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Loan Modification Programs

This page is a consolidated look at the loan modification proposals and programs put forth by the FDIC and federal government since May 2008. The links have comprehensive information on each program.

Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan
The Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan, a $75 billion dollar federal program, provides for a sweeping loan modification program targeted at borrowers who are at risk of foreclosure because their incomes are not sufficient to make their mortgage payments. It also includes refinancing opportunities for borrowers who are current on their mortgage payments but have been unable to refinance because their homes have decreased in value.

Home Ownership Preservation Loans
The FDIC proposal in May 2008, that Congress authorizes the Treasury Department to make loans to borrowers with unaffordable mortgages to pay down up to 20 percent of their principal. This approach is scaleable, administratively simple, and will avoid unnecessary foreclosures to help stabilize mortgage and housing prices.

Last Updated 11/18/2011 webmaster@fdic.gov