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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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What's New

Items carried under Recent Developments, statistical releases issued less frequently than weekly, and other items posted over the past two weeks. Meetings of the Federal Reserve Board and all statistical releases are shown elsewhere.

October 5 Statistical Release
Consumer Credit - G.19
October 5 Speech by Governor Elizabeth A. Duke
Addressing Long-Term Vacant Properties to Support Neighborhood Stabilization
October 5 FEDS 2012-71
On the (In)effectiveness of Fiscal Devaluations in a Monetary Union
October 5 FEDS 2012-70
Optimal Capital Taxation with Idiosyncratic Investment Risk
October 5 FEDS 2012-69
The Properties of Income Risk in Privately Held Businesses
October 5 Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet
Recent balance sheet trends, weekly chart data update
October 4 Press Release
Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, September 12-13, 2012
October 4 Press Release
Federal Reserve Board announces termination of enforcement actions with Northeast Securities Corporation and TCSB Bancorp
October 4 Banking Information and Regulation
Federal Reserve and FDIC release resolution plans, also known as living wills, filed by Bank of New York Mellon and State Street
October 3 Interest on Required Balances and Excess Balances
Maintenance period ending October 3, 2012
October 2 Surveys and Reports
Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey on Dealer Financing Terms, September 2012
October 2 Press Release
Federal Reserve Board issues enforcement action with SouthFirst Bancshares and termination of enforcement action with West Concord Bancshares and Farmers State Bank of West Concord
October 1 Regulatory Reform
Communications with the public through October 1, 2012
October 1 Speech by Chairman Ben S. Bernanke
Five Questions about the Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy
October 1 FEDS 2012-68
Financing Constraints, Firm Dynamics, and International Trade
October 1 FEDS 2012-67
Financial Intermediation, Investment Dynamics and Business Cycle Fluctuations
October 1 FEDS 2012-66
The Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet and Overnight Interest Rates
October 1 FEDS 2012-65
Equity Trading and the Allocation of Market Data Revenue
October 1 FEDS 2012-64
The Effect of Self-Reported Transitory Income Shocks on Household Spending
October 1 FEDS 2012-63
Profitability and the Lifecycle of Firms
October 1 FEDS 2012-62
The Anatomy of a Credit Crisis: The Boom and Bust in Farm Land Prices in the United States in the 1920s
October 1 FEDS 2012-61
Constituencies and Legislation: The Fight over the McFadden Act of 1927
October 1 FEDS 2012-60
The Impact of House Prices on Consumer Credit: Evidence From an Internet Bank
October 1 FEDS 2012-59
Supervisor Ratings and the Contraction of Bank Lending to Small Businesses
October 1 Press Release
Federal Reserve Board issues consent order and order of assessment of a civil monetary penalty against American Express Company and American Express Travel Related Services Company
October 1 Report to the Congress
Availability of Credit to Small Businesses, September 2012
September 28 Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet
Recent balance sheet trends, weekly chart data update
September 28 Press Release
Federal Reserve publishes quarterly data for discount window lending and open market transactions
September 27 Statistical Release
Household Debt Service and Financial Obligations Ratios
September 27 Press Release
Federal Reserve Board announces termination of enforcement actions with America's Community Bank and First Capital West Bankshares, Inc.
September 26 Interest on Required Balances and Excess Balances
Maintenance period ending September 26, 2012
September 26 Press Release
Agencies reopen comment period on swap margin and capital proposed rulemaking
September 25 Statistical Release
E.2 Survey of Terms of Business Lending
September 25 Press Release
Federal Reserve Board issues enforcement action with VFSC, Inc., and termination of enforcement actions with Ames Community Bank
September 24 Press Release
Agencies release a regulatory capital estimation tool to assist in assessing the potential effects of recently proposed regulatory capital rules
September 24 Federal Reserve Bulletin
Use of Financial Services by the Unbanked and Underbanked and the Potential for Mobile Financial Services Adoption
Last update: October 5, 2012