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Ecology/Nature - Wildlife - Birds of Fermilab

Current Status of Access to Fermilab

The diversity of habitats to be found on the 6,800 acre site of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) make it a favorite location for birdwatchers in Chicago's western suburbs. As a result the site has produced a large array of unusual bird sightings including a Gargany Teal which in 1982 attracted birdwatchers to site from as far away as Arizona.

Since 1987 the Fermilab's bird population has been intensively monitored, resulting in extensive data on what birds can be seen on the site and where and when they can be found. The links below access lots of information from the survey as well as much additional information for the interested visitor.

Survey Results

  • The Full List: Each bird species recorded on site is listed here along with information on when and where it can be found.
  • Search: This facility allows one to search the bird list for a specific species or to extract a variety of useful information.
  • Christmas Bird Count Results: Part of a nationwide project to monitor bird population trends, a Christmas Bird Counts has been held on site every December since 1977.

Recent Sightings

  • Diary: An account of what birds have recently been seen on the Fermilab site.

Bird Pictures

Visitor Information

Non-bird Lists

Mail to author, Peter Kasper: Kasper@fnal.gov

last modified 04/04/2008   email Fermilab