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On January 18, 2007, the President issued Executive Order 13422, Amendment to Executive Order 12866 for Regulatory Planning and Review. On that same day, the OMB Director issued a related document, the OMB Bulletin on Agency Good Guidance Practices (the GGP Bulletin). The primary focus of the Executive Order and the GGP Bulletin is on improving the way the Federal government does business with respect to guidance documents – by increasing their quality, transparency, accountability, and coordination. Executive Order 13422 and the GGP Bulletin will ensure that guidance documents are of high quality, developed with appropriate agency review and public participation, and readily accessible by the public.

The Civil Rights Division has issued guidance which is "significant" as defined by Executive Order 13422 and the GGP Bulletin and has posted that guidance on its web site. In addition, the Division has also posted many guidance documents on its web pages that are useful and helpful to the public, though they do not rise to the level of a "significant" guidance document.

Members of the public having feedback or complaints regarding Division significant guidance documents should contact:

U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005

E-mail -

In order to ensure proper processing of your comment, you should include the words "SIGNIFICANT GUIDANCE" in the subject line of your email.

List of Significant Guidance Documents of the Civil Rights Division

Disability Rights

Title II Technical Assistance Manual (1993, with 1994 Supplement)
A 56-page manual and 7-page supplement explaining what state and local governments must do to ensure that their programs, services, and activities are accessible. The manual gives practical examples.

Title III Technical Assistance Manual (1993, with 1994 Supplement)
This 83-page manual and 14-page supplement explain what businesses and non-profit service agencies must do to ensure that their goods, services, and facilities are accessible. The manual gives practical examples.

Accessible Stadiums (1996)
A 4-page publication explaining features that must be accessible in new stadiums, including line of sight for wheelchair seating locations. The document provides information about the required line of sight over standing spectators.

ADA Business Brief: Service Animals (2002)
A 1-page publication explaining the ADA rules on service animals. This document explained, for the first time, what questions may be asked of a person using a service animal.

Toolkit for State and Local Governments (2007)
A series of installments that provides guidance to cities, towns, and counties on how to make their programs and facilities accessible, including policy guidance and how-to checklists. The Tool Kit will include checklists that state and local officials can use to conduct assessments of their own agencies to determine if their programs, services, activities, and facilities are in compliance with key ADA requirements.

Accessibility of State and Local Government Websites to People with Disabilities (2003)
A 5-page publication providing guidance on making State and local government websites accessible. This document is our first articulation of policy re: web access.

An ADA Guide for Local Governments: Making Community Emergency Preparedness and Response Programs Accessible to People with Disabilities (2006)
An 11-page illustrated publication that provides guidance on preparing for and carrying out emergency response programs in a manner that results in the services being accessible to people with disabilities. First articulation of policy re: the ADA’s applicability to emergency preparedness.


Procedures for the Administration of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, 28 C.F.R. Part 51

Implementation of the Provisions of the Voting Rights Act Regarding Language Minority Groups, 28 C.F.R. Part 55.

Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices

Look at the Facts, Not at the Faces: Your Guide to Fair Employment

Additional Resources

For further assistance and better understanding of agency guidance and its relationship to current or proposed Federal regulations, see

Executive Order 13422: Amendment to Executive Order 12866 for Regulatory Planning and Review

OMB Good Guidance Practices Bulletin

General Information Office of the Assistant Attorney General
Thomas E. Perez
Assistant Attorney General
Civil Rights Division
(202) 514-4609
Telephone Device for the Deaf (TTY) (202) 514-0716
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