Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

Home > Regulation & Examinations > Resources for Bank Officers and Directors > Kansas City Region Directors' College Program

Director's Corner
Kansas City Region Directors' College Program

The FDIC, in cooperation with the state banking agencies and trade associations in the Kansas City Region, is pleased to announce upcoming Directors’ College events. The Directors’ College is a one-day seminar focused on educating bank directors on their duties and responsibilities, as well as highlighting the emerging issues in the banking industry. The seminar has been developed for outside bank directors of all tenures. FDIC personnel will deliver presentations on a myriad of topics that are crucial to directors’ bank oversight role. Directors will be given the opportunity to tailor the seminar to their needs by selecting three of the following breakout sessions:

  • Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses
  • Bank Secrecy Act
  • Commercial Real Estate
  • Compliance
  • Information Technology (Part I of II)
  • Information Technology (Part II of II)
  • Insider Fraud
  • Interest Rate Risk
  • Loan Portfolio Management
  • New Director Survival Kit
  • Red Flags for Directors
  • Third Party Risk

Each breakout session has been designed for audience participation through the use of roundtable discussions, case studies and in-class exercises. Attendance at a Directors’ College event is an excellent opportunity for directors to learn from regulators and their peers about issues that face your bank.

In addition to the breakout sessions, all directors will attend a “Director’s Duties and Responsibilities” presentation as well as a luncheon presentation covering economic issues specific to your state. The FDIC’s Division of Insurance and Research has a wealth of information on each state’s economic condition as well as emerging issues (i.e. renewable energy, commercial real estate markets) that will be discussed during this luncheon presentation.

The FDIC is working with a state trade association and the state banking department in each state in the Region to schedule a Directors’ College event in your area. To attend, you must register in advance because space is limited. Click on 2008 Schedule and Registration Contacts for information on a Directors' College in your area. To register, you will be directed to the website of the state trade association who is co-sponsoring the training. This website will be updated as dates and locations are added.

The Kansas City Region staff hopes to see you at a Directors’ College. If you have any questions, please contact Directors’ College Coordinator Alisha Riemenschneider at (712) 274-0054.


Last Updated 09/25/2007 Supervision@fdic.gov