Project Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Sustainable Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) for Effective Management on Military Bases and Adjacent Lands across Florida (Legacy 11-437) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: National Public Lands Day 2011 (Legacy 11-086) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: White Nose Syndrome (WNS) and Bats: DoD Readiness on Military Installations II - Western USA (Legacy 11-445) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Monitoring Migratory Birds Using Automated Acoustic Technologies-Continuation Year 4 (Legacy 10-245) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Utilizing CISMAs to Effectively Reduce Re-infestation of Invaders on six (6) Military Bases and Adjacent Lands in Florida (Legacy 10-437) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Avian Response to Grassland Management Around Military Airfields in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Regions - Year 3 (Legacy 10-381) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: National Public Lands Day 2010 (Legacy 10-086) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Cerulean Warbler Occurrence Atlas for Military Installations - Year 2 (Legacy 10-429) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Species at Risk on Department of Defense Lands - Updated Analysis, Report, and Maps (Legacy 10-247) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Assessing the Status of Declining Rusty Blackbirds on DoD Lands in Alaska (Legacy 10-337) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Kirtland's Warbler - A Success Story of Cooperative Conservation on Saving an Endangered Species (Legacy 10-119) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Coral Ecosystem and Marine Resources Initiative T/E and Sensitive Species (Legacy 10-306) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: DoD Partners in Flight Program Management and Technical Support for 2010 (Legacy 10-1717) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Climate Change Adaptive Management Tools and Strategies (Legacy 10-466) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Propagation and Culture of Species at Risk Atlantic Pigtoe (Legacy 10-450) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: WNS & Bats: DoD Readiness on Military Installations (Legacy 10-445) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: The Bat Grid Inventory and Monitoring Project: A Regional Approach to Inventorying and Monitoring Bat Populations (Legacy 10-390) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Determining Marine Movement and Behavior of the Gulf Sturgeon in the Gulf of Mexico off Eglin Air Force Base, Florida (Legacy 10-428) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Ongoing Maintenance and Monitoring of Established American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) Test Orchards on Two TNARNG Installations (Legacy 10-401) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Development of a Management System and Geographic Interface for Biological Resource Data (Legacy 10-111) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Habitat Use at Multiple Scales by Pinyon-Juniper Birds (Legacy 10-425) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Department of Defense PARC (Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation) Strategic Plan Phase II (Legacy 10-423) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Guidance for Conserving DoD Ecological Resources (Legacy 10-460) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAVs) Restoration Using Innovative Seed-Based Technology (Legacy 10-60) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: The Tracer Ignition Minimization (TIM) Tool (Legacy 10-374) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Modeling the Impacts of Climate Change on Birds and Vegetation on Military Lands (Legacy 10-465) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: To Establish a Series of Permanent Seed-Source Nursery Beds to Use In Restoration of South Puget Sound Prairies (Legacy 10-326) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Sustainable Landscape Designs - Utilizing Native Species to Increase Pollinator Habitats on Military Lands (Legacy 09-461) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Sonoran Desert Military Ranges Conservation Partnership Team Joins with Sonoran Joint Venture (Legacy 09-459) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Assessing the Status of Declining Rusty Blackbirds on DoD Lands in Alaska (Legacy 09-337) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Sikes Act Outreach and Education (Legacy 09-417) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: DoD Conservation Supports the Mission (Legacy 09-459) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Pollinators of TERS plants on DoD Installations in the SE (Legacy 09-391) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Habitat Use at Multiple Scales by Pinyon-Juniper Birds on Department of Defense Lands (Legacy 09-425) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Creating Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) to Effectively Reduce Re-infestation on Four (4) Military Bases and Surrounding Lands in Florida (Phase I) (Legacy 09-437) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: DoD Amphibian Disease Survey - Do Frogs Still Get Their Kicks on Route 66? (Legacy 09-426) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Propagation of Species At Risk Atlantic Pigtoe on Military Installations (Legacy 09-450) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: 2009 Intensive Plant Conservation Workshop-Berkeley, CA (Legacy 09-364) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Wildlife Trade and the U.S. Military Abroad: Raising awareness and reducing demand (Legacy 09-444) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Emerging Threat to America's Bats: White-Nose Syndrome (Legacy 09-445) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Cerulean Warbler Occurrence Atlas for Military Installations (Legacy 09-429) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Utah Bat Initiative Phase III: Modeling, Protocol Analysis, and Risk Assessment (Legacy 09-346) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Coordination of Federal Agency Priority Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species (TER-S) Research (Legacy 09-453) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Identifying Vulnerability of Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species to Future Climate Change at Fort Huachuca, Arizona (Legacy 09-433) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Identifying Vulnerability of Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species to Future Climate Change at the Barry M. Goldwater Range, Arizona (Legacy 09-433) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Determining Marine Movement and Behavior of the Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) in the Gulf Sturgeon Critical Habitat of the Gulf Testing and Training Range and Santa Rosa Island Complex (Legacy 09-428) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Automated Bird and Amphibian Species Identification Computer Program (Legacy 09-345) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Natural Resources Conservation and Mission Sustainability through Rat Removal on Wake Island and Applicability to other DoD Islands (Legacy 09-438) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: The Noxious and Nuisance Plant Management System [PMIS] (Legacy 09-229) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: DoD Partners in Flight Program Management and Technical Support for 2009 (Legacy 09-1717) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: The Bat Grid Inventory and Monitoring Project: A Regional Approach to Inventorying and Monitoring Bat Populations (Legacy 09-390) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Inventory and Prioritization of Impaired Sites in the Yellow River Watershed (Legacy 09-432) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Department of Defense Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC) Strategic Plan Workshops (Legacy 09-423) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Strategy for the Cooperative Recovery of Rare Species Affecting Training Ranges (Legacy 09-213) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Enhanced On-line Access to the Interactive Website Version of 'Conserving Biodiversity on Military Lands' (Legacy 09-247) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Implementation of the DoD Coordinated Bird Monitoring Plan (Legacy 09-440) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Landscape-Level Habitat Associations and Phylogentics: Desert Tortoises, Gopherus agassizii (Legacy 09-385) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Tracing the Geographic Origin of Migratory Birds Breeding on Department of Defense Lands Using Stable Isotopes (Legacy 09-427) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: National Public Lands Day 2009 (Legacy 09-086) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Landscape-Level Habitat Associations and Phylogentics for Desert Tortoises (Legacy 09-385) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Coral Reef Initiative Database (Legacy 09-306) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Quantifying Impacts of Ground Water Withdrawal on Avian Communities in Desert Riparian Woodlands of the Southwestern U.S. (Legacy 08-290) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: DoD Threatened and Endangered Species Document Repository Tool (Legacy 08-402) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Spatial Ecology of the San Nicolas Island Fox (Legacy 08-308) (PDF)

Fact Sheet:  Landscape-Level Habitat Associations: Desert Tortoises (Legacy 08-385) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Migratory Linkages of Burrowing Owls on DoD Installations and Adjacent Lands (Legacy 08-243) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Pollinators of TER-S Plants on DoD Installations in Western States (Legacy 08-391) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Avian Response to Grassland Management on Military Airfields (Legacy 08-381) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Grassland Bird Productivity on Military Airfields (Legacy 08-408) (PDF)

Fact Sheet:  Eliminating Invasive Introduced Species While Preserving Native Species in Coastal Meadow Habitat, a Critically Imperiled Ecosystem (Legacy 08-400) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: The Bat Grid Inventory and Monitoring Project: A Regional Approach to Inventorying and Monitoring Bat Populations (Legacy 08-390) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Assessing the value of DoD lands in Alaska to declining Rusty Blackbirds Project (Legacy 08-337) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Establishing American Chestnut Test Orchards on Two TN Army National Guard Installations (Legacy 08-401) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Deployment of Acoustical Alert Devices on Select DoD Vessels to Mitigate the Risk of Vessel Collisions with Marine Mammals (Legacy 08-414) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Assessing BASH Risk Potential of Migrating and Breeding Ospreys in the Mid-Atlantic Chesapeake Bay Region (Legacy 08-292) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Developing Protocols for Establishing a Restoration Nursery (Legacy 08-326) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Cooperative Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Translocation Strategy Throughout the Southeast (Legacy 08-412) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Department of Defense National Public Lands Day 2008 (Legacy 08-086) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Utah Bat Initiative Phase II:INRMP and State Wildlife Action Plan Coordination (Legacy 08-346) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Effects of Invasives on the Distribution of Keystone Desert Plants on Military Lands (Legacy 08-411) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: DoD Partners in Flight Program Management and Technical Support (Legacy 08-1717) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Continued Development and Coordination of DoD Installation Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Programs in the Chesapeake Bay (Legacy 08-363) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Legacy Bird Species at Risk Monitoring in and around Camp Navajo and the Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station, AZ (07-344) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Revision of the DoD Biodiversity Conservation Handbook and Commanders Guide (Legacy 07-247) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: DoD Pilot Conservation Law Enforcement Program Course (Legacy 07-379) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Avian Response to Grassland Management Around Military Airfields in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast (Legacy 07-381) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Intensive Plant Conservation Training Workshop (Legacy 07-364) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Listed Plant Species Evaluation (Legacy 07-368) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Digital Radio Telemetry Monitoring of San Nicolas Island Foxes (Legacy 07-308) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: DoD Strategy to Support A Multi-Agency Bat Conservation Initiative Within the State of Utah (Legacy 07-346) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: The North Carolina Sandhills Weed Management Area: Sharing DoD Invasive Plant Species Management Strategies with Installation Neighbors (Legacy 07-334) (PDF)

Summarizes the objectives and accomplishments of this project to assist NCSWMA implementing regional invasive plant management strategies at Fort Bragg and Camp Mackall, North Carolina.

Fact Sheet: DoD Partners in Flight Program Management and Technical Support (Legacy 07-17) (PDF)

This fact sheet summarizes the activities and accomplishments of the DoD Partners in Flight program for fiscal year 2007.

Fact Sheet: The Grassland Birds of US Navy Lands in Southern Texas (Legacy 07-189) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Carolina Species at Risk Project (Legacy 07-348) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Considerations and Recommendations When Developing Integrated Department of Defense Natural Resources Management Plans (Legacy 07-356) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Department of Defense National Public Lands Day 2007 (Legacy 07-086) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: State Wildlife Action Plans - Shared Threats & Conservation Actions (Legacy 07-338) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Legacy Geospatial Data Warehouse and Discovery Portal Phase 1 (Legacy 07-341) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Ten Year Resurveys of the Biodiversity of Marine Communities and Introduced Species in Pearl Harbor, Honolulu Harbor, and Ke'ehi Lagoon, O'ahu Hawaii (Legacy 07-343) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Removal of Invasive Fire Prone Grasses to Increase Training Lands in the Pacific (Legacy 07-362) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Natural Resource Assessment of Wake Island After Feral Cat Eradication and Super Typhoon Ioke (Legacy 07-371) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Protected Species Habitat Modeling in the Eglin Gulf Test and Training Range (Legacy 07-270) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: An Analysis of Forest Riparian Buffer Zones on Military Installations in the Chesapeake Bay (Legacy 07-305) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: DoD Southwest Region Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species (TER-S) Workshop (Legacy 07-377) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Conserve Gray Bat to Achieve Recovery (Legacy 06-297) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Near surface Sound propagation, a Key to Alerting North Atlantic Right Whales of Approaching DoD Ships (Legacy 06-145) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Migratory Bird Monitoring Using Automated Acoustic and Internet Technologies (Legacy 06-245) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: The North Carolina Sandhills Weed Management Area: Facilitating Regional, Invasive Species Management Partnerships Among DoD and Neighboring Land Stewards (Legacy 06-334) (PDF)

This 3 page fact sheet details a project that formed the Weed Management Area (WMA) partnership of Federal, State and local government agencies, as well as, individuals, and various interested groups that cooperatively manage non-native invasive plant species (NIS) in the NC Sandhills. The fact sheet summarizes the project objectives and accomplishments to date.

Fact Sheet: DoD Pacific Islands Region Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species Workshop Proceedings (Legacy 06-298) (PDF)

April 2007. This fact sheet summarizes the Pacific Islands TER-S workshop held in Honolulu HI in 2006, what was achieved and who to contact for additional information.

Fact Sheet: Strategy for the Cooperative Recovery of Rare Species Affecting Training Ranges (Legacy 06-213) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Linking Science and Policy Through an Adaptive Management Approach -The San Pedro River (Legacy 06-250) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Establishing New Pathways to Species Recovery Listed Under the Endangered Species Act (Legacy 06-330) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: The Role of DoD Lands for Endangered Species Protection (Legacy 06-302) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Remote Monitoring of Island Foxes (Legacy 06-308) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: DoD Southeast Region Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species (TER-S) Workshop (Legacy 06-310) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: DoD Coordination of Conservation Issues with the Bureau of Land Management (Legacy 06-322) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Coral Ecosystem & Marine Resource Initiative - T/E Sensitive Species (Legacy 06-306) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: DoD Species at Risk - AZ / NM Military Ranges (Legacy 06-299) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: State-wide Conservation Forums to Facilitate Cooperative Conservation (Legacy 06-331) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Support Southwest Strategy Threatened and Endangered Species Program Managers (TEPM) Team (Legacy 05-258) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Conserving Integral Units of Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity (Legacy 05-112) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Biodiversity Outreach Toolkit: Sustaining the Mission, Securing the Legacy (Legacy 05-273) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Grand Bay-Banks Lake Stewardship Partnership - Phase II (Legacy 05-158) (PDF)

November 2006. Summarizes this project that involved the development of preliminary hydrological and fire management plans for the area as well as a monitoring plan to track the impacts of management action or inaction on the rare species and natural communities found at GBBL.

Fact Sheet: Identifying Management Strategies for Reversing Declines of Neotropical Landbirds of Conservation Concern on Military Installations (Legacy 05-103) (PDF)

This document summarizes a project that gathered information on declining BCC Neotropical land birds to ultimately develop land management recommendations for DoD lands in the southeastern U.S. This Legacy-funded project utilized the Monitoring of Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program to provide critical demographic data on 100+ species in the eastern and central US, which will be the basis for subsequent landscape management strategies to be employed in DoD installations in that region.

Fact Sheet: Department of Defense National Public Lands Day 2005 (Legacy 05-086) (PDF)

This fact sheet summarizes the ongoing National Public Lands Day project accomplishments for 2005.

Fact Sheet: Linking Science and Policy Through an Adaptive Management Approach -The San Pedro River (Legacy 05-250) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Threatened, Endangered, and At-risk Species (TER-S) Technology Transfer (Legacy 05-242) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Repatriation of the Eastern Regal Fritillary Butterfly at Gettysburg National Military Park (Legacy 05-244) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Technology-based Decision-support Planning Tools (Legacy 05-276) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: State Wildlife Action Plan and Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan Workshops (Legacy 05-281) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Engagement with Academia and Research Centers Project (Legacy 05-282) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Integrating NEPA with EMS through GIS (Legacy 05-284) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: The Performance of Reefs Constructed from Military Armored Vehicles (Legacy 05-48) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Revision of DoD Biodiversity Conservation Handbook - Phase I (Legacy 05-247) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Demonstration of an Acoustic Warning System to Alert Manatees of Approaching DoD Vessels (Legacy 05-232) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Maintaining and Implementing Sustainable INRMPs Course (Legacy 05-240) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Georgia Species at Risk (Legacy 04-154) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Aquatic Management Strategies and Actions Through a Comprehensive Management Plan for the Gulf Coastal Plain Ecosystem Partnership (GCPEP) Phase I and II (Legacy 04-182) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Wildland Fire Risk Assessment of Western Military Installations (Legacy 04-230) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Working with Land Trusts - A Guide for Military Installations and Land Trusts (Legacy 04-234) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Working with State Legislators - A Guide for Military Installations and State Legislators (Legacy 04-235) (PDF)

Species at Risk (SAR) Assessment and Recommendations: Part II Planning and Management (Legacy 03-154) (PDF)

This fact sheet summarizes a project that identified targeted SAR, determined the steps necessary to prevent any further declines in the population of the species of concern on or near the targeted military installation, expanded SAR identification to all military installations, including National Guard, targeted one of the original four target species for follow-up work, and promoted the coordination of a Grassland partnership.

Fact Sheet: Invasive Plants in Managed and Natural Systems: Linking Science and Management (Legacy 03-185) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Near Surface Sound Propagation, a Key to Alerting Right Whales of Approaching DoD Ships (Legacy 02-145) (DOC)

This document summarizes a project that measured bow hull effects and acoustic shadowing in order to ultimately develop practical warning systems for sea vessels approaching Right Whales and other marine mammals.

Fact Sheet: Developing a Model SAV Project for DoD Installations in the Chesapeake Bay (Legacy 02-60) (DOC)

This document summarizes a project that involved a 2 day workshop and resulted in a comprehensive SAV restoration handbook for military installations within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Regional Ecosystem Management in the North Carolina South Hills (Legacy 02-161) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Survival Rates and Productivity of Landbirds on Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (Legacy 01-1715) (DOC)

Fact Sheet: Conservation of Indigenous Birds on Wake Atoll (Legacy 01-134) (DOC)

This document summarizes a project dealing with the removal and eradication of feral cats on Wake Atoll (Marshall Islands, Micronesia) in order to preserve the indigenous birds whose numbers were declining due to heavy predation by numerous feral cats.

Fact Sheet: Chesapeake Bay Program Interagency Partnership: Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (Legacy 00-36) (DOC)

This document summarizes a project that, using existing restoration planting, identified the best areas within the bay and resulted in the development of low cost, long term SAV monitoring protocols.

Fact Sheet: 2006 Annual Report DoD Partners in Flight Program (PDF)

This 2 page fact sheet details the accomplishments of the DoD Partners in Flight Program for 2006 in such areas as Conserving Birds and their Habitats, Partnerships and Leadership, Accomplishments and Recognition, Migratory Bird Legislation, and Getting the Word Out.

Field Evaluation of Chemical Methods for Brown Tree Snake Management (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Model Invasive Species Control Project: Yellow Starthistle (NR) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: The Sonoran Pronghorn (DoD/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Successful T and E Species Recovery (DoD/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) (PDF)

Last Modified: 01 October 2012 at 12:18