Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

HomeRegulation & Examinations > Resources for Bank Officers & Directors > Community Banking Initiatives - FDIC's Community Banking Research Agenda

Community Banking Initiatives

FDIC's Community Banking Research Agenda

  1. What is a community bank?

  2. How has the number of community banks changed over time?

  3. Where are community banks located and why?

  4. How does the performance of community banks differ across business models and compared to larger banks with similar business models?

  5. Do community banks provide suites of products and services that are different from those more typical of larger banks?

  6. Do community banks tend to serve sets of customers that are distinct from those served by larger banks?

  7. How should the performance of community banks be measured?

  8. Do local communities benefit from a strong community bank presence?

  9. Can we develop a model that predicts the characteristics of successful community banks?

  10. How does the cost and revenue structure of community banks differ from larger banks?

  11. What factors influence the ability of community banks to raise capital?

  12. What are the lessons learned for community banks from the current crisis?

  13. How has technology affected community banks?

  14. How have trends in the small-business economy affected community banks?

Last Updated 11/30/2011 communications@fdic.gov