Introduction to Physical Security PY011.06

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Description: This course is an interactive Web-based course. The course provides an introduction to the Department of Defense (DoD) Physical Security Program. The Introduction to Physical Security course provides students with a basic understanding of the theories and principles involved in the application of physical security in the protection of DoD assets. The course focuses on physical security and the roles people play in the physical security program, introduces the concept of security-in-depth, explores how countermeasures are developed and deployed to deter, delay, detect, or prevent attacks, and physical security planning and implementation.

Length: 1 hour

Target Audience: Civilian, military, and contractor personnel responsible for or involved with application of physical security in the safeguarding and protection of DoD assets.

Clearance Requirement: None

Prerequisites: None

Requirements: A passing grade of 75 percent on examination at end of course will allow the student to print a certificate of successful completion.

Number of Students Per Class: N/A

System Requirements: Internet Explorer 6.0, Flash Player 8, Internet bandwidth connection (DSL or better), Display 1024 x 768, Audio (16-bit sound card), Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0

Credit Recommendation: N/A

CDSE courses are intended for use by Department of Defense and other U.S. Government personnel and contractors within the National Industrial Security Program.