Blog Posts tagged with "school"

A Doorway to Education and Opportunities in Romania

EUCOM image

The City of Campia Turzii, population 26,377, is located in Transylvania, the central region of Romania and hosts a Romanian Air Base where joint US/Romanian exercises are held every year.  Campia Turzii, like many Eastern European Cities, has struggled to fund badly needed school upgrades to include some buildings that have not been renovated in 40+ years.  Recently, EUCOM partnered with the City and the County Education Department to renovate $380K worth of doors, flooring, windows, interior walls, electrical fixtures and construct playground cover for Pinocchio, Lumea Prichindeilor, and Armonia elementary schools.  EUCOM image

The town already welcomes the U.S. Air Force during their training engagements, but thanks to EUCOM’s investment, there is an even greater mutual respect and understanding that to be partners we must both invest in the future.  You can see this in the thank you letter we received from the County Education Department:


Lt Col Amy McCall
Civic Engagement Branch Chief
Headquarters European Command

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Comments: 1

by Alexandru George on May 31, 2012 :

Hello, I'm from Romania and I am glad to see that our country is visited by people so interesanti.Sper be so always. PS. I love your blog. All the best!

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School donation continues long-standing relationship with Poland

Just last week, I visited the Krakow School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, which was heavily damaged in the spring floods of 2010, to deliver furniture and pianos donated by the U.S. Government.

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Education and water improvements for the children of Bosnia and Herzegovina

U.S. European Command provided $450,000, which allowed the Office of Defense Cooperation to renovate the Drvar school.

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A small investment pays big dividends in Albania

EUCOM invested $170,000 to upgrade a kindergarten in Erseke, Albania.

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Enriching lives in Estonia

The first project was an approximately $317,000 renovation of the Puka School’s roof in Puka, Estonia. The school, built in the 1930s, has continually served as the consolidated school (grades 1-12) for Puka, teaching approximately 120 students every year. The original roof had seen its better days long ago and despite frequent repairs, the challenge to keep out rain was constant. Clearly, this renovation is a vast improvement and will undoubtedly protect Puka’s treasured school long past the time when the grandchildren of current students send their children to learn. After a delightful and memorable performance of Estonian national song and dance by the school’s children, we had the ribbon cutting and plaque dedication by school and civic leaders, and  U.S. Embassy and EUCOM personnel.

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To Communicate “Thank you”

In the future we expect to do more regional projects for Albania and the Balkans by investing in Disaster Preparedness and Telemedicine, but I’m sure the occasional school renovations will remain on our schedule. There really is no better grass roots opportunity for us to reach out and impact the next generation.

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The Face of Security – Can It Be Found In a School Opening?

For much of our Army careers, defining security involved calculating the size of the military force that could be moved to and sustained in a particular area of the world on short notice; the larger the force equating to proportionally more security. However, attendance at two elementary school rededications in Vares and Fojnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), lead us to believe that perhaps this definition is far too simple.

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EUCOM supports Azerbaijan Emphasis on Education

September 15 is the first day of school in Azerbaijan and I was fortunate enough to attend the opening ceremony for Barda school #2 located about 400 KM west of the capital Baku. It was a great honor to join the Deputy Minister of Education, Cabinet Minister for Internally Displaces Persons & Refugees, Regional Mayor and US Embassy Charge D'Affaires, Adam Sterling, in opening our 16th new or renovated school in Azerbaijan.School children flowers in hand, excited about their brand new school.

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First day of school excitement in Albania!

Have you been to the beautiful mountainsides of Northern Albania? It was my first time to this land called Shqipëria, and as it is known by its inhabitants the "Land of the Mountain Eagle," hence the two-headed eagle on their uniquely distinguished national flag.

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Youth Teen and Dependent Education – Day 2

As a group we collectively created a program to eliminate the adult ‘middle man’ process resulting in what we are interested in being expressed. This program, if allotted the five year requested trial program, is expected by the young adult delegates to directly reduce the amount of at-risk behavior.

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Donation to the Chambarak School in Armenia

Riding down the bumpy dirt road with a semi–truck trailing behind, a smile appears on my face. We approach several cows standing in the middle of the road that are in no hurry, of course. I honk the horn twice and they finally begin to amble on their way, except for one. He slowly raises his head, looks directly at me, and I swear I hear him say, “What’s your hurry?” I get the hint, sit back and relax as he wags his tail and slowly moseys along.

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Senior Spouse Briefings

We were fortunate this morning to have the opportunity to meet with Ms. Miles, director of DoDEA. She answered many of our questions concerning the changes and assessments they are working on with our schools. We all feel that DoDEA is on its way to being a better place for our children to learn, no matter the location of the school.  Our day continued with informative meetings from the USO, and DECA. After a working lunch where we were informed and entertained by Chris Underwood, as he spoke about the Diversity of the Generations in the Work Force, we reconvened and learned more about

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Update on Teens

Today we received our feedback from 'upstairs' for of our issues got a green light, and from those we picked two. #1 Two flights back home for college students, and #2 A DoDDs foreign exchange program. So we split into two groups to polish these up. As I was in the group working on the foreign exchange program I am more informed on that one (and the other is rather self-explanitory: getting college students two round-trip tickets home if their family is overseas). As for the foreign exchange basically we are asking that DoDDs implement an exchange program between schools allowing students to completely experience other cultures in their theater. Said student needs a minimum of a 3.0 GPA. 

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Day 2 Recap: Speakers, Focus Groups fill the day

European Command continued the Quality of Life  Conference Monday, March 9.  Speakers included Dr. Shirley Miles, Director, Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA);  Mr. Sam Retherford, representative from Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy and Jacey Eckhart, a motivational speaker,  syndicated militarycolumnist, and author of "The Homefront Club." 

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