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United States House of Representatives Radio-Television Correpondents' Gallery
United States House of Representatives Radio-Television Correspondents' Gallery podium in the Gallery
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Covering Committee Hearings

Any accredited media organizations interested in covering a committee hearing must notify the Gallery of its intentions the night prior so Gallery staff can make the necessary arrangements. All electronic equipment must be installed at least 15 minutes before the hearing is scheduled to begin. If you are late, you may not be allowed into the hearing room with gear. Camera positions will generally be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. However, Gallery staff may give preferred tripod positions to organizations providing live, pool or gavel-to-gavel coverage.

Each committee has its own coverage rules. In general, tripods and microphones may not be broken down or removed during a hearing except during a break or recess in the hearing. Cameras may be removed from tripods for cutaways in some hearing rooms. Rules for operation of cutaways during hearings vary, depending on the committee. In crowded hearings, crews may be required to rotate into the room.

Broadcast technicians will strive at all times to maintain decorum and will conduct themselves in a way that does not interfere with the hearing. Unattended tripods may not be used to reserve camera positions inside a committee hearing room. Many Congressional committees prohibit food and drink in their hearing rooms.

Further questions about specific committee coverage arrangements can always be answered by Gallery staff members at 202-225-5214.

Using the Gallery