Blog Posts tagged with "renovation"

A Doorway to Education and Opportunities in Romania

EUCOM image

The City of Campia Turzii, population 26,377, is located in Transylvania, the central region of Romania and hosts a Romanian Air Base where joint US/Romanian exercises are held every year.  Campia Turzii, like many Eastern European Cities, has struggled to fund badly needed school upgrades to include some buildings that have not been renovated in 40+ years.  Recently, EUCOM partnered with the City and the County Education Department to renovate $380K worth of doors, flooring, windows, interior walls, electrical fixtures and construct playground cover for Pinocchio, Lumea Prichindeilor, and Armonia elementary schools.  EUCOM image

The town already welcomes the U.S. Air Force during their training engagements, but thanks to EUCOM’s investment, there is an even greater mutual respect and understanding that to be partners we must both invest in the future.  You can see this in the thank you letter we received from the County Education Department:


Lt Col Amy McCall
Civic Engagement Branch Chief
Headquarters European Command

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Comments: 1

by Alexandru George on May 31, 2012 :

Hello, I'm from Romania and I am glad to see that our country is visited by people so interesanti.Sper be so always. PS. I love your blog. All the best!

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Humanitarian Assistance for Latvian Fire and Rescue

Since fall 2008 US Embassy's Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC Latvia) and State Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia (SFRS) have identified and submitted 10 Civic Engagement (Humanitarian Assistance) projects for renovations of fire stations all over Latvia.

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Education and water improvements for the children of Bosnia and Herzegovina

U.S. European Command provided $450,000, which allowed the Office of Defense Cooperation to renovate the Drvar school.

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A small investment pays big dividends in Albania

EUCOM invested $170,000 to upgrade a kindergarten in Erseke, Albania.

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First Day of School – Ukrainian Style

I had the privilege of participating in the Ochakiv School #2 ribbon cutting.

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Blue skies in Montana (Bulgaria)

Our Office of Defense Cooperation team left rainy and gloomy Sofia for a trip that had us traveling 2000 km in 5 days.  We were scheduled to travel throughout northern Bulgaria to inspect 15 potential Humanitarian Assistance projects. We were a little worried because we will also had a ribbon cutting to one of our larger HA projects: a kindergarten renovation in the town of Montana.

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Enriching lives in Estonia

The first project was an approximately $317,000 renovation of the Puka School’s roof in Puka, Estonia. The school, built in the 1930s, has continually served as the consolidated school (grades 1-12) for Puka, teaching approximately 120 students every year. The original roof had seen its better days long ago and despite frequent repairs, the challenge to keep out rain was constant. Clearly, this renovation is a vast improvement and will undoubtedly protect Puka’s treasured school long past the time when the grandchildren of current students send their children to learn. After a delightful and memorable performance of Estonian national song and dance by the school’s children, we had the ribbon cutting and plaque dedication by school and civic leaders, and  U.S. Embassy and EUCOM personnel.

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My Dream Come True

Thank you for all the good you have done for the current, and all subsequent generations who will live and enjoy this dorm, thank you so much ... When I lived here it was both a paradise, and a calvary for me, but, I think, life here made me what I am now…..a young, but mature person ready for life ahead of me.

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HA Works When They Want it as Much as We Do!

What makes a Humanitarian Assistance (HA) project a success? There are many factors that impact the process; it is no longer just a triangular relationship between the project scope, available funding and allocated time.

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To Communicate “Thank you”

In the future we expect to do more regional projects for Albania and the Balkans by investing in Disaster Preparedness and Telemedicine, but I’m sure the occasional school renovations will remain on our schedule. There really is no better grass roots opportunity for us to reach out and impact the next generation.

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The Face of Security – Can It Be Found In a School Opening?

For much of our Army careers, defining security involved calculating the size of the military force that could be moved to and sustained in a particular area of the world on short notice; the larger the force equating to proportionally more security. However, attendance at two elementary school rededications in Vares and Fojnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), lead us to believe that perhaps this definition is far too simple.

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Generation to Generation: A story from Albania

We traveled to Albania Sept. 14, 2009 to witness the grand opening of the newly renovated Kucove (Ku-cho-va) Elementary School. Along with the U.S. European Command’s Office of Defense Cooperation and U.S. Charge d’Affairs, we made our way to Kucove and after a 2 ½ hour drive arrived to the sight of 200 young students waving U.S. and Albanian flags in the yard of their newly renovated school. As we toured the grounds and met our Albanian hosts we immediately became aware of the deep admiration Albanians feel for the United States. More than admiration- to use their words- “love” for the United States and all Americans.

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