Defense Travel Management Office - The DoD Center for Travel Excellenceimage of a map with lines representing travel routes
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Commercial Travel Management
Programs & Services > Commercial Travel Management > Military Bus Program > Transportation Offices
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Forward Completed DD 1351 Forms

Report locally arranged moves

Report Unsatisfactory Performance

Approved DoD Bus, Van and Limo


Transportation Offices


Transportation Offices making arrangements for group moves should:

  • Ensure carriers submit bids, including cancellation fees, in writing before acceptance

  • Award contracts to the carrier offering the best value service

  • Ensure only DoD-approved carriers are used when arranging transportation for DoD personnel

  • Forward completed DD Form 1341s after all movements via fax to the DTMO at (571) 372-1301 or e-mail to

  • Report all locally arranged moves to the DTMO for inspection purposes via e-mail to

  • Inspect buses prior to passenger transport

  • Report any unsatisfactory performance or payment problems in writing to the DTMO via fax or e-mail

For FAQs related to this program visit Travel Explorer (TraX) via DTMO's Passport.


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