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2011 NSDI CAP Projects

These are NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program projects awarded in FY2011.

Page New Jersey
Award Number G11AC20063, Category 3: Fifty States Initiative: Strategic and Business Plan Development
Page Tennessee
Award Number G11AC20052, Category 3: Fifty States Initiative: Strategic and Business Plan Development
Page California
Award Number G11AC20051, Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
Page Florida
Award Number G11AC20054, Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
Page Idaho-Montana
Award Number G11AC20050, Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
Page Louisana
Award Number G11AC20046, Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
Page Minnesota
Award Number G11AC20048, Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
Page West Virginia
Award Number G11AC20064, Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
Page Wisconsin
Award Number G11AC20047, Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
Page Utah
Award Number G11AC20049, Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
Page Central Florida Metadata Training Initiative
Award Number G11AC20058, Category 1: Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance
Page Iowa Metadata Outreach Project
Award Number G11AC20062, Category 1: Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance
Page Metadata Training and Outreach for Tribal Environmental Science and Management on the Colorado Plateau
Award Number G11AC20057, Category 1: Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance
Page Appalachian Ohio Geospatial Data Partnership - Incorporation and Promotion of NSDI Cadastral Standards
Award Number G11AC20061, Category 2: FGDC-endorsed Standards Implementation Training and Outreach
Page Quality and Data Exchange Tool Design for United States Thoroughfare, Landmark and Postal Address Data Standard
Award Number G11AC20053, Category 2: FGDC-endorsed Standards Implementation Training and Outreach
Page Wetland Mapping Standard Implementation, Outreach and Training Materials
Award Number G11AC20060, Category 2: FGDC-endorsed Standards Implementation Training and Outreach
Page Development of "Return on Investment" Documentation for the Proposed Maine Orthoimagery Program
Award Number G11AC20059, Category 5: Return on Investment (ROI) Methodology and Business Case Development for Multi-agency NSDI Projects
Page Measuring Virtual USA ROI – A Multnomah County Case Study
Award Number G11AC20055, Category 5: Return on Investment (ROI) Methodology and Business Case Development for Multi-agency NSDI Projects
Page New York Statewide Imagery Return on Investment Study
Award Number G11AC20056, Category 5: Return on Investment (ROI) Methodology and Business Case Development for Multi-agency NSDI Projects
Page Advancement of the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard to Final Draft
Award Number G11AC20044, Category 6: FGDC Standards Development Assistance
Last Updated: Mar 07, 2011 05:42 PM
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