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WormBase Release WS225


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About this release Release Notes, New/changed genes

General Searches WormBase Class Browser, Wormbase Query Language Search, AQL Search

Sequences C. elegans Genome, C. briggsae Genome, Gene, Blast / Blat, e-PCR, Gene Ontology, Synteny Viewer, Cis-Elements (CisOrtho),

Cells and Gene Expression
Cell and Pedigree, Neurons, Expression Pattern, Expression profile

Genetics, Strains, and Phenotypes Genetic interval, Rearrangements, Balancers, Clone, Allele, SNPs, Markers, and Strains, Strain Report, Phenotypes, RNAi

Batch Queries WormMart [about...], Batch Genes, Batch Sequences

Downloads and Data Mining Bulk Downloads, Linking to WormBase and Data Mining...

Community Worm Meetings, Worm Community Discussion Forum, WormBase Wiki, Mailing Lists

About WormBase User's Guide, FAQs, C. elegans gene and protein nomenclature, Newsletters, Mission Statement, Citing Wormbase, Positions available, People, Acceptable Use Policy

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Links   Mirror Sites & Referential Data Releases
Worm Reagents C. elegans genomic clones, C. briggsae genomic clones (information, ordering), YK EST clones, CGC strains, RNAi clone mapping, Knockouts (KO Consortium, NBP-Japan), SAGE, C. elegans anatomy parts list
Source BioScience [Fosmid clones, RNAi libraries, ORFeome v1.1, Promoterome], OpenBiosystems [Orfeome v1.1], Fire vectors (Full list, via AddGene), Microarrays (Affymetrix, Agilent, WUSTL),

Related Databases and Web Sites Nematode.net, BaNG: Nematode and Neglected Genomics, WormAtlas, Other Model Organism Databases Leon Avery's WWW and more (Resources)

Key Publications WormBook, C. elegans II book (1997), The Mind of a Worm (White et al, 1986), The Genetics of C. elegans (Brenner, 1974), Durbin Ph.D. thesis (1987), Modes et formes... (Maupas, 1900), all citations in EndNote format

Useful Software AcePerl, GMOD, BioPerl, ACeDB, nBrowse, Textpresso

Worm Genome Sequence Centers Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute C. elegans Site, Washington University C. elegans Site and SNP site

Primary Sites

» Main site -- www.wormbase.org: CSHL (NY, USA)
» Development site -- dev.wormbase.org: OICR (ON, Canada)


» Caltech (Pasadena, CA, USA)
» Wellcome/Sanger (Cambridge, UK)

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