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Agriculture Frequent Questions

Listed below are agriculture-related frequent questions compiled from the Agency's Web site. The frequent questions are grouped into four categories: General, Animal Agriculture, Pesticides, and Worker Protection. This page also provides links to other EPA sources for agriculture-related frequent questions and other EPA sources for general frequent questions.


Animal Agriculture


Worker Protection

Other EPA Sources for Agriculture-related Frequent Questions
Farm and Agricultural Workers FAQs
Region 5 Agriculture FAQs
Main EPA Question page
Ruminant Livestock Frequent Questions
Household Drinking Water Wells FAQs
Private Drinking Water Wells information
Region 8 - General Information
Pesticide Labeling Questions & Answers

Other EPA Sources for General Frequent Questions
Waste Frequently Asked Questions
Pesticide Frequent Questions
Compliance and Enforcement Frequent Questions
Region 3 Frequently Asked Questions - General Sources of Information


Q: Who do I contact if I have a question about the environmental regulation of farms or ranches?

A: For information about EPA’s environmental regulations related to agriculture please visit the Agency’s Web site for agriculture, or contact EPA’s National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center’s on their toll-free number at 1-888-663-2155, or send us an e-mail.

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Q: Where can I find information about sustainability and farming?

A: The Agency's agriculture Web site contains a page with a broad list of sustainability topics and information on sustainability and agriculture.

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Q: Where can I find information about organic farming?

A: The organic farming page contains information and links about organic farming and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Organic Program.  

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Q: How do I order agriculture-related publications and materials from the Ag Center?

A: To order agriculture-related publications and materials, visit the Ag Center's publications page for a list of available publications and follow the ordering instructions on the page.

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Animal Agriculture

Q: I raise livestock, what environmental laws or regulations apply to me?

A: EPA’s environmental laws or regulations that may apply to your livestock operation can be found on the Animal Feeding Operations (AFO) Web page, which includes information on how AFOs are regulated.

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Q: Where do I find information on regulation of livestock feed?

A: The Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) “monitors and establishes standards for feed contaminants, approves safe food additives, and manages the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) medicated feed and pet food programs.” For further information regarding animal feed regulations you should contact the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine.

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Q: Where do I find information about aquaculture operations?

A: The Agency's agriculture Web site contains information on aquaculture operations.

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Q: Where do I find information about pasture, rangeland, or grazing operations?

A: The Agency's agriculture Web site contains information on pasture, rangeland, or grazing operations.

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Q: Where do I find information about fertilizers?

A: The Agency's agriculture Web site contains information on fertilizers and nutrient management.

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Q: Where can I find information about registering a pesticide?

A: Go to EPA’s Pesticide Regulation Web page to read about how to properly register pesticides. The site also includes a list of resources that are available to pesticide registrants.

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Q: Where can I find information about pesticide establishment registration and reporting?

A: EPA's compliance monitoring Web site includes questions and answers that explain the requirements for pesticide establishment registration and reporting. For more information, contact the pesticide establishment coordinator in your area.

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Q: Where can I find information about bulk repackaging of pesticides? 

A: EPA's compliance monitoring Web site includes questions and answers that explain the requirements for bulk repackaging of pesticides.

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Q: Where can I find information about custom blending of pesticides?   

A: EPA's compliance monitoring Web site includes questions and answers that explain the requirements for custom blending of pesticides.

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Q: Where can I find information about the transportation of pesticides?   

A: EPA's compliance monitoring Web site includes questions and answers that provide information about transporting pesticides.

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Q: Where can I find out about pesticides being applied by my lawn care company or by the apartment building where I live?

A: Information about pesticides can be found on the EPA’s Pesticides Web site.

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Worker Protection

Q: Is my farm, nursery, greenhouse, or forest covered under EPA’s Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for agricultural pesticides?

A: The Agency's agriculture Web site includes general information on the WPS. The Ag Center updated the document, How To Comply With the Worker Protection Standard in September 2005, which includes information on “Who Needs to Read This Manual" and can provide additional details on whether your operation is covered by the WPS.

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Q: What do I have to do if I am covered by the Worker Protection Standard (WPS)?

A: The Agency's agriculture Web site contains information about how to understand your obligations under the WPS and how to comply with the WPS. Additional information is available in Part 170 of the Code of Federal Regulations, which codifies the Worker Protection Standard.

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Q: How do I order Worker Protection Standard (WPS) training materials, posters, or fact sheets?

A: To order WPS training materials, posters, or fact sheets, go to the Ag Center's WPS publications page for a list of available publications and follow the ordering instructions at the bottom of the page.

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