Alternative Dispute Resolution

The FLRA has integrated alternative dispute resolution (ADR) into virtually all of its processes, and significantly expanded its training outreach and facilitation activites.  All components of the FLRA assist parties in resolving their disputes using consensus-decision making and ADR techniques to reduce litigation and its related costs.  ADR is an informal process that allows parties to discuss and devlop their interests in order to resolve the underlying issues and problems in their relationships.  This includes interest-based conflict resolution and intervetion services in pending negotibaility appeals, arbitration cases, impasse bargining disputes, unfair labor practice cases, and representation cases.   

The FLRA's Collaboration and Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR) program supports the integration of ADR into all FLRA case processes, and through the CADR Office (CADRO) provides ADR and facilitation services, resources, and educational tools for FLRA customers.  In addition, CADRO provides facilitation services and interest-based problem solving training to assist management and labor in developing and maintaining collaborative relationships generally and under Executive Order 13522, Creating Labor-Management Forums to Improve Delivery of Government Services.

The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) also provides case related ADR services, which are set forth on the OGC's ADR page, and Statutory Training on the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute as well as Representation case handling training, which are all set forth on the OGC's training page.  In addition, the OGC has partnered with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) to provide overview training on Executive Order 13522, Creating Labor-Management Forums to Improve Delivery of Government Services, including pre-decisional involvement, metrics, forum design, consensual decision-making, and facilitation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the FLRA's ADR Programs 

Contact Information for ADR and Facilitation Services or Training 

CADRO Services

OGC Training Programs and FLRA and FMCS Joint Training Program