Natural Gas


Natural Gas Monthly

Released: September 28, 2012

Highlights activities, events, and analyses associated with the natural gas industry. Volume and price data are presented each month for natural gas production, distribution, consumption, and interstate pipeline activities. Producer related activities and underground storage data are also reported. (archived versions)

Monthly Energy Review - Natural Gas Section

Released: September 26, 2012

Recent statistics on natural gas supply, disposition, and price.

Short-Term Energy Outlook - Natural Gas Section

Released: September 11, 2012

Short-term forecasts of natural gas supply, demand, and price projections.

Natural Gas Year-In-Review

Released: July 10, 2012

Natural gas production grew by 7.9 percent in 2011, with large gains in onshore production offsetting continuing declines in the Gulf of Mexico. Production grew despite a year over year decline in prices. Growth in the electric power and industrial sectors drove overall increases in total consumption. Strength in domestic supplies, as well as mild weather in the fourth quarter of the year, reduced the need for pipeline imports, while pipeline exports from the U.S. to Mexico increased substantially. (archived versions)

Natural Gas Annual

Released: December 29, 2011

Provides information on the supply and disposition of natural gas in the United States. Production, transmission, storage, deliveries, and price data are published by state for the current year. Summary data are presented for each state for previous 5 years. (archived versions)

What Are the Major Sources and Users of Energy in the United States?

Released: October 25, 2011

Energy in Brief article on energy sources in the U.S.

Annual Energy Review - Natural Gas Section

Released: October 19, 2011

Annual statistics on natural gas supply, demand, and price.

International Energy Outlook - Natural Gas Section

Released: September 19, 2011

International natural gas projections through 2035

Annual Energy Outlook - Natural Gas Section

Released: April 26, 2011

Natural gas projections to 2035.

Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants

Released: December 1, 2010

Provides comprehensive information concerning the quality, quantity, and cost of fossil fuels used to produce electricity in the United States. (archived versions)

Winter Fuels Outlook Conference 2010

Released: October 13, 2010

This presentation at the 2010 Winter Fuels Outlook Conference in Washington, DC, outlined EIA's current forecast for U.S. crude oil, distillate, natural gas, propane and gasoline supply, demand, and markets over the coming winter season.

Trends in U.S. Residential Natural Gas Consumption

Released: June 23, 2010

This report presents an analysis of residential natural gas consumption trends in the United States through 2009 and analyzes consumption trends for the United States as a whole (1990 through 2009) and for each Census Division (1998 through 2009).

Seasonality in the Natural Gas Balancing Item: Historical Trends and Corrective Measures

Released: June 4, 2010

This special report examines an underlying cause of the seasonal pattern in the balancing item published in the Natural Gas Monthly.

Natural Gas Residential Choice

Released: May 17, 2010

Status of Natural Gas Residential Choice Programs by State as of December 2009

Revisions in Natural Gas Monthly Consumption and Price Data, 2004 - 2007

Released: December 31, 2009

This report summarizes the method in which natural gas consumption data are collected and processed for publication and details the most notable revisions in natural gas consumption data for the period 2004 to 2007. It is intended to assist data users in evaluating the quality of the monthly consumption and price data for residential, commercial, and industrial consumers of natural gas.

Natural Gas Market Centers: A 2008 Update

Released: April 24, 2009

This special report looks at the current status of market centers in today's natural gas marketplace, examining their role and their importance to natural gas shippers, pipelines, and others involved in the transportation of natural gas over the North American pipeline network.

Global Gas Outlook

Released: July 2, 2008

World natural gas consumption and production are expected to increase by more than 50 percent from 2005 through 2030. Asia is expected to become the world's number one gas consumer, taking over that spot from North America, as China's economy grows 6.4 percent annually. Non-OECD countries are expected to account for more than 70 percent of the world's total growth in consumption and production of natural gas over the forecast period. A significant portion of the non-OECD production growth is expected to be in the form of export projects, particularly LNG projects. World LNG trade is projected to more than double by 2030, with the center of the trade moving away from northeast Asia toward an even Atlantic/Pacific basin split.

Impact of Higher Natural Gas Prices on Local Distribution Companies and Residential Customers

Released: August 15, 2007

This report examines some of the problems faced by natural gas consumers as a result of increasing heating bills in recent years and problems associated with larger amounts of uncollectible revenue and lower throughput for the local distribution companies (LDCs) supplying the natural gas.

Natural Gas Marketer Prices and Sales To Residential and Commercial Customers: 2002-2005

Released: June 29, 2007

This report compares residential and commercial prices collected from natural gas marketers and local distribution companies in MD, NY, OH and PA from 2002-2005 and gives the history and status of natural gas choice programs in those States.

Northeast Natural Gas Market in 2030

Released: September 27, 2006

LNG imports have grown substantially in recent years and they are expected to grow sevenfold by 2030. A review of the industry and infrastructure in the Northeast shows a region with limited indigenous production, so the region relies on flows into the area for most of the natural gas it consumes. A key source of supply is the LNG import terminal located in Everett, Massachusetts, which provides about 20 percent of regional supply. The United States needs additional LNG imports to meet future natural gas demand, however, building new LNG terminals in the Northeast or elsewhere involves a number of tradeoffs that will depend on energy markets and local acceptance.

EIA Short-Term Outlook for Natural Gas

Released: August 7, 2006

This presentation at the 2006 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference in North Falmouth, Massachusetts, outlined EIA's July 2006 forecast for natural gas supply, demand, and markets through 2007.

EIA Outlook for U.S. Heating Fuels

Released: August 7, 2006

This presentation at the 2006 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference in North Falmouth, Massachusetts, outlined EIA's current forecast for U.S. crude oil, distillate, propane and gasoline supply, demand, and markets over the coming winter season.

Natural Gas Industry and Markets

Released: March 3, 2006

This special report provides an overview of the supply and disposition of natural gas in 2004 and is intended as a supplement to the Energy Information Administration's (EIA) Natural Gas Annual 2004 (NGA). Unless otherwise stated, all data and figures in this report are based on summary statistics published in the NGA 2004. (archived versions)

Petroleum and Natural Gas Outlook

Released: February 18, 2005

A presentation to the National Association of State Energy Officials 2005 Energy Outlook Conference, in Washington, DC, on February 17, 2005, giving EIA's outlook for petroleum and natural gas supply, demand, and prices.

EIA's Natural Gas Outlook Through 2025

Released: November 1, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: WPS Energy Services Meeting Worthington, OH November 16, 2004

Natural Gas Outlook

Released: June 24, 2004

Southeastern Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners SEARUC 2004 June 14,2004 Presented by: Barbara Mariner-Volpe, Energy Information Administration

U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas Outlook

Released: March 24, 2004

Presented by: Mark Rodekohr Presented to: 14th International Conference on Liquefied Natural Gas Doha, Qatar March 23, 2004

Natural Gas Outlook

Released: March 12, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Ohio Oil & Gas Association Conference March 12, 2004

Natural Gas Outlook

Released: March 12, 2004

Presented to: Ohio Oil & Gas Association Conference, March 12, 2004 Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, Administrator, Energy Information Administration

Crude & Natural Gas Outlook: More Tightness Ahead

Released: March 1, 2004

Presentation by Guy Caruso Administrator Energy Information Administration NPRA Annual Meeting San Antonio, Texas March 2004

Natural Gas Outlook

Released: February 25, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Ohio Management and Restructuring Conference February 25, 2004

Short-Term Natural Gas Outlook

Released: December 5, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: CBI Gas Outlook 2004 Conference Houston, Texas December 5, 2003

Natural Gas Supply Outlooks Compared: AEO2004P, AEO2003, and NPC

Released: December 4, 2003

Presented by: Howard Gruenspecht, Deputy EIA Administrator Presented to: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Boston, Massachusetts December 4, 2003

Short-Term Natural Gas Outlook

Released: November 19, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: CWC North American Natural Gas Conference Houston, Texas November 19, 2003

EIA's Natural Gas Outlook Through 2025

Released: November 5, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Oil & Money 2003 London, England November 5, 2003

Natural Gas Outlook - Presented to: Kansas Corporation Commission

Released: November 1, 2003

Presented to: Kansas Corporation Commission, October 28, 2003, Presented by: William Trapmann, Energy Information Administration

U.S. Natural Gas Outlook

Released: October 24, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: SAIS/ESAI Seminar October 24, 2003

Natural Gas Market Centers and Hubs: A 2003 Update

Released: October 1, 2003

This special report looks at the current status of market centers/hubs in today's natural gas marketplace, examining their role and their importance to natural gas shippers, marketers, pipelines, and others involved in the transportation of natural gas over the North American pipeline network.

Energy Forum

Released: September 25, 2003

Natural Gas, Forecast Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Energy Forum New York, New York

Gas Week

Released: September 24, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Gas Week Houston, Texas September 24, 2003

Natural Gas Outlook North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Annual Meeting

Released: September 17, 2003

North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Annual Meeting September 17, 2003 Barbara Mariner-Volpe, Energy Information Administration

EIA's Natural Gas Outlook Through 2025

Released: August 5, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Colorado Oil and Gas Association Denver, Colorado August 5, 2003

Outlook On Natural Gas, Arkansas Public Service Commission,

Released: July 3, 2003

Winter 2002/2003 status of working gas storage, natural gas market outlook.

EIA's Natural Gas Outlook Through 2025

Released: June 30, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Independent Petroleum Association of America Boca Raton, Florida June 20, 2003

Natural Gas Summit Short-Term Energy Outlook, 2003

Released: June 26, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Natural Gas Summit Washington, DC June 26, 2003

Outlook On Gas Pricing and Storage Deliverability

Released: June 17, 2003

Presented by: William Trapmann Presented to: Infocast Conference Boston, Massachusetts June 17, 2003

Outlook for the U.S. Natural Gas Market

Released: June 10, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: The Committee On Energy And Commerce U. S. House Of Representatives Washington, DC June 10, 2003

Outlook for Natural Gas and Petroleum

Released: May 19, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: IOGCC Conference Williamsburg, Virginia May 19, 2003

U.S. Natural Gas Markets and Industry, The

Released: May 13, 2003

Presented by: Barbara Mariner-Volpe and William Trapmann May 13, 2003

Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook 2003

Released: April 1, 2003

This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2003/04. It was given at the 2003 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Asheville, NC on August 11, 2003.

Outlook for Natural Gas Supply and Prices

Released: February 25, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Committee On Energy And Natural Resources United States Senate Washington, DC February 25, 2003

Natural Gas Update: EIA NARUC Winter Meeting

Released: February 23, 2003

Prices, Storage, Consumption

Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook

Released: August 21, 2002

This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2002/03. It was given at the 2002 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Kennebunkport, ME on August 12, 2002.

Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook 2002

Released: August 1, 2002

This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2002/03. It was given at the 2002 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Kennebunkport, ME on August 12, 2002.

Mid-term Outlook for Natural Gas Markets in the United States

Released: July 1, 2002

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Acting EIA Administrator Presented to: The House Committee On Resources Subcommittee On Energy And Mineral Resources Washington, DC July 16, 2002

EIA's Testimony on the Effect of the ENRON Bankruptcy on the Functioning of Energy Markets

Released: February 13, 2002

Statement of Mary J. Hutzler, Acting Administrator; Energy Information Administration; Department Of Energy Before The Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality; Committee on Energy and Commerce United States House of Representatives Hearing on the Effect of the Enron Bankruptcy on the Functioning of Energy Markets February 13, 2002

U.S. Natural Gas Markets: Mid-Term Prospects for Natural Gas Supply

Released: December 1, 2001

This service report describes the recent behavior of natural gas markets with respect to natural gas prices, their potential future behavior, the potential future supply contribution of liquefied natural gas and increased access to Federally restricted resources, and the need for improved natural gas data.

Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook 2001

Released: August 1, 2001

This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2001/02. It was given by Doug MacIntyre at the 2001 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Wilmington, DE on August 13, 2001.

U.S. Natural Gas Markets: Recent Trends and Prospects for the Future

Released: May 1, 2001

The purpose of this study is to examine recent trends and prospects for the future of the U.S. natural gas market. Natural gas prices rose dramatically in 2000 and remained high through the first part of 2001, raising concerns about the future of natural gas prices and potential for natural gas to fuel the growth of the U.S. economy. Pages

EIA's Testimony on Natural Gas - House Subcommittee on Energy and the Air Quality

Released: March 28, 2001

Statement of Beth Campbell, Energy Information Administration; Department of Energy Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality; Committee on Energy and Commerce U. S. House of Representatives - Hearing on Natural Gas February 28, 2001

Hearing on Current U.S. Energy Trends

Released: March 21, 2001

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Director, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting Presented to: Senate Energy And Natural Resources Committee United States Senate March 21, 2001

EIA's Testimony on Natural Gas

Released: February 28, 2001

Statement of Beth Campbell, Energy Information Administration; Department of Energy Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality; Committee on Energy and Commerce U. S. House of Representatives - Hearing on Natural Gas February 28, 2001

Natural Gas Market Information

Released: February 1, 2001

Presentation by Barbara Mariner-Volpe, February 2001, to the Bangladesh Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

Natural Gas Conveyance and Restructuring

Released: February 1, 2001

Presentation by Barbara Mariner-Volpe to the Bangladesh Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, February 2001

U.S. Natural Gas Markets

Released: February 1, 2001

Dr. Mark Rodekohr Presented to the Philippines Department of Energy February 2001

U.S. Natural Gas Markets Developments and Outlook

Released: February 1, 2001

Presented by Barbara Mariner-Volpe to the Bangladesh Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources - February 2001

Impact of Interruptible Natural Gas Service on Northeast Heating Oil Demand

Released: February 1, 2001

Assesses the extent of interruptible natural gas contracts and their effect on heating oil demand in the Northeast.

Presentation for National Governors' Association

Released: January 26, 2001

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division, Office of Oil and Gas Presented to: National Governors' Association January 26, 2001

Natural Gas Market Status and Outlook

Released: January 24, 2001

Presented by: Barbara Mariner-Volpe January 24, 2001

Risk of Infrastructure Failure in the Natural Gas Industry

Released: January 22, 2001

Presented by: Aileen Alex January 22, 2001

Summary Short-Term Petroleum and Natural Gas Outlook

Released: January 12, 2001

Presented by: Mark J. Mazur, Acting EIA Administrator January 12, 2001

EIA's Testimony on Natural Gas Supply and Demand Before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee

Released: December 12, 2000

Statement of Mark J. Mazur Acting Administrator Energy Information Administration Department of Energy before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources U.S. Senate December 12, 2000

Next Generation * Natural Gas (NG)2 Information Requirements--Executive Summary

Released: October 1, 2000

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) has initiated the Next Generation * Natural Gas (NG)2 project to design and implement a new and comprehensive information program for natural gas to meet customer requirements in the post-2000 time frame.

Natural Gas Winter Outlook 2000-2001

Released: October 1, 2000

This article is based on the Winter Fuels Outlook published in the 4th Quarter Short-Term Energy Outlook and discusses the supply and demand outlook from October 2000 through March 2001.

Natural Gas Data Systems Conceptual Framework, Measurement and Dissemination

Released: September 1, 2000

Measurement and Dissemination Current Developments and Changes

Outlook for Natural Gas: Winter 2000

Released: August 21, 2000

Presented by: Barbara Mariner-Volpe Presented to: State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference Wrightsville Beach, NC August 21, 2000

Winter Distillate and Natural Gas Outlook

Released: July 27, 2000

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division; EIA's Office of Oil and Gas July 27, 2000

Evolution of Gas Markets in the United States, The

Released: July 1, 2000

Barbara Mariner-Volpe May 2000 Bangladesh Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

Natural Gas Markets and Reliability of the Electric Power Industry

Released: June 1, 2000

Prices, Resources & Reserves, Exploration & Production, Imports & Exports, Storage, Consumption/Use

Statement of Jay E. Hakes Before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources

Released: May 25, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Presented to: United States Senate Washington, DC May 25, 2000

Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power

Released: May 24, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Presented to: U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC May 24, 2000

Northeast Heating Fuel Market, The Assessment and Options

Released: May 1, 2000

In response to the President's request, this study examines how the distillate fuel oil market (and related energy markets) in the Northeast behaved in the winter of 1999-2000, explains the role played by residential, commercial, industrial, and electricity generation sector consumers in distillate fuel oil markets and describes how that role is influenced by the structure of the energy markets in the Northeast

Natural Gas A Preliminary Summary 1999

Released: May 1, 2000

This Special Report provides preliminary natural gas data for 1999 which were reported on monthly surveys of the industry through December.

How Changing Energy Markets Affect Manufacturing

Released: March 1, 2000

The market for natural gas has been changing for quite some time. As part of natural gas restructuring, gas pipelines were opened to multiple users. Manufacturers or their representatives could go directly to the wellhead to purchase their natural gas, arrange the transportation, and have the natural gas delivered either by the local distribution company or directly through a connecting pipeline.

Presentation to the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners,

Released: July 21, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Presented to: National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Staff Subcommittee on Gas San Francisco, CA July 21, 1999

Retail Unbundling

Released: July 1, 1999

This special report provides a brief summary of the status of retail unbundling programs (also known as "customer choice" programs) for residential natural gas customers in various States,

Natural Gas Data Systems Midwest Workshop, May 20-21, 1999

Released: June 1, 1999

Measurement and Dissemination Current Developments and Changes

Statement Before the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, U.S. Senate

Released: April 21, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Washington, DC April 21, 1999

North American Gas Strategies Conference

Released: April 19, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Houston, TX April 19, 1999

Natural Gas Issues and Trends

Released: April 1, 1999

Final issue of this report. Provides a summary of the latest data and information relating to the natural gas industry, including prices, production, transmission, consumption, and financial aspects of the industry. (archived versions)

Natural Gas A Preliminary Summary 1998

Released: April 1, 1999

This Special Report provides preliminary natural gas data for 1998 which were reported on monthly surveys of the industry through December.

North American Gas Strategies Conference - Outlook for Natural Gas Supply

Released: October 19, 1998

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Calgary, Alberta October 19, 1998

Revisions to Monthly Natural Gas Data

Released: July 1, 1998

(1994, 1995, and 1996) - Revisions to Monthly Natural Gas Data (archived versions)

Putting Economic Power in Distributed Power

Released: October 22, 1997

Electric Power Research Institute's Distributed Resources Week 1997 (October 22, 1997) AUTHOR: John Herbert

Worldwide Natural Gas Supply and Demand and the Outlook for Global LNG Trade

Released: August 1, 1997

This article is adapted from testimony by Jay Hakes, Administrator of the Energy Information Administration, before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on July 23, 1997. The hearing focused on the examination of certain aspects of natural gas into the next century with special emphasis on world natural gas supply and demand to 2015.

West Texas Market Centers Interplay With North and East Texas and Louisiana Market Centers

Released: June 24, 1997

The presentation, titled "West Texas Market Centers Interplay With North and East Texas and Louisiana Market Centers" describes new trading environments for natural gas commodity and transportation services. It also identifies the factors that influenced the development of these environments.

State Regulators Promote Consumer Choice in Retail Gas Markets

Released: December 1, 1996

Restructuring of interstate pipeline companies has created new choices and challenges for local distribution companies (LDCs), their regulators, and their customers. The process of separating interstate pipeline gas sales from transportation service has been completed and has resulted in greater gas procurement options for LDCs.

Emergence of Natural Gas Market Centers

Released: December 1, 1996

Discusses the value of market centers in today's marketplace, highlighting their importance in capacity and financial transactions

Natural Gas Industry Restructuring and EIA Data Collection

Released: June 1, 1996

EIA's Reserves and Natural Gas Division has undertaken an in-depth reevaluation of its programs in an effort to improve the focus and quality of the natural gas data that it gathers and reports. This article is to inform natural gas data users of proposed changes and of the opportunity to provide comments and input on the direction that EIA is taking to improve its data.

Outlook for Natural Gas Markets

Released: May 1, 1996

Paper presented at the 49th Annual Symposium of the New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners, Inc., in Vermont.

Natural Gas 1995: Preliminary Highlights

Released: April 1, 1996

This Special Report provides preliminary natural gas data for 1995.


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