Communication and Education Print E-mail
The combination of climate variability, including costly impacts of recent climate extremes, and human-induced climate change have propelled climate science to the forefront of societal discourse—not just among scientists and academics but also among policy leaders, resource managers, business leaders, educators, the news media, and concerned citizens.  People want to know how climate change and variability affect their lives and livelihoods and whether humans can and should do something about global warming. There is a growing imperative for the actionable climate and environmental information that is needed to inform resource management, planning, and other decisions taking place across the Nation.

Communications, education, and engagement is therefore a growing priority of the USGCRP.  Past USGCRP communications efforts have largely focused on public outreach, media relations, ensuring transparency of assessment reports, and distribution of those reports. However, recent studies on the state of public climate science literacy make it clear that new approaches to public communications are needed to more effectively inform the public about climate and global change science. Thus, to raise awareness of the Program’s critical information resources and the scientific understanding of the climate system, USGCRP strategies are embracing new technologies and methods for making information accessible to a wide range public audiences.

USGCRP also pursues a broad range of education activities. USGCRP serves as a forum for the development of a national climate and climate change education strategy for its' member and related agencies, coordinates those activities across the member groups, and makes recommendations to agency management on all aspects of USGCRP  educational activities.  

If you have questions or suggestions about USGCRP communications efforts, please email the Communications Manager.