with the non- jurisdictional company to determine the effect of those facilities on cultural resources. Information identified by the following procedures should be filed with the Commission and should reference the docket number associated with the jurisdictional facilities. The Phase l 74 report identifies the presence of, and the potential for the occurrence of historical and archeological resources in the proposed project area. The Phase 2 report provides precise information, based on intensive surveys, on the significance and integrity of the cultural resources identified in Phase l and as a result of the field surveys in order to permit an assessment of eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The Phase 3 report includes proposed measures to mitigate effects on cultural resources on or determined eligible for the NRHP.These reports must contain the following: a. For the Phase 1 report: the appropriate SHPO's recommendation regarding the need for field surveys. Any information supplied to the SHPO to make such a recommendation must also be included. A brief description of the proposed research framework and actual methods and techniques used to identify known and previously unknown cultural resources and ar- chaeologically sensitive areas (e.g. an environmental overview, a site file and literature search, field surveys, research questions, and predictive models); b. For the Phase 2 report: a detailed description of the material in (a) above, and the applicant's position regarding the eligibility of all cultural resources identified in the project area, based on NRHP criteria at 36 CFR Part 60.4, along with the SHPO's opinion as to each property's eligibility? c. For the Phase 3 report: the applicant's position regarding the proposed project's effect on each cultural resource on or potentially eligible for listing on the NRHP, and any measures proposed to avoid or mitigate those effects. The SHPO's recommendations on the effects of the proposal must also be included; d. All cultural resource information, including SHPO's comments, must be filed with the Commission, with the original document provided directly to the OPPR , as each becomes available. Details concerning cultural resource site locations must be marked "PRIVILEGED -- DO NOT RELEASE" when filed with the Commission. For guidance on identification and reporting of cultural resources the applicant should consult standards developed in existing state plans or the U.S. Department of the Interior's Archeology and Historic Preservation; Secretary of Interior's Standards and Guidelines [48 Fed. Reg. 44,716 (1983)] and OPPR guidelines. The applicant should note that intensive surveys to assess cultural resource eligibility for the NRHP and implementation of the 75 plan for mitigation of effects on cultural resources on or eligible for the NRHP as proposed in the Phase 3 report cannot proceed until the Commission staff has reviewed and approved the preceding steps, the SHPO's comments, and the comments of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and specifically instructs the applicant to proceed. (5) Report on Socio-Economics. This report is only needed if significant aboveground facilities (jurisdictional or non- jurisdictional) are proposed. It identifies and quantifies the impacts of constructing and operating the proposed project on employment, population, housing, per capita income, local governmental services, local tax revenues and other factors within the towns and counties in the vicinity of the proposed project. The report must include: a. A description of the socioeconomic impact area; b. An evaluation of the impact of any substantial in-migration of people on the impact area's governmen- tal facilities and services, such as police, fire, health and education facilities and programs; c. On-site manpower requirements and payroll during and after project construction, including a projection of total on-site employment and construction payroll for each facility; d. Numbers of project construction personnel who: (i) Currently reside within the impact area; (ii) Would commute daily to the construction site from places situated outside the impact area; and (iii) Would relocate on a temporary basis within the impact area; e. A determination of whether the existing supply of available housing within the impact area is sufficient to meet the needs of the additional population; f. Numbers and types of residences and business establish- ments that would be displaced by the proposed project, procedures to be utilized to acquire these properties, and types and amounts of relocation assistance payments that would be paid to the affected property owners and businesses; g. A fiscal impact analysis evaluating the incremental local government expenditures in relation to the incremental local government revenues that would result 76 from the construction of the proposed project. Incremental expenditures may include, but are not limited to, school operating costs, road maintenance and repair, public safety, and public utility costs; and h. A list of all publications, reports, and other literature or communications which were cited or relied upon to prepare the report. (6) Report on Geological Resources. This report is required for all applications except those only involving facilities within the boundaries of existing above ground facilities, such as meter stations and compressor stations. It describes geological resources and hazards in the proposed project area that would be directly or indirectly affected by the proposed action or place the facilities at risk, the potential effects on the facility, and methods proposed to reduce the effects or risks. The report must include: a. A description of mineral resources currently exploited or potentially exploitable from the project area; b. Provide the location of existing and potential geological hazards and areas of nonroutine geotechnical concern such as earthquakes, active faults, areas susceptible to soil liquefaction, planned, active and abandoned mines and areas of potential ground failure such as subsidence, slumping, and landsliding and discuss the hazards posed to the facility from each one; c. A description of how the proposed project would be located or designed to avoid or minimize adverse effects to the resources or risk to itself, including all geotechnical investigations and monitoring which would be conducted before, during, and after construc- tion. The applicant shall direct particular attention to the potential for blasting to affect water wells, springs, wetlands, and structures; d. If surface mines are to be crossed, provide a descrip- tion of the owner/operator's input on routing. The applicant shall specify methods to be used to prevent acidic runoff along the right-of way and the potential for the project to hinder mine reclamation efforts; and e. A list of all publications, reports, and other literature or communications which were cited or relied upon to prepare the report. 77 (7) Report on Soils. This report is required for all applica- tions except those only involving facilities at an existing compressor station. It describes the soils that would be affected by the proposed project, the effect on those soils, and measures proposed to minimize or avoid impact. The report must include: a. A list by milepost of the soil associations crossed by the proposed facilities. Where sites for aboveground facilities of greater than 5 acres would be acquired, the report should list the soil series, percentage of the property comprised of each series, and which series are classified as prime or unique farmland by the U.S. Department of Agriculture; b. A description of the anticipated erosion and other impact to soils as a result of the project; c. A description of where and how topsoil segregation would be performed, how rutting and compaction would be avoided or mitigated in cropland, how agricultural drainage tiles would be located, repaired, and protected from settlement of the trench fill, and how the potential for future installation of drainage tile would be considered in the determination of pipeline depth; d. An erosion control and revegetation plan which describes in detail how erosion would be controlled and how and by whom the right-of-way would be revegetated. The plan should be suitable for contract use and should identify: Sediment control at stream crossings during construction, such as installation of runoff diversions, sediment filters for right-of-way and trench spoil de-watering, temporary use of trench breakers to isolate the stream from the on-land trench, and gravel pads and/or temporary tramways or bridges to prevent disturbance to the stream bottom or turbidity from wheels, tracks, and cleats; Use of timber mats and other temporary pads to support construction vehicles where wetlands must be crossed; Number of days to be allowed between backfilling of the pipeline trench and permanent seeding; Any special provisions such as prohibiting equipment washing in streams, use of topsoil as padding, refueling in wetlands, etc.; 78 Criteria and specifications for use of temporary seeding for erosion control should construction be completed outside of specified seeding dates for perennial vegetation, or construction is delayed due to weather or contractor problems; Specifications for outslope, compaction, and spacing intervals for runoff diversions on slopes; Specifications for fertilizer, lime, seed, and mulch to be applied in the event that landowners or land managing agencies do not specify seeding requirements. Identify how materials and seed would be applied and the milepost boundaries of any and all uncultivated areas that would be allowed to revegetate naturally. Provide specifications for stabilization of steep slopes, generally in excess of 50 percent grade, and for use of netting or erosion control fabrics for slopes adjacent to streams and roads. Identify all stream crossings where rip-rap would be used; Plans for arranging grazing deferment, where applicable; Specifications for sediment control structures to be located at hydrostatic test water discharge locations. These included, but are not limited to the use of splash pads, hay bales, sediment filters, discharge onto well vegetated upland areas, and construction of settling ponds; Plans for controlling off-road vehicles; and Criteria for determining when corrective measures would be used in the event that revegetation is unsuccessful. e. A list of all publications, reports, and other literature or communications which were cited or relied upon to prepare the report. (8) Report on Land Use, Recreation and Aesthetics. This report is required for all applications except those only involving facilities at an existing compressor station. It describes the existing uses of the lands in the vicinity of the proposed project, and changes to those land uses which would occur if the proposed project is approved. The report may reference the discussions of land uses in other sections of this exhibit. It includes measures proposed to mitigate adverse effects including protection and enhancement of existing land use. The report must include: a. A description of the land requirements indicating the length, width, and location of all existing, joint, or new construction and permanent rights of-way required by the proposed action, and identify the acreage 79 required for each proposed plant and/or operational site, including wells. Where some existing right-of- way (any kind) would be used, specify the overlap and how much additional width would be required for both construction and operation. The description must identify the amount of land to be purchased or leased for each aboveground facility and the amount that would not be used during project operation, and identify the size and location of all staging and material (excess rock, timber, debris) disposal areas. (For example, those needed for stream crossings, pipe storage yards, and other expanded work areas.); b. A description of existing land use (including recrea- tional use) in the proposed project area by milepost and facility sites, including identification of wetlands, floodplain (aboveground facilities only), orchards and nurseries, landfills, state wild and scenic rivers, nature preserves, remnant prairies, designated natural, recreational or scenic areas, or registered natural landmarks, Native American religious sites and reservations, lands identified under the Special Area Management Plan of the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and lands owned or controlled by government agencies or private preservation groups. This description should identify the percentage of land within the vicinity of the project area presently used for commerce, industry, recreation, residence, agriculture, forest, wildlife habitat, open space, etc., including the potential for development. Planned development, if known, should be described, the timeframe for development should be identified, and proposed coordination to minimize impact should be identified. Identify transmission facilities on or near the lands affected by the proposed action and their placement (underground, surface, or overhead); identify operating mines near the proposed right-of-- way; identify existing storage or production fields crossed; and identify the number and location by milepost and distance to the right of-way of residences or business establishments within 50 feet of the proposed permanent right-of-way, provide survey drawings, if available, to illustrate the location of the facilities in relation to the buildings; c. A description of any areas within or in the vicinity of the proposed project that are included in, or are designated for study for inclusion in: (i) The National Wild and Scenic Rivers System (16 U.S.C. 1271); 80 (ii) The National Trails System (16 U.S.C. 1241); or (iii) A wilderness area designated under the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1132); d. A description of the impact of the project on present use of the affected area; including commercial use, mineral resources, recreational areas, public health and safety, and the aesthetic value of the land and its features. Describe any temporary or permanent restrictions on land use resulting from the project. Include, but do not limit the description to, restric- tions on placement on residential properties of ornamental trees and shrubs, patios, swimming pools, sheds, and other improvements; mining and restoration of abandoned mines; and agricultural uses of unused portions of land for aboveground facilities such as compressor stations and communications towers. Describe how private property would be restored (fences, driveways, stone walls, sidewalks, septic systems, etc.). Describe compensation plans for temporary and permanent rights-of-way and the eminent domain process for the affected areas; e. A description of measures to mitigate the aesthetic impact of the facilities; and f. A list of all publications, reports, and other literature or communications which were cited or relied upon to prepare the report. (9) Report on Air and Noise Quality. This report is required for applications involving new compressor facilities (at new or existing stations). It identifies the effects of the project on the existing air quality and noise environ- ment and describes any proposed measures to mitigate the effects. The report must include: a. A description of the existing air quality including background levels of nitrogen dioxide and any other criteria pollutants which may be produced by the project; b. A quantitative description of the existing noise levels at the noise-sensitive areas identified in resource report 1. Existing noise levels must be reported as the Leq (day), Leq (night) and Ldn and include the basis for the data or estimates. For existing stations include a sound level survey of the site property line and nearby noise-sensitive areas while the compressors are being operated at full load. Include a plot plan identifying the noise measurement locations and 81 identify the time of day, duration, weather conditions, windspeed and direction, and other noise sources present for each measurement; c. An estimate of the impact of the proposed project on air quality, including how regulatory standards in effect for the area would be met. Provide the emission rate of nitrogen oxides from the existing and proposed facilities expressed in pounds per hour and tons per year for maximum operating conditions, including supporting calculations, emission factors, fuel consumption rates, and annual hours of operation. For major sources (as defined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), provide copies of any applications to the Environmental Protection Agency (or the designated state air pollution control agency) for permits to construct or applicability determinations under regulations for the prevention of significant air quality deterioration and subsequent determinations, when available. If such applications have not been made, provide the height, diameter, and location on the site of each exhaust stack and the exit velocity and temperature of the exhaust gases; d. A quantitative estimate of the impact of the proposed project on the noise levels at the noise-sensitive areas identified in resource report 1. The estimate should include supporting calculations, far-field sound level data for maximum facility operation, and the source of the data. Show that the proposed project complies with applicable noise regulations; e. A description of measures proposed to mitigate impact to air and noise quality, such as control of operating parameters, installation of filters, silencers, or insulation of buildings, and orientation of equipment away from noise-sensitive areas (manufacturer's specifications should be provided for all mitigation equipment or insulation); and f. A list of all publications, reports, and other literature or communications which were cited or relied upon to prepare the report. (10) Report on Alternatives. This report is required for all applications. It describes serious alternatives to the project which were considered but rejected and a comparison of their environmental impacts to those of the proposal. The report should discuss the systematic procedure used to arrive at the proposed action, starting with the broadest, feasible objectives of the action and progressively narrowing the alternatives to a specific action at a 82 specific site or right-of-way. This systematic procedure should include the decision criteria used, the information weighed, and an explanation of the conclusion at each decision point. The decision criteria must show how environmental benefits/costs, even if not quantifiable, are weighed against economic benefits/costs and technological and procedural constraints. All realistic alternatives must be discussed even though they may not be within the jurisdiction of the Commission or the responsibilities and capabilities of the applicant. Modification of the proposed action may be among the alternatives. Describe the timeliness and the environmental consequences of each alternative discussed. The report must contain: a. A description of all alternative locations or routes seriously considered for each facility, including a description of the environmental characteristics of each route or site and the environmental, technical, or economic reasons for rejecting it. Provide the location of any alternatives seriously considered on the maps required in report 1; b. A discussion of the potential for accomplishing the proposed objectives through use of other systems, energy conservation and the potential for using realistic energy alternatives, such as artificial gas, oil, coal, and electric energy. Provide an analysis of relative environmental benefits and costs; c. A discussion of the "no action alternative," i.e. the consequences of denying the certificate application; and d. A list of all publications, reports, and other literature or communications which were cited or relied upon to prepare the report. (11) Report on Reliability and Safety. This report is required for all applications. It addresses the potential hazard to the public from failure of project components resulting from accidents or natural catastrophes, how these events would affect reliability and what procedures and design features have been used to avoid undue hazards or effects. The report must contain: a. A description of measures, including equipment, training, and liaison with local authorities, to be used to protect: the public from failure of the proposed facilities due to accidents or natural catastrophes; and 83 b. A list of all publications, reports, and other literature or communications which were cited or relied upon to prepare the report. (12) Report on PCB Contamination - This report is required for applications involving the replacement, abandonment by removal, or abandonment in place of pipeline facilities determined to have polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in excess of 50 ppm in pipeline liquids. The report must include: a. If disposal of pipeline segments would meet the requirements of 40 CFR 761.60(b)(5)(i), provide a description of the specific procedures for activities identified in items (ii)(a-k): b. If an alternative method(s) of pipeline disposal is proposed under 40 CFR 761.60(e), provide a detailed pipeline removal and disposal plan that includes specific procedures for all the following activities, as appropriate: (i) Pre-removal pipeline pigging, cleaning, drying, blowdown, purging and removal of liquid accumulations. (ii) Pre-removal inspections, x-raying, testing, and monitoring of liquids. (iii) Measures for exclusion and removal of water seepage into all excavations. (iv) Sealing or capping of all cut surfaces and measures for containing leaks or spills. (v) Removal of pipe from trench. (vi) Spill prevention, control, containment and cleanup pursuant to 40 CFR 761 Subpart G. (vii) Transportation of removed pipe segments to storage yard. (viii) Location(s), construction, containment, and monitoring of storage yard for removed pipeline segments, pursuant to 40 CFR 761.65(b). (ix) Valve draining, removal, capping, transportation, storage, and disposal. (x) Disposal of the removed pipeline segments and related equipment. 84 (xi) Identity of the companies, and specific personnel and their position in the organization, that are responsible for collection, transportation, cleanup and disposal of all PCB-contaminated liquids and solids. (xii) Statistically valid sampling for PCBs on interior pipeline surfaces and in liquid condensates to determine concentration for TSCA regulatory purposes. (xiii) Chemical analysis methods for analyzing samples. (xiv) Pre-disposal decontamination, testing, and monitoring of removed pipeline segments, and related equipment. (xv) Discussion of potential risk during normal cleanup operations and for the most likely accidents. (xvi) Corrective actions in the event of the most likely accidents. 85 APPENDIX H PIPELINE COMPANY ID CODES Alabama-Tennessee Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . 000199 Algonquin Gas Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . 000310 Algonquin LNG, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000311 Altamont Gas Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 000483 Amerada Hess Natural Gas Pipeline, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 000516 American Distribution Company (Alabama Div.) . . . . . . 000585 ANR Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012442 ANR Storage Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 036155 Arkansas Oklahoma Gas Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . 038954 Arkansas Western Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000819 Arkansas Western Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 000818 Arkla Energy Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000810 Associated Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000926 Avoca Natural Gas Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 001159 Bayou Interstate Pipeline Corporation . . . . . . . . . . 044554 Bear Creek Storage Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 001332 Blacksville Oil and Gas Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 001799 Black Marlin Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 001772 Blue Dolphin Pipe Line Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 001882 Bluefield Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 001893 Blue Lake Gas Storage Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 001901 Border Gas, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 001931 Boundary Gas, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 029853 Bridgeline Gas Distribution Company . . . . . . . . . . . 043973 Can West Gas Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 002897 Canyon Creek Compression Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 021888 Caprock Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 002993 Carnegie Interstate Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . 003048 Carnegie Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 003042 Centra Minnesota Pipelines, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 009326 C. B. Gas Gathering, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 002686 Chandeleur Pipe Line Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 003345 Chattanooga Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 003419 Clay Basin Storage Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 028279 Colorado Interstate Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 003979 Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation . . . . . . . . . . 004030 Columbia Gulf Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . 004031 Columbia LNG Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 004033 Commercial Pipeline Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 004103 CNG Transmission Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 004228 86 Consolidated System LNG Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 004246 Consumers Power Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 004254 Cornerstone Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 004354 Cove Point LNG Company, L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 004425 Cranberry Pipeline Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 004503 Delmarva Power & Light Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 005027 Del Norte Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 005006 Delta Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 005033 Distrigas Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 021743 Distrigas of Massachusetts Corporation . . . . . . . . . 005193 East Tennessee Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . 005601 Eastern Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 005606 Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 025088 Egan Gas Storage Company, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 006105 El Paso Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 005708 Enogex, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 005735 Equitrans, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 005939 Erie Pipeline System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 005982 Exxon Company U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 001657 Florida Gas Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 006880 Freeport Interstate Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . 045935 Frontier Gas Storage Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 006519 Gas Company of New Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 017655 Gas Gathering Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 006999 Gas Service, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 025049 Gas Transport, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 007020 Gasdel Pipeline System, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 007037 Gateway Pipeline Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 007013 Gaylord Container Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 007043 Georgia-Pacific Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 007139 Glacier Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 007263 Granite State Gas Transmission, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 007500 Great Lakes Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 007562 Great Plains Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 007570 Great River Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 029173 Greeley Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 028546 Green Canyon Pipe Line Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 007598 Gulf States Transmission Corporation . . . . . . . . . . 007810 Hampshire Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 008020 Hangsuelphur Mines Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 007853 High Island Offshore System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 039526 High Plains Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 008569 HNG Sulphur Mines Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 008711 Honeoye Storage Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022042 Indiana Utilities Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 009268 Inland Gas Company, Inc. (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 009301 International Paper Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 009361 Interstate Power Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 009392 Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Company . . . . . . . . . 009438 Iowa Public Service Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 009435 Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P. . . . . . . . . . 009265 Jackson Prairie Underground Storage Project . . . . . . . 022052 87 Jupiter Energy Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 009363 KN Energy, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 010022 KN Interstate Gas Transmission Company. . . . . . . . . . 023632 KN Wattenberg Transmission Limited Liability Co . . . . . 010395 Ken-Gas of Tennessee, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 010131 Kentucky Pipeline and Storage Company, Inc. . . . . . . . 010166 Kentucky West Virginia Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . 010173 Kern River Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 010196 Koch Gateway Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 019495 Lawrenceburg Gas Transmission Corporation . . . . . . . . 010797 Liberty Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 010994 Locust Ridge Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 037678 Lone Star Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 011157 Louisiana-Nevada Transit Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 011239 Manchester Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 024813 Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 011619 Marengo Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 011632 McCulloch Interstate Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 012031 Michigan Consolidated Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 034251 Michigan Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 050830 Michigan Gas Storage Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012429 Mid-Continent Gas Storage Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 012424 Mid Louisiana Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012451 Midwest Gas Storage, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 026508 Midwestern Gas Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . 012521 MIGC, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 038948 Mississippi River Transmission Corporation . . . . . . . 012690 Mitco Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 011794 Mobil Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012723 Mobile Bay Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 007013 Mojave Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012702 Montana Power Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012825 Moraine Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022246 Mountain Fuel Supply Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013043 National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation . . . . . . . . . . 029820 National Fuel Gas Distribution Corp. . . . . . . . . . . 013247 National Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 011159 National Steel Corporations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 024250 Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America . . . . . . . . . 024758 Nora Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 024500 North Penn Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013723 Northern Border Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 013744 Northern Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013767 Northern States Power Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013781 Northern Utilities, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013787 Northwest Alaskan Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . 013713 Northwest Pipeline Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013800 Ohio River Pipeline Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 014056 OkTex Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022595 Oneok, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013546 Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 014154 Ouachita River Gas Storage Company, L.L.C. . . . . . . . 014061 88 Overland Trail Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . 014064 Overthrust Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013846 Ozark Gas Transmission System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 021610 Pacific Gas Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 014333 Pacific Interstate Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . 028281 Pacific Interstate Offshore Company . . . . . . . . . . . 043636 Pacific Offshore Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 039524 Paiute Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 014380 Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company . . . . . . . . . . . 014423 Pelican Interstate Gas System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 044510 Penn-Jersey Pipe Line Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 014690 Penn-York Energy Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013490 Pennsylvania & Southern Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . 014709 Petal Gas Storage Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 014838 Phillips Gas Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 026835 Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 014979 Point Arguello Natural Gas Line Company . . . . . . . . . 014974 Pontchartrain Natural Gas System . . . . . . . . . . . . 050515 Portland General Electric Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 015248 Portland General Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 028881 Questar Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022366 Raton Gas Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 015697 Rhone-Poulenc Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 049548 Richfield Gas Storage System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 015970 Ringwood Gathering Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 014068 Riverside Gas Storage Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 016014 Riverside Pipeline Company, L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . 046198 RMNG Gathering Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 046349 Rocky Mountain Natural Gas Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . 033757 Sabine Pipe Line Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 016522 Sabine Resources Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 024581 Saint Lawrence Gas Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 017883 San Diego Gas & Electric Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 016609 Seagull Interstate Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 016855 Sea Robin Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 016846 Shenandoah Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 017064 South County Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 017555 South Georgia Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 017558 South Penn Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 025025 Southern Energy Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 027371 Southern Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 017639 Southwest Gas Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . 017781 Southwest Gas Storage Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 017706 Standard Pacific Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 017955 Steuben Gas Storage Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 018091 Stingray Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 051085 Sumas International Pipeline, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . 018192 Sunshine Interstate Transmission Company . . . . . . . . 018186 Superior Offshore Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . 044590 Tarpon Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 018456 TCP Gathering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 018458 Tejas Gas Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 018595 89 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 018629 Texas Eastern Gas Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . 036859 Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation . . . . . . . . . 029522 Texas Gas Pipe Line Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 018740 Texas Gas Transmission Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . 018744 Texas Sea Rim Pipeline, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 025548 Trailblazer Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023590 Transco Energy Marketing Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 050304 Transco Gas Supply Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022378 Transco Offshore Gathering Company . . . . . . . . . . . 019106 TransColorado Gas Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . 032620 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation . . . . . . . 019102 Transwestern Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 019120 Transylvania Gas Pipeline Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 019122 Trunkline Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 019240 Trunkline LNG Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 019241 Tuscarora Gas Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . 019295 Union Light, Heat & Power Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 019447 U-T Offshore System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 039525 Urbana Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 019586 Valero Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 011108 Valero Interstate Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . 017580 Valley Gas Transmission, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 019691 Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 019689 Viking Gas Transmission Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 019848 Wallkill Transport Co., LP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020031 Washington Gas Light Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020149 Washington Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020156 Washington Water Power Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020169 West Gas Interstate, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 024450 West Texas Gas, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 041014 West Texas Gathering Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020403 Western Gas Interstate Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020449 Western Gas Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 024454 Western Transmission Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . 020473 Williams Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 003575 Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company . . . . . . . 024672 Wyoming-California Pipeline Company . . . . . . . . . . . 021047 Wyoming Interstate Company, LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . 024929 Young Gas Storage Company, LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 021176 Zenith Natural Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 021337 NOTE: If your company's name and number does not appear on this list, call John Ryan (EIA) at (202) 254-5435 to obtain a number. Call Craig Hill at (202) 208-0621 with the new number. If your number is incorrect, ambiguous, or company name is misspelled, call Craig Hill at (202) 208-0621. 90 APPENDIX I HARD COPY FORMATS FOR CERTIFICATE APPLICATION 91 ------------------------------------------------------------------ HARD COPY FILING FORMATS NATURAL GAS PIPELINE COMPANY CERTIFICATE FILINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------ REVISED APRIL, 1994 NOTE: The page numbers and single solid underlines on the following hard copy formats are for illustrative purposes only. 92 GENERAL INFORMATION AND FACILITY SUMMARY [CA/O1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Company Name :____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number :______________ [5] Date Filed :______ [3] Type of Case (A) :____________________________________________ [6] see Note (B) :____________________________________________ [7] see Note (C) :____________________________________________ [8] see Note (D) :____________________________________________ [9] see Note Project Name :_______________________________________ [10] Total Miles :______ [10a] Total Horsepower :______ [10b] Total Cost :New ____________ [10c] of Facilities :Abandoned ____________ [10d] Maximum Daily Volume/Capacity :____________ [10e] Sensitivity of Data :Translate to text reported code for item [15] ______________________________________ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number. Print the Type of Case Code and its translation on the hardcopy report. For example, 01 - Construction & Operation - Offshore. Do not print the note or its reference on the hardcopy. 93 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : _______________ [5] CUSTOMER/SHIPPER AND SERVICES, SCHEDULE 1 [CA02] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Type of Type of Character Peak Day Average Day Annual Term Commence Rate Customer/Shipper C/S Service of Service Vol./Deliv. Volume Vol./Max. Cap. Months Date Schedule [11] [11] [11] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [27] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22][23] [24] [28] __________________________________ __________ ______________ _____ ____________ ____________ _____________ ____ ______ _______________ __________________________________ __________ ______________ _____ ____________ ____________ _____________ ____ ______ _______________ __________________________________ __________ ______________ _____ ____________ ____________ _____________ ____ ______ _______________ __________________________________ __________ ______________ _____ ____________ ____________ _____________ ____ ______ _______________ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number. Page numbers are for reference only. Items [11], [15], [16], and [17] should be translated from code number to text. Note: Print an "e" immediately after the term in months if item [23] is code = 1. 94 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : _______________ [5] Project Number: ___ [27a] CUSTOMER/SHIPPER AND SERVICES, SCHEDULE 2 [CA02] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Peak Day Customer/Shipper Vol./Deliv. Receipt Point Delivery Point [11] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [27] [19] [25] [26] _______________________________________ ____________ ______________________________ _____________________________ _______________________________________ ____________ ______________________________ _____________________________ _______________________________________ ____________ ______________________________ _____________________________ _______________________________________ ____________ ______________________________ _____________________________ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number. Translate [11] from code to text. This table will be printed only if Item 13 = 1 (section 7b or 7c facilities required). 95 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] GAS REQUIREMENTS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUAL [53 code 1] (All Volumes in M[11]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 ------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Whsle - Firm [54 code 1] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Whsle - Interruptible [54 code 2] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Direct Sale - Firm [54 code 3] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Direct Sale - Interruptible [54 code 4] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Transportation [54 code 5] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Storage Service [54 code 6] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Storage Injections [54 code 7] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Other [54 code 8] [66]_________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [66]_________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [66]_________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Company Use & Unaccounted For [54 code 9] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Total Existing Requirements [54 code 10] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ New Requirements [54 code 11] [55]___________________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [55]___________________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [55]___________________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Total All Requirements [54 code 12] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 96 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] GAS REQUIREMENTS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINTER PERIOD [53 code 2] (All Volumes in M[11]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 ------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Whsle - Firm [54 code 1] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Whsle - Interruptible [54 code 2] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Direct Sale - Firm [54 code 3] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Direct Sale - Interruptible [54 code 4] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Transportation [54 code 5] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Storage Service [54 code 6] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Storage Injections [54 code 7] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Other [54 code 8] [66]_________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [66]_________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [66]_________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Company Use & Unaccounted For [54 code 9] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Total Existing Requirements [54 code 10]___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ New Requirements [54 code 11] [55]___________________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [55]___________________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [55]___________________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Total All Requirements [54 code 12] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 97 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] GAS REQUIREMENTS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMER PERIOD [53 code 3] (All Volumes in M[11]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 ------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Whsle - Firm [54 code 1] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Whsle - Interruptible [54 code 2] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Direct Sale - Firm [54 code 3] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Direct Sale - Interruptible [54 code 4] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Transportation [54 code 5] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Storage Service [54 code 6] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Storage Injections [54 code 7] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Other [54 code 8] [66]_________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [66]_________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [66]_________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Company Use & Unaccounted For [54 code 9] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Total Existing Requirements [54 code 10]___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ New Requirements [54 code 11] [55]___________________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [55]___________________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [55]___________________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Total All Requirements [54 code 12] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 98 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] GAS REQUIREMENTS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINTER PEAK DAY [53 code 4] (All Volumes in M[11]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 ------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Whsle - Firm [54 code 1] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Whsle - Interruptible [54 code 2] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Direct Sale - Firm [54 code 3] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Direct Sale - Interruptible [54 code 4] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Transportation [54 code 5] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Storage Service [54 code 6] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Storage Injections [54 code 7] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Other [54 code 8] [66]_________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [66]_________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [66]_________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Company Use & Unaccounted For [54 code 9] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Total Existing Requirements [54 code 10]___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ New Requirements [54 code 11] [55]___________________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [55]___________________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ [55]___________________________________ ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Total All Requirements [54 code 12] ___[56]__ ___[57]__ ___[58]__ ___[59]__ ___[60]__ ___[61]__ ___[62]__ ___[63]__ ___[64]__ ___[65]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of d ata by item number and code. 99 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] CUSTOMER MARKET DATA - Customer [69]___________________________ GAS SUPPLY AND REQUIREMENTS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA06] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annual [67 code 1] (All volumes in M[11]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLY [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Pipeline Rate Schedule [68 code 1] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Storage Rate Schedule [68 code 2] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ LNG [68 code 3] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ LP-Air [68 code 4] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ SNG [68 code 5] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Imports [68 code 6] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Company Owned Production [68 code 7] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Spot Market [68 code 8] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Other [68 code 9] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Total Existing Supply [68 code 10] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ New Pipeline Rate Schedule [68 code 11] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ New Storage Rate Schedule [68 code 12] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ New Supply, Other [68 code 13] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Total New Supply [68 code 14] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Total Supply, all sources [68 code 15] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 100 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] CUSTOMER MARKET DATA - Customer [83]___________________________ GAS SUPPLY AND REQUIREMENTS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA07] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annual [81 code 1] (All volumes in M[11]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 ------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Residential Heating [82 code 1] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Residential - Non-heating [82 code 2] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Commercial - Firm [82 code 3] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Commercial - Interruptible [82 code 4] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Industrial - Firm [82 code 5] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Industrial - Interruptible [82 code 6] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Electric Generation [82 code 7] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Cogeneration [82 code 8] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Used & Unaccounted For [82 code 9] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Other [82 code 10] [94]_________________________ ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ [94]_________________________ ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ [94]_________________________ ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Total Requirements [82 code 11] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 101 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] CUSTOMER MARKET DATA - Customer [69]___________________________ GAS SUPPLY AND REQUIREMENTS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA06] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter Period [67 code 2] (All volumes in M[11]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLY [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Pipeline Rate Schedule [68 code 1] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Storage Rate Schedule [68 code 2] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ LNG [68 code 3] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ LP-Air [68 code 4] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ SNG [68 code 5] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Imports [68 code 6] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Company Owned Production [68 code 7] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Spot Market [68 code 8] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Other [68 code 9] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Total Existing Supply [68 code 10] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ New Pipeline Rate Schedule [68 code 11] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ New Storage Rate Schedule [68 code 12] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ New Supply, Other [68 code 13] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Total New Supply [68 code 14] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Total Supply, all sources [68 code 15] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 102 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] CUSTOMER MARKET DATA - Customer [83]___________________________ GAS SUPPLY AND REQUIREMENTS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA07] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter Period [81 code 2] (All volumes in M[11]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 ------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Residential Heating [82 code 1] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Residential - Non-heating [82 code 2] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Commercial - Firm [82 code 3] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Commercial - Interruptible [82 code 4] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Industrial - Firm [82 code 5] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Industrial - Interruptible [82 code 6] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Electric Generation [82 code 7] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Cogeneration [82 code 8] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Used & Unaccounted For [82 code 9] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Other [82 code 10] [94]_________________________ ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ [94]_________________________ ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ [94]_________________________ ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Total Requirements [82 code 11] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 103 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] CUSTOMER MARKET DATA - Customer [69]___________________________ GAS SUPPLY AND REQUIREMENTS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA06] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summer Period [67 code 3] (All volumes in M[11]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLY [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Pipeline Rate Schedule [68 code 1] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Storage Rate Schedule [68 code 2] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ LNG [68 code 3] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ LP-Air [68 code 4] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ SNG [68 code 5] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Imports [68 code 6] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Company Owned Production [68 code 7] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Spot Market [68 code 8] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Other [68 code 9] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Total Existing Supply [68 code 10] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ New Pipeline Rate Schedule [68 code 11] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ New Storage Rate Schedule [68 code 12] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ New Supply, Other [68 code 13] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Total New Supply [68 code 14] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Total Supply, all sources [68 code 15] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 104 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] CUSTOMER MARKET DATA - Customer [83]___________________________ GAS SUPPLY AND REQUIREMENTS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA07] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summer Period [81 code 3] (All volumes in M[11]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 ------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Residential Heating [82 code 1] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Residential - Non-heating [82 code 2] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Commercial - Firm [82 code 3] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Commercial - Interruptible [82 code 4] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Industrial - Firm [82 code 5] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Industrial - Interruptible [82 code 6] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Electric Generation [82 code 7] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Cogeneration [82 code 8] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Used & Unaccounted For [82 code 9] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Other [82 code 10] [94]_________________________ ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ [94]_________________________ ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ [94]_________________________ ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Total Requirements [82 code 11] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 105 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] CUSTOMER MARKET DATA - Customer [69]___________________________ GAS SUPPLY AND REQUIREMENTS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA06] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter Peak Day [67 code 4] (All volumes in M[11]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLY [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Pipeline Rate Schedule [68 code 1] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Storage Rate Schedule [68 code 2] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ LNG [68 code 3] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ LP-Air [68 code 4] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ SNG [68 code 5] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Imports [68 code 6] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Company Owned Production [68 code 7] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Spot Market [68 code 8] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Other [68 code 9] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Total Existing Supply [68 code 10] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ New Pipeline Rate Schedule [68 code 11] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ New Storage Rate Schedule [68 code 12] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ New Supply, Other [68 code 13] [80]___________________________________ ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Total New Supply [68 code 14] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Total Supply, all sources [68 code 15] ___[70]__ ___[71]__ ___[72]__ ___[73]__ ___[74]__ ___[75]__ ___[76]__ ___[77]__ ___[78]__ ___[79]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 106 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] CUSTOMER MARKET DATA - Customer [83]___________________________ GAS SUPPLY AND REQUIREMENTS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA07] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter Peak Day [81 code 4] (All volumes in M[11]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 ------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Residential Heating [82 code 1] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Residential - Non-heating [82 code 2] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Commercial - Firm [82 code 3] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Commercial - Interruptible [82 code 4] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Industrial - Firm [82 code 5] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Industrial - Interruptible [82 code 6] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Electric Generation [82 code 7] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Cogeneration [82 code 8] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Used & Unaccounted For [82 code 9] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Other [82 code 10] [94]_________________________ ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ [94]_________________________ ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ [94]_________________________ ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Total Requirements [82 code 11] ___[84]__ ___[85]__ ___[86]__ ___[87]__ ___[88]__ ___[89]__ ___[90]__ ___[91]__ ___[92]__ ___[93]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 107 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] CUSTOMER MARKET DATA - Customer [97]___________________________ NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA08] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annual [95 code 1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMER CLASS [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 -------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Residential - Heating [96 code 1] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Residential - Non-heating [96 code 2] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Commercial - Firm [96 code 3] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Commercial - Interruptible [96] code 4 ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Industrial - Firm [96 code 5] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Industrial - Interruptible [96 code 6] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Electric Generation [96 code 7] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Cogeneration [96 code 8] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Used & Unaccounted For [96 code 9] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Other [96 code 10] [108]________________________ ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ [108]________________________ ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ [108]________________________ ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Total Customers [96 code 11] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 108 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] CUSTOMER MARKET DATA - Customer [97]___________________________ NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA08] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter Period [95 code 2] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMER CLASS [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 -------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Residential - Heating [96 code 1] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Residential - Non-heating [96 code 2] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Commercial - Firm [96 code 3] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Commercial - Interruptible [96 code 4] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Industrial - Firm [96 code 5] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Industrial - Interruptible [96 code 6] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Electric Generation [96 code 7] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Cogeneration [96 code 8] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Used & Unaccounted For [96 code 9] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Other [96 code 10] [108]________________________ ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ [108]________________________ ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ [108]________________________ ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Total Customers [96 code 11] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 109 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] CUSTOMER MARKET DATA - Customer [97]___________________________ NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA08] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summer Period [95 code 3] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMER CLASS [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 -------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Residential - Heating [96 code 1] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Residential - Non-heating [96 code 2] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Commercial - Firm [96 code 3] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Commercial - Interruptible [96 code 4] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Industrial - Firm [96 code 5] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Industrial - Interruptible [96 code 6] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Electric Generation [96 code 7] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Cogeneration [96 code 8] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Used & Unaccounted For [96 code 9] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Other [96 code 10] [108]________________________ ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ [108]________________________ ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ [108]________________________ ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Total Customers [96 code 11] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 110 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] CUSTOMER MARKET DATA - Customer [97]___________________________ NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FOR THE PERIOD [14] THROUGH [14]+9 [CA08] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter Peak Day [95 code 4] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Actual Estimated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMER CLASS [14] [14]+1 [14]+2 [14]+3 [14]+4 [14]+5 [14]+6 [14]+7 [14]+8 [14]+9 -------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Residential - Heating [96 code 1] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Residential - Non-heating [96 code 2] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Commercial - Firm [96 code 3] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Commercial - Interruptible [96 code 4] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Industrial - Firm [96 code 5] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Industrial - Interruptible [96 code 6] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Electric Generation [96 code 7] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Cogeneration [96 code 8] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Used & Unaccounted For [96 code 9] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Other [96 code 10] [108]________________________ ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ [108]________________________ ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ [108]________________________ ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Total Customers [96 code 11] ___[98]__ ___[99]__ __[100]__ __[101]__ __[102]__ __[103]__ __[104]__ __[105]__ __[106]__ __[107]__ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. 111 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] Status of Facility: ___________ [112, translated to text] EXHIBIT K - FACILITIES - SUMMARY OF PROJECT ESTIMATES [CA09] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11a 11b 12 13 Proj. Fac/ Type of Type Mile Post Mile Post Miles Horse Diam MAOP Cost Inserv Con County State Footnote Num. Seg Facility of Begin End Power (psig) ($) Date Sta ID Num. Seg. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [109] [110] [113] [115] [116] [117] [118] [124] [120] [122] [128][111=1] [128a] [128b] [125] [126] __ __ ______________________________ __ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ __ _____ ____________ _________ _________________________ _____ ____ __ __ ______________________________ __ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ __ _____ ____________ _________ _________________________ _____ ____ __ __ ______________________________ __ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ __ _____ ____________ _________ _________________________ _____ ____ __ Project Total [111, code = 2] _______ _______ ____________ __ __ ______________________________ __ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ __ _____ ____________ _________ _________________________ _____ ____ __ __ ______________________________ __ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ __ _____ ____________ _________ _________________________ _____ ____ __ __ ______________________________ __ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ __ _____ ____________ _________ _________________________ _____ ____ __ Project Total [111, code = 2] _______ _______ ____________ __ __ ______________________________ __ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ __ _____ ____________ _________ _________________________ _____ ____ __ __ ______________________________ __ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ __ _____ ____________ _________ _________________________ _____ ____ __ __ ______________________________ __ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ __ _____ ____________ _________ _________________________ _____ ____ __ Project Total [111, code = 2] _______ _______ ____________ Total of all Projects [111, code = 3] _______ _______ ___________ Note: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. For [113] translate all codes to text, except codes 3 and 9. For code 3, print the contents of [123]. For [113, code = 9] print the contents of [114]. If [127] is not blank, print "For: [127]" on the next line in column 3, indented two spaces. Print the following mnemonics for item [115]. For: code = 1, m/l; code = 2, lat; code = 3, repl; code = 4, s/s/c; code = 5, reloc If there is only one project reported, print only one line of totals, ie., do not print Total of all Projects. This report layout is for submitting a commencement of construction or completion of facilities report, (Item 112, Proposed Status of Facility, Code = 3 or Code = 5). 112 Company Name : ________________________________________ [2] Docket Number : ______________ [5] EXHIBIT K - DETAIL OF ESTIMATED FACILITIES COSTS [CA09 and CA10] (Print either HEADER1, HEADER2 or HEADER3 according to the instructions in the note following this table). PARTICULAR ESTIMATED COST Right of Way _____[132]_____ Damages _____[133]_____ Surveys _____[134]_____ Materials _____[135]_____ Labor _____[136]_____ Engineering & Inspection _____[137]_____ Line Pack _____[138]_____ Taxes _____[139]_____ Freight _____[140]_____ Pipe Coating _____[141]_____ Cathodic Protection _____[142]_____ Telecommunication Equipment _____[143]_____ Overheads _____[144]_____ AFDUC _____[145]_____ Contingencies _____[146]_____ Legal Fees _____[147]_____ Other Services and Costs (describe in footnote) _____[148]_____ Regulatory Fees _____[149]_____ ================= Total Estimated Cost _____[128]_____ 113 NOTE: HEADER1 - For [131, code = 1] print: PROJECT NUMBER : [129] FACILITY/SEGMENT NUMBER: [130] (After one blank line, print the following description lines based on the value of [113] and contents of [127]). If item [113, code = 1 or 2], print two lines: [118] miles of [120] inch [113, code = 1 or 2], located in [125],[126] [121] inches, [122] psig. MAOP, [119] valve assemblies in segment If item [113, code = 3], print two lines: [123] located in [125], [126] [124] HP, [122] psig. MAOP If item [113, code = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9], print one line: [113, code = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] or [114], located in [125], [126] If item [127] is specified for any of the above, print another line: Provided for: [127] HEADER2 - For [131, code = 2] print: TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS FOR PROJECT NUMBER: [129] HEADER3 - For [131, code = 3] print: TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS FOR ALL PROJECTS 114 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ANNUAL REPORT FOR REPLACEMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.55 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Project Pipeline Outer Meters Taps Other Total County State Cost Max. Daily Fnote Name (miles) Diam. Facil. Horse Vol/Capacity ID Power ([11]) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [155] [158] [160a-f] [161] [161] [161] [169] [170] [171a-f] [181] [182] ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item No. 150 value of "328". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Page ___ - 001 of 1 115 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ADVANCE NOTIFICATION FOR REPLACEMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.55 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Project Pipeline Outer Meters Taps Other Total County State Cost Max. Daily Fnote Name (miles) Diam. Facil. Horse Vol/Capacity ID Power ([11]) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [155] [158] [160a-f] [161] [161] [161] [169] [170] [171a-f] [181] [182] ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item No. 150 value of "327". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Page ___ - 001 of 1 116 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 157.207 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Project Pipeline Outer Meters Taps Other Total County State Cost Max. Daily Name (miles) Diam. Facil. Horse Vol/Capacity Power ([11]) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [154d] [158] [160a-f] [161] [161] [161] [169] [170] [171a-f] [181] [182] _______[155]________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item No. 150 value of "320". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Sort by the order of Item 154d codes 1-4. Print the following for Item 154d: For code = 1, "157.208(e)"; code = 2, "157.211(c)"; code = 3, "157.215(b)(1)"; code = 4, "157.216(d)". Page ___ - 001 of 2 117 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 157.207 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 12 13 Clearance Date Clearance Date Clearance Date Footnote Endangered Species Cultural Resource Coastal Zone ID (yy-mm-dd) (yy-mm-dd) (yy-mm-dd) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [155] [184] [185] __[183]_ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item No. 150 value of "320". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Sort by the order of Item 154 codes 1-4. Print the following for Item 154: For code = 1, "157.208(e)"; code = 2, "157.211(c)"; code = 3, "157.215(b)(1)"; code = 4, "157.216(d)". Page ___ - 002 of 2 118 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ANNUAL REPORT FOR CONSTRUCTION/ABANDONMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 284.11 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Project Pipeline Outer Meters Taps Other Total County State Cost Max. Daily Name (miles) Diam. Facil. Horse Vol/Capacity Power ([11]) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [155] [158] [160a-f] [161] [161] [161] [169] [170] [171a-f] [181] [182] ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item No. 150 value of "400". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Page ___ - 001 of 2 119 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ANNUAL REPORT FOR CONSTRUCTION/ABANDONMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 284.11 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 12 13 Clearance Date Clearance Date Clearance Date Footnote Endangered Species Cultural Resource Coastal Zone ID (yy-mm-dd) (yy-mm-dd) (yy-mm-dd) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [183] [184] [185] ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item No. 150 value of "400". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Page ___ - 002 of 2 120 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ADVANCE NOTIFICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION/ABANDONMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 284.11 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Project Pipeline Outer Meters Taps Other Total County State Cost Max. Daily Name (miles) Diam. Facil. Horse Vol/Capacity Power ([11]) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [155] [158] [160a-f] [161] [161] [161] [169] [170] [171a-f] [181] [182] ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ ____________________ _______ __ __ __ __ _____ ______________________________ __ _____________ ________ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item No. 150 value of "399". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Page ___ - 001 of 2 121 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ADVANCE NOTIFICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION/ABANDONMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 284.11 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 12 13 Clearance Date Clearance Date Clearance Date Footnote Endangered Species Cultural Resource Coastal Zone ID (yy-mm-dd) (yy-mm-dd) (yy-mm-dd) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [183] [184] [185] ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ____ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item No. 150 value of "399". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Page ___ - 002 of 2 122 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] COST OF PIPELINE AND COMPRESSOR STATION CONSTRUCTION/ABANDONMENT ANNUAL REPORT FOR CONSTRUCTION/ABANDONMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 284.11 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Project Interstate/ In Service Total Type of Outer Meter Taps Other Compressor Compressor Comp. Name Intrastate Date Miles Pipe Pipe Stations Facil. Name Type Stat- (yy-mm-dd) Diam. ion __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [154c] [156] [157] [158] [159] [160a-f] [161] [161] [161] [163] [164] [165] _______[155]________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item 150 value of "400". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Print the following for Item [159]. For code = 1, "transm"; code = 2, "lateral"; code = 3, "offshore" Print the following for Item [164]. For code = 1, "transm"; code = 2, "field"; code = 3, "storage"; code = 4, "offshore" Print the following for Item [165]. For code = 1, "new"; code = 2, "add"; code = 3, "upg"; code = 4, "rpl" Print the following for Item [156]. For code = 1, "Interstate"; code = 2, "Intrastate" Print the following for Item [154c] as heading label for projects. For code = 1, "Construction"; code = 2, "Acquisition"; for code = 3, "Abandonment" Page ___ - 001 of 2 123 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] COST OF PIPELINE AND COMPRESSOR STATION CONSTRUCTION/ABANDONMENT ANNUAL REPORT FOR CONSTRUCTION/ABANDONMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 284.11 [CA15] ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Compressor Number Horse Total County, State Material Labor Total Total Cost Total Fnote Engine of Power Horse Parish, Cost Cost Miscell. of each Cost of ID Type Comp. Power Block Cost Facility Project ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [166] [161] [168] [169] [170] [171a-f] [172] [174] [179] [180] [181] ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item 150 value of "400". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Print the following for Item [166]: For code = 1, "reciprocate"; code = 2, "turbine"; code = 3, "elect motor" Page ___ - 002 of 2 124 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] COST OF PIPELINE AND COMPRESSOR STATION CONSTRUCTION/ABANDONMENT ADVANCE NOTIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION/ABANDONMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 284.11 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Project Interstate/ In Service Total Type of Outer Meter Taps Other Compressor Compressor Comp. Name Intrastate Date Miles Pipe Pipe Stations Facil. Name Type Stat- (yy-mm-dd) Diam. ion __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [154c] [156] [157] [158] [159] [160a-f] [161] [161] [161] [163] [164] [165] _______[155]________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ ______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ ______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ ______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ ______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ ______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ ______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ ______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ ______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ ______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ ______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ ______________________ ________ ____ ____________________ __________ ________ ________ ________ __ __ __ __ ______________________ ________ ____ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item 150 value of "399". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Print the following for Item [159]: For code = 1, "transm"; code = 2, "lateral"; code = 3, "offshore" Print the following for Item [164]: For code = 1, "transm"; code = 2, "field"; code = 3, "storage"; code = 4, "offshore" Print the following for Item [165]: For code = 1, "new"; code = 2, "add"; code = 3, "upg"; code = 4, "rpl" Print the following for Item [156]: For code = 1, "Interstate"; code = 2, "Intrastate" Print the following for Item [154c] as heading label for projects. For code = 1, "Construction"; code = 2, "Acquisition"; for code = 3, "Abandonment" Page ___ - 001 of 2 125 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] COST OF PIPELINE AND COMPRESSOR STATION CONSTRUCTION/ABANDONMENT ADVANCE NOTIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION/ABANDONMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 284.11 [CA15] ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Compressor Number Horse Total County, State Material Labor Total Total Cost Total Fnote Engine of Power Horse Parish, Cost Cost Miscell. of each Cost of ID Type Comp. Power Block Cost Facility Project ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [166] [161] [168] [169] [170] [171a-f] [172] [174] [179] [180] [181] ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ____ ____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item 150 value of "400". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Print the following for Item [166]: For code = 1, "reciprocate"; code = 2, "turbine"; code = 3, "elect motor" Page ___ - 002 of 2 126 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] COST OF PIPELINE AND COMPRESSOR STATION REPLACEMENT ADVANCE NOTIFICATION FOR REPLACEMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.55 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Project In Service Total Type of Outer Meter Taps Other Compressor Compressor Comp. Compressor Name Date Miles Pipe Pipe Stations Facil. Name Type Stat- Engine (yy-mm-dd) Diam. ion Type __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [154c] [157] [158] [159] [160a-f] [161] [161] [161] [163] [164] [165] [166] _______[155]________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item 150 value of "327". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Print the following for Item [159]: For code = 1, "transm"; code = 2, "lateral"; code = 3, "offshore" Print the following for Item [164]: For code = 1, "transm"; code = 2, "field"; code = 3, "storage"; code = 4, "offshore" Print the following for Item [165]: For code = 1, "new"; code = 2, "add"; code = 3, "upg"; code = 4, "rpl" Print the following for Item [166]: For code = 1, "reciprocate"; code = 2, "turbine"; code = 3, "elect motor" Print the following for Item [154c] as heading label for projects. For code = 1, "Construction"; code = 2, "Acquisition"; code = 3, "Abandonment" Page ___ - 001 of 2 127 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] COST OF PIPELINE AND COMPRESSOR STATION REPLACEMENT ADVANCE NOTIFICATION FOR REPLACEMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.55 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Number Horse Total County, State Material Labor Total Total Cost Total Footnote of Power Horse Parish, Cost Cost Miscell. of each Cost of ID Comp. Power Block Cost Facility Project __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [161] [168] [169] [170] [171a-f] [172] [174] [179] [180] [181] __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item 150 value of "327". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Page ___ - 002 of 2 128 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] COST OF PIPELINE AND COMPRESSOR STATION REPLACEMENT ANNUAL REPORT FOR REPLACEMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.55 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Project In Service Total Type of Outer Meter Taps Other Compressor Compressor Comp. Compressor Name Date Miles Pipe Pipe Stations Facil. Name Type Stat- Engine (yy-mm-dd) Diam. ion Type __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [154c] [157] [158] [159] [160a-f] [161] [161] [161] [163] [164] [165] [166] _______[155]________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item 150 value of "327". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Print the following for Item [159]: For code = 1, "transm"; code = 2, "lateral"; code = 3, "offshore" Print the following for Item [164]: For code = 1, "transm"; code = 2, "field"; code = 3, "storage"; code = 4, "offshore" Print the following for Item [165]: For code = 1, "new"; code = 2, "add"; code = 3, "upg"; code = 4, "rpl" Print the following for Item [166]: For code = 1, "reciprocate"; code = 2, "turbine"; code = 3, "elect motor" Print the following for Item [154c] as heading label for projects. For code = 1, "Construction"; code = 2, "Acquisition"; code = 3, "Abandonment" Page ___ - 001 of 2 129 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] COST OF PIPELINE AND COMPRESSOR STATION REPLACEMENT ANNUAL REPORT FOR REPLACEMENT OF FACILITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.55 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Number Horse Total County, State Material Labor Total Total Cost Total Footnote of Power Horse Parish, Cost Cost Miscell. of each Cost of ID Comp. Power Block Cost Facility Project __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [161] [168] [169] [170] [171a-f] [172] [174] [179] [180] [181] __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item 150 value of "327". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Page ___ - 002 of 2 130 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] COST OF PIPELINE AND COMPRESSOR STATION CONSTRUCTION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 157.20 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Project In Service Total Type of Outer Meter Taps Other Compressor Compressor Comp. Compressor Name Date Miles Pipe Pipe Stations Facil. Name Type Stat- Engine (yy-mm-dd) Diam. ion Type __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [154c] [157] [158] [159] [160a-f] [161] [161] [161] [163] [164] [165] [166] _______[155]________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header reord with Item 150 value of "142". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Print the following for Item [159]: For code = 1, "transm"; code = 2, "lateral"; code = 3, "offshore" Print the following for Item [164]: For code = 1, "transm"; code = 2, "field"; code = 3, "storage"; code = 4, "offshore" Print the following for Item [165]: For code = 1, "new"; code = 2, "add"; code = 3, "upg"; code 4, "rpl" Print the following for Item [166]: For code = 1, "reciprocate"; code = 2, "turbine"; code = 3, "elect motor" Print the following for Item [154c] as heading label for projects. For code = 1, "Construction"; code = 2, "Acquisition"; code = 3, "Abandonment" Page ___ - 001 of 3 131 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] COST OF PIPELINE AND COMPRESSOR STATION CONSTRUCTION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 157.20 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Number Horse Total County, State Material Eng/Inspect/ Labor Right-of- Interest Overhead of Power Horse Parish, Cost Super/Survey Cost Way Damages during Cost Comp. Power Block Cost Cost Construction __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [161] [168] [169] [170] [171a-f] [172] [173] [174] [175] [176] [177] __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item 150 value of "142". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Page ___ - 002 of 3 132 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] COST OF PIPELINE AND COMPRESSOR STATION CONSTRUCTION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 157.20 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24 25 26 27 Other Total Total Cost Total Footnote Miscell. Miscell. of each Cost of ID Cost Cost Facility Project __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [178] [179] [180] [181] _________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ _________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ _________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ _________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ _________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ _________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ _________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ _________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ _________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ _________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ _________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ _________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item 150 value of "142". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Page ___ - 003 of 3 133 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] COST OF PIPELINE AND COMPRESSOR STATION CONSTRUCTION ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 157.207 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Project In Service Total Type of Outer Meter Taps Other Compressor Compressor Comp. Compressor Name Date Miles Pipe Pipe Stations Facil. Name Type Stat- Engine (yy-mm-dd) Diam. ion Type __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [154c] [157] [158] [159] [160a-f] [161] [161] [161] [163] [164] [165] [166] _______[155]________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________ _______ ________ __ __ __ __ _______________________ ________ ____ ___________ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item 150 value of "320". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Print the following for Item [159]. For code = 1, "transm"; code = 2, "lateral"; code = 3, "offshore" Print the following for Item [164]. For code = 1, "transm"; code = 2, "field"; code = 3, "storage"; code = 4, "offshore" Print the following for Item [165]. For code = 1, "new"; code = 2, "add"; code = 3, "upg"; code = 4, "rpl" Print the following for Item [156]. For code = 1, "reciprocate"; code = 2, "turbine"; code = 3, "elect motor" Print the following for Item [154c] as heading label for projects. For code = 1, "Construction"; code = 2, "Acquisition"; code = 3, "Abandonment" Page ___ - 001 of 2 134 Company Name : ____________________________________________ [2] Docket Number: _______________ [5] COST OF PIPELINE AND COMPRESSOR STATION CONSTRUCTION ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 157.207 [CA15] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Number Horse Total County, State Material Labor Total Total Cost Total Footnote of Power Horse Parish, Cost Cost Miscell. of each Cost of ID Comp. Power Block Cost Facility Project __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [161] [168] [169] [170] [171a-f] [172] [174] [179] [180] [181] __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ __ ____ _____ ______________________________ __ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____ NOTE: Brackets indicate source of data by item number and code. This report is printed if FILE3 has a CA12 header record with Item 150 value of "320". Data comes from CA15 record in FILE1. Page ___ - 002 of 2 135