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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Office of the Inspector General
451 7th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20410

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Financial Fraud Enforment Task Force

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

The Office of Inspector General (OIG), United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, has separate liaisons and regulations from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. §552. The OIG has implemented the FOIA at 24 C.F.R. Part 2002. These regulations explain the full procedures for requesting information from the OIG under the FOIA. Below please find these regulations:



The OIG's Chief FOIA Officer is Bryan Howell, Counsel to the Inspector General. The FOIA Public Liaison is Richard Johnson, Deputy Counsel.


How to Submit a FOIA Request


The OIG FOIA Requestor Service Center handles all requests for OIG information pursuant to the FOIA. You must submit your request in writing. You may submit your request by email to, by fax to 202-401-3778, or by mail to:


FOIA Officer
Office of Inspector General
Office of Legal Counsel
U.S. Dept. of HUD
451 Seventh St., SW, Room 8260 
Washington, DC 20410-4500
(202) 708-1613


Information Required in the Request


Each request must reasonably describe the desired record including the name, subject matter, and number or date, where possible, so that the record may be identified and located. The request should also include the name, address, and telephone number of the requester, and the format in which the requester would like the desired record to be reproduced. In order to enable the OIG to comply with the time limitations set forth in §2002.17, the request should clearly indicate that the subject is a Freedom of Information Act request, in the subject line of an email or letter and on the envelope, if the request is mailed.


Fees and Fee Waivers


The OIG uses the same fee structure for FOIA requests as HUD.


Questions and Concerns about FOIA Requests


Please direct all FOIA questions including questions concerning the status of your request to the Service Center. If you have concerns about the service you receive, you may submit them to the Service Center or to Richard Johnson, Deputy Counsel and FOIA Public Liaison, at 202-708-1613.


Appealing a FOIA Denial


The OIG's FOIA Regulation, 24 C.F.R. §2002.25, provides for administrative review by the Inspector General of any denial of information if a written appeal is filed within 30 days from the date of the OIG’s response letter. Both the letter and the envelope should be clearly marked "Freedom of Information Act Appeal.” Your appeal should be addressed to the Inspector General, 451 7th Street, SW, Suite 8260, Washington, DC 20410, and should be accompanied by a copy of your initial request, a copy of the response letter, and your statement of circumstances, reasons, and arguments supporting disclosure of the requested information.


Reading Room and Reference Materials


HUD E-FOIA Reading Room, which contains information routinely available to the public as well as records frequently requested under the FOIA.


OIG Reports and Publications.


HUD Annual FOIA Reports, which include OIG information.


OIG Privacy Act Systems of Records Notice [PDF] [Text]


Department of Justice FOIA Guidance