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ENERGY STAR for Healthcare

Healthcare organizations spend nearly $8.8 billion* on energy each year to meet patient needs. Every dollar a nonprofit healthcare organization saves on energy has the equivalent impact on the operating margin as increasing revenues by $20 for hospitals or $10 for medical offices**.

*Source: EIA, CBECS 2003, Adjusted for inflation to 2008 dollars
**This assumes a 5% and 10% operating margin respectively. To calculate this metric based on your operating margin, go to the Financial Equivalency Calculator in the ENERGY STAR Healthcare Energy Savings Financial Analysis Calculators.

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Join the growing group of organizations honored and recognized by EPA for their outstanding contributions to protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency.

ENERGY STAR Qualified Products

The ENERGY STAR label appears on over 60 different product categories. Use these products in your facilities to lower energy use, save money, and help protect the environment.