Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

Home > Industry Analysis > Failed Banks > Bank Failures in Brief

Bank Failures in Brief

The list of Bank Failures in Brief is updated through October 4, 2007. Please address questions on this subject to the Customer Service Hotline (telephone: 888-206-4662).


Miami Valley Bank, Lakeview, Ohio, with approximately $86.7 million in assets and $76 million in total deposits was closed.  The Citizens Bank Company has agreed to assume $62 million of the failed bank's insured deposits. (PR-83-2007)


NetBank, Alpharetta, Georgia, with approximately $2.5 billion in assets and $2.3 billion in total deposits was closed.  ING Bank, fsb (ING DIRECT) has agreed to assume $1.5 billion of the failed bank's insured non-brokered deposits. (PR-81-2007)


Metropolitan Savings, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with approximately $15.8 million in assets was closed. Allegheny Valley Bank of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has agreed to assume approximately $12.0 million of insured deposits. (PR-9-2007)

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Last Updated 01/25/2012 Customer Service