God and Country

Oct 2, 2012 Issues: Economy and Jobs

In thinking about all that has been accomplished in the past two years, it’s been a fight, but it’s always been one worth fighting for the good of our nation. I will be honest with you; my first term in Congress was not what I expected. I have found that my faith in God and the strength of my family have helped me make the right decisions.

With many in Washington who seem to have forgotten what Christians stand for and what God means to this great country, it is easy to become discouraged. I find hope in knowing that God is watching over everything we do, and I am reminded of that when I participate in my weekly bible study on Capitol Hill with other like-minded members.

Last week I introduced H. Res. 789, a resolution reaffirming the importance of religion in the lives of United States citizens and their freedom to exercise those beliefs peacefully. It seems as though religion has been under attack in recent years, and I fear we will soon forget that everyone is free to practice or not practice any religion they choose. The First Amendment to the Constitution says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” This is a nation with freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. No faith should be silenced in the United States, including Christianity. That goes against the idea of freedom of religion, which we hold so dear and is the spirit of our country.

Religion, specifically the Judeo-Christian religion, is simply part of our heritage through the convictions and decisions made by our first settlers, founding fathers, and lawmakers today. This in mind, I introduced this resolution as a reminder that we are fortunate in this country to have the freedom to choose our religion. It does not change the Constitution, state or federal law, or in any way affect our rights of freedom. It is simply a statement recognizing that many Americans value religion and make it an important part of their lives. 

It is important to me that my constituents know where I stand when it comes to God and Country. My faith will always serve as a guidepost for how I make everyday decisions, as well as my voting record. Remember to be thankful that we live in a country where we are free from religious persecution. Remember that prayer still is the strongest weapon we have against evil of all kinds.