Tri-Party Agreement
TPA Change Package


Upcoming Public Comment Period
Proposed Changes to Tri-Party Agreement
100 Area Waste Site Cleanup, 300 Area Surplus Facilities,
Central Plateau Remedial Investigations/Feasibility Studies and
Canyon Facilities Cleanup Milestones

The Tri-Party Agreement (TPA) agencies (U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Washington Department of Ecology) have signed an Agreement in Principle to discuss and negotiate changes to TPA milestones in the River Corridor and Central Plateau.  These discussions will address adding newly discovered River Corridor work scope that will impact multi-year funding profiles and require some schedules to be extended.

The areas under discussion include, schedule and completion dates:

  • To clean up newly discovered or more extensively contaminated waste sites in the River Corridor (M-016-00A)
  • To characterize the areas associated with or near the KE reactor (M-093-22)
  • For the cleanup and demolition of the 324 facility (M-089-00) and 300 Area surplus facilities (M-094-00), and
  • For Central Plateau decision documents (e.g., remedial investigations/feasibility studies) (M-015-00) and cleanup of the canyon areas (M-085-00).  The canyons are large chemical processing buildings that were used to separate plutonium from irradiated uranium fuel elements. 

A 45-day public comment period on the draft change package(s) is expected to begin this fall.  Based on the level of stakeholder interest, the agencies will consider holding public meetings.  To request a public meeting, call the Hanford Cleanup line 1-800-321-2008 or respond to this email.  If the agencies decide to hold public meetings, dates and locations will be identified in the fact sheet mailed prior to the start of the public comment period.






Last Updated 09/12/2012 1:56 PM