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FGDC Working Groups

Active Working Groups

Working Group
Current Workplan
Latest Status Report
Chair Person
Geospatial Enterprise Architecture 2007 Workplan Report - March 2010 Doug Nebert, Department of the Interior / USGS  703-648-4151
Users/Historical Data 2012 Workplan Report - August 2011 Colleen Cahill, Library of Congress
Metadata 2009 Workplan Report - November 2011 Jennifer Carlino, Department of the Interior / USGS 303-202-4260
Marine Boundary 2008 Workplan Report - 2007
Cindy Fowler, Co-Chair, NOAA
Steve Kopach, Co-Chair, MMS
Standards 2007 Workplan Report - July 2011 Julie Binder Maitra, Department of the Interior / USGS 703-648-4627



Past Working Groups

Working Group
Chair Person Phone
Biological Data Open

Clearinghouse Doug Nebert, Department of the Interior / USGS 703-648-4151
Earth Cover Thomas Iivari, Department of the Agriculture / NRCS 202-690-0024
Facilities Nancy Blyler, Department of Defense / USACE 202-761-5540
Geospatial Applications & Interoperability Myra Bambacus, NASA 301-286-3215
Homeland Security Jonathan Hasse, Department of Homeland Security 202-447-3725
Sample Inventory and Monitoring of Natural Resources and the Environment (SIMNRE) Jeff Goebel, Department of Agriculture / NRCS 301-504-2270
Sustainable Forest Data Paul Geissler, Co-Chair, Department of the Interior / USGS
Rick Guldin, Co-Chair, Department of Agriculture / FS
Tribal Ed Liu, Co-Chair, Environmental Protection Agency
Richard Moore, Co-Chair, Bureau of Indian Affairs



Last Updated: Mar 27, 2012 09:43 AM
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