Saturday, October 06, 2012
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Georgia National Guard announces suspension of job cuts

50 Georgia jobs saved are among more than 5,000 jobs nationwide that were set to be cut

CLAY NATIONAL GUARD CENTER, Marietta, Ga. July 11, 2012In April, the proposed FY13 Department of Defense budget stated that there would be a nationwide reduction of more than 5,000 National Guard jobs. The Georgia Department of Defense is pleased to announce a suspension of this decision.

“Cooperation with our congressional delegations and the Governors of our states led us all to work together in taking a unified message to Washington,” said Maj. Gen. Jim Butterworth, the Adjutant General of Georgia. “I am happy to announce that the Georgia National Guard will not see job cuts in this budget.”

Under the proposed budget, 50 members of the Ga. DoD would have lost their jobs this September at the end of the current fiscal year. Threatened jobs included 39 full-time and 11 traditional guardsmen. Now, fiscal year 2013 will maintain the current authorized manning.

“We had folks preparing to lose their jobs in September,” said Butterworth. “This is a win for the Georgia National Guard and especially for those Guard Families in these hard economic times.”

The Georgia jobs saved are among more than 5,000 jobs nationwide that were set to be cut.


1st Lt. William Carraway,

Media Relations Officer, Georgia Department of Defense

(404) 788-1487 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



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