Squid Group Page

Squid are naturally a hardy species, and can handle a relatively high amount of fishing. Nevertheless, U.S. fisheries for squid on both coasts are managed to keep harvests at a level that ensure future abundance and sustainable operation of the fishery.


Longfin Squid

Longfin squid

Harvested for bait since the late 1800s, longfin squid are now harvested in the United States for their mild, sweet meat and support an important fishery on the East Coast. Regulations limit the amount of squid that can be harvested each year, and this catch quota is divided in three periods throughout the fishing year. Spacing the allowed harvest throughout the year ensures fishing pressure isn’t concentrated too heavily at one time and allows the fishery to operate year-round. U.S. fisheries supply the majority of longfin squid in both domestic and foreign markets.

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Market Squid

Market squid

Established in 1863, California’s market squid fishery expanded rapidly during the 1980s when international demand for squid increased due to their decline in other parts of the world. Today, the fishery supplies the majority of market squid around the world. Fishermen target spawning squid because they die shortly after they reproduce. Even without fishing, the entire population replaces itself annually. As a result, market squid populations can handle a relatively high amount of fishing pressure. Ensuring that fishermen capture squid that have already spawned is key to the future health of the population.

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