Joint Army Leadership Message

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Army Energy Awareness Month
A joint Army Leadership Message which conveys the importance of our collective efforts in the areas of Energy and Water Security.

PENTAGON, Washington DC -- October is Energy Awareness Month! A joint Army Leadership Message conveys the importance of our collective efforts in the areas of Energy and Water Security.

Assuring sufficient, secure Energy and Water in our operational missions and at our installations is becoming a key planning consideration for all Army activities.

Through our comprehensive efforts in the areas of Soldier Power, Basing Power, and Vehicle Power, the Army is working to ensure that the Army of the future has assured access to the resources it will need to perform its mission, at a cost it can afford.

Collectively, by making a difference today, we will continue to: reduce demand, increase efficiency, employ alternative sources, and create a culture of energy accountability.

To learn more, several activities are planned during Energy Awareness Month:

• 02-04 October (0800-1600) - The Pentagon Energy Security Event: Display of Energy Technologies used throughout Department of Defense (Pentagon Courtyard)

• 16 October (1100-1200) - Renewable Energy and Energy Security: Panel discussion headlined by Jon Wellinghoff, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) - (Pentagon 5th Floor, 9/10 Apex)

• 23 October (1000-1200) - Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Institute of Land Warfare Panel - Army Power & Energy: "Enhancing Mission Effectiveness Through Power and Energy Advancements" (Room 152 A&B, Washington DC Convention Center)

• 23 October (1500-1530) AND 24 October (1100-1130) - AUSA Army Energy Forums: Operational Energy at the Edge AND USACE Energy Initiatives

Your continued efforts to reduce the Army's energy footprint are appreciated. Energy and water conservation help enhance mission effectiveness to keep us Army Strong!

Page last updated Wed October 3rd, 2012 at 00:00