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2005 NSDI Cooperative Agreeements Program Announcement

Funding Categories for the 2005 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program


Closes:   June, 16, 2005, 2:00p.m. EDT
Program Announcement Number: 05HQPA0007
Catalog of Federal domestic Assistance (CDFA) No.: 15.809

Approximately $1,300,000 is available under this year's program.

Category 1: Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance provides assistance to organizations with NSDI expertise knowledge and experience in assisting other organizations with the training and implementation of metadata, clearinghouse or web mapping services. Maximum award $30,000 (50% in-kind match), approximately 10 projects

Category 2: Establishing Framework Data Services using the OpenGIS Web Feature Service Specification provides assistance for establishing methodologies for serving and using Framework data over the Web using the Open Geospatial Consortium Web Feature Service specification. A project will require formal collaboration between a data provider and a software provider. Maximum award $50,000 (50% in-kind match), approximately 6 projects

Category 3: Geographic Information Coordination provides assistance to consortia of public and non-profit organizations to develop new or strengthen existing multi-organizational collaboration that supports the development and maintenance of a shared digital geographic resource and to foster the establishment of cross-organizational coordinating councils that develop and advance the NSDI within a specific geographic area. Maximum award $20,000 (100% in-kind match), approximately 10 projects

Category 4: Geographic Information Integration & Analysis category provides assistance to organizations and consortia that maintain, update and make available data, in collaborating with the National Geospatial Program Office and The National Map. Funds are provided to help new participants overcome initial impediments to participation and to help existing participants improve their web services and provide them through The National Map. Maximum award $50,000 (100% in-kind match), approximately 10 projects

Application Status: Closed on June 16, 2005

Last Updated: Nov 30, 2005 04:40 PM
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