Obtaining Photographic Reproductions

The NHHC has no official photographic reproduction program, and does not loan photographic material.

However photographic reproductions may be obtained by one of the following methods:

Option # 1: The Naval Historical Foundation Photo Service

The Naval Historical Foundation, a non-profit organization, has made arrangements to reproduce unrestricted photographs from the Command's collections. This non-exclusive service is offered as a convenience to those wishing to obtain photographic reproductions. Rates are comparable to those charged for similar services by other institutions.

Additionally, requests may be submitted to reproduce cruise books available in the Navy Department Library, as well as unrestricted documents and videos in the Command's collection.

Option # 2: Visit the Photographic Section Office

Located in Building 108 of the Washington Navy Yard, you may copy or digitally scan file photographs that are in the Public Domain or are otherwise unrestricted.

  • One copy stand is available for visitors' use, with incandescent lights that are not color-corrected. All other equipment to be provided by the user. Working areas with nearby electrical outlets are available for visitors who bring their own copy or scanning setups.
  • Staff time limitations may restrict the number of pictures made available for this purpose.
  • Call Ahead (202-433-2765) to obtain additional information and to ensure assistance will be available.
  • See Visiting the NHHC for further details on office location, parking and related matters.

Option # 3: Obtain the Services of another Photographer

You may engage a photographer to copy work for you. A list is provided of local Commercial Photographers who may be able to undertake this task.

For Additional Information, call (202) 433-2765, weekdays from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST.

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