Derivative Classification IF103.16

[Register in STEPP] [Access the course outside of STEPP *]

*Note: You may also access this web-based training course outside of STEPP. If you select this option, your course completion will not be reflected in your training transcript within the STEPP Learning Management System. If you are completing this course as a prerequisite for a CDSE instructor led course, you must take the Derivative Classification Exam (IF103.06) on STEPP to receive credit for completion.

This course does not contain the final exam. Students must register for the exam separately in STEPP and will receive credit for the course upon receiving a passing score.

Description: Explains how to derivatively classify national security information from a classification management perspective. The course discusses the responsibilities associated with derivatively classifying information; describes the process and methods for derivatively classifying information; identifies authorized sources to use when derivatively classifying information and explains how to apply authorized sources, through derivatively classifying information based on the concepts of "contained in," "revealed by," and compilation.

Length: 2 hours

Target Audience: DoD military, civilian and contractor personnel who are responsible for derivatively classifying national security information.

Number of students per class: N/A

Prerequisites: None

Clearance Requirement: None

Requirements: A passing score of 75% on the final exam (IF103.06) allows students to print a certificate of successful completion.

System Requirements: Adobe Flash Player 8.0 or above

Credit Recommendation: N/A

CDSE courses are intended for use by Department of Defense and other U.S. Government personnel and contractors within the National Industrial Security Program.