public statements

Missile Defense Agency Public Statements

The Missile Defense Agency's program is structured to respond to existing and emerging ballistic missile threats to the United States, its forward deployed forces, allies, and friends around the world. The funding for the BMD Program is submitted each year in the President's Budget. The MDA's Director and staff testify before the congressional defense committees to explain the status of the BMD programs and to justify the organization's funding. The BMD Public Statement Section provides you with transcripts of senior defense official's briefings on BMD issues to Congress and other forums.

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MDA Public Statements: 2012

  • April 25, 2012 - LTG O'Reilly
    Senate Armed Services Committee
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    Ballistic Missile Defense Policies and Programs for Fiscal Year 2013 and the Future Years Defense Program - Written Statement
  • April 18, 2012 - LTG O'Reilly
    Senate Appropriations Committee
    Subcommittee on Defense
    Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Request - Written Statement
  • March 06, 2012 - LTG O'Reilly
    House Armed Services Committee
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Request - Written Statement

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