DoD Security Specialist GS101.01

Course Schedule

Aug 7-15, 2012 Redstone Arsenal, AL

Oct 23-31, 2012 Ft. Carson, CO

Jan 08-16, 2013 Linthicum, MD

Feb 05-13, 2013 Yokosuka, Japan

Apr 09-17, 2013 Ft. Rucker, AL

May 07-15, 2013 Linthicum, MD

Jul 16-24, 2013 Linthicum, MD


Sign up for this course.

Email the course manager.

Read the introductory PDF.

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Description: This course is administered in two phases:  Phase I web-based courses (DoD Security Specialist Curriculum, GS020.CU) and Phase II, the instructor-led course.  Major areas of study include General Security, Industrial Security, Personnel Security, Information Security, and Physical Security.

Delivery:  Web-based and Instructor-led

Length:  35 hours (web-based) and 7 days (instructor-led)

Scope and Concept:  The design presented here integrates the use of web-based courses, instructor-led training, practical exercises, and other tools to create a comprehensive and cohesive blended learning program.

The Security Specialist Course consists of two phases. Phase I begins with a web-based course introduction, which will communicate the requirements and benefits of SSC and will serve as a meta-organizer that ties all the pieces of the curriculum together. In addition, Phase I includes 18 web-based training courses (WBTs). Students will be encouraged to complete the courses in groups, or "units", which represent the four security disciplines. Approaching the content in this way adds context and continuity of learning by grouping like concepts together. After completing these courses and passing each course's exam, students will take a comprehensive exam and must pass this exam in order to gain access to the second, instructor-led phase.

Upon successful completion of Phase I, students attend the instructor-led (ILT) portion of the training, Phase II, where there is opportunity to reinforce and practically apply the knowledge gained online. Phase II activities includes lectures, group, and individual practical exercises, group presentations, and multiple-choice exams. As with Phase I, content is organized by security discipline, with an added emphasis on the role each discipline plays in risk management.

Target Audience: Entry-level DoD and Federal agency civilian, military, and contractor security professionals.  The course is also suitable for Information Security Managers; Security Administrators, Program Managers, Declassification Specialists, Intelligence Officers/Analysts, and persons with additional duties as a Security Manager or who are seeking to enhance their knowledge of any of the above security disciplines.

Number of Students Per Course: 42, unless determined otherwise by the course manager

Clearance Requirement: Phase I – None.  Phase II – SECRET.  Interim SECRET eligibility is also acceptable.  Eligibility is verified through the DoD approved verification system.  If the registrar is unable to verify eligibility, the student's security manager must submit a visit request to the registrar. The registrar will inform the student or the student's supervisor if a visit request is required.  Students will not be permitted to attend the Phase II course until their eligibility has been verified.

System Requirements:  Internet Explorer 6.0, Flash Player 8, Internet bandwidth connection (DSL or better), Display 1024 x 768, Audio (16-bit sound card), Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0

Prerequisites:  Phase I – None.

Phase II:  Successful completion of all DoD Security Specialist Curriculum (GS020.CU) Phase I course examinations and the Phase I comprehensive examination.  The comprehensive examination is assigned 60 days prior to the course start date and will appear in the “TO DO list in the student's STEPP account.  For example, if a course is scheduled to begin on May 1, the examination will be assigned March 1.  Students have three attempts to pass the Phase I comprehensive examination.  The passing score is 75 percent.  The examination has a 1 hour time limit and is open book.  Students who do not pass the examination on the first or second attempt must wait a minimum of 24 hours between examinations before making another attempt.  The registrar will unblock the examination after the 24-hour wait period ends.  Students who are unsuccessful on the third attempt will not be allowed to attend the Phase II course, but may register for a future iteration of the course.  This allows students additional time to review course content and retake the comprehensive examination before attending the instructor-led Phase II course.

Registration Requirements:

1. All students must register for the DoD Security Specialist Course Curriculum (GS020.CU) first, even if they have completed courses prior to registration.  Completed courses will automatically populate into the curriculum approximately 24 hours after registration.  Students do not need to retake courses that have already been completed.

2. Students will then select a date for the Phase II course they want to attend. Students do not need to have the curriculum completed to register for the Phase II course. Students that do not have all the Phase I requirements completed at the time of Phase II registration will be will be placed in a “Pending Approval” status.

3. Students must successfully complete the Phase I comprehensive examination once it is assigned.

Course Approval:  Each student who successfully completes the DoD Security Specialist Curriculum (GS020.CU) and the Phase I comprehensive examination will be eligible for seat approval by the course manager.  Seats are approved on a first come, first serve basis.  Students are approved for a seat in the order they complete the curriculum and Phase I examination.  Students will be placed on a waiting list once maximum seat capacity is reached.  If additional seats become available or cancellations are received, students from the waiting list will be contacted.  Course reservations are not allowed.  Course approval closes seven days before the course begins.  For example, the course begins on August 10; the last day for approval is August 3. Students will receive an email notification from STEPP once they have an approved seat in the course.


Additional Information:  DoD 5200.1-R, “Information Security Program,” has been superseded by DoD Manual 5200.01, Volumes 1-4, “DoD Information Security Program,” dated February 2012.  CDSE is currently updating all courseware, but please be aware that until all updates are completed, there will be references to DoD 5200.1-R.




CDSE courses are intended for use by Department of Defense and other U.S. Government personnel and contractors within the National Industrial Security Program.