VAO Continuity Folder

Listed below are FVAP's suggested Continuity Folder items:

Current Voting Assistance Guide

The Voting Assistance Guide (VAG) is a compilation of absentee voting regulations, laws, deadlines, and procedures.

Complete Voting Assistance Guide (2MB)

Absentee Voting Forms (FPCA, FWAB)

The Federal Postcard Application, Federal Write In Absentee Ballot and coversheet are available for download here.

Quick reference tools:

FPCA Quick Reference Guide

FWAB Quick Reference Guide

FPCA VAG by State Handout

FWAB VAG by State Handout

VAO Designation Letter

You will need to obtain a letter from your Commanding Officer declaring you as the VAO for your unit or installation. Here are samples from the Marine Corps and Air Force.

FVAP Calendars

The Election Dates calendar shows when each Primary Election will be held and what Federal offices are on the ballot.

2012 Election Date Poster

2012 Voting Monthly Planner

Absentee Voting Brochure

A quick reference brochure for members of your unit and new VAOs.

Good Ideas and Lessons Learned

Services submit good ideas and lessons learned with their biannual After Action Reports. A compiled list of those submitted are seen here.

The Navy has created a Voting Toolkit that is a digital compilation of items that VAOs can use to be successful. You can download the toolkit below:

2012 Navy Voting Toolkit (200MB Zip File)

Voting News Releases

Voting Alerts are focused, timely, and relevant emails that keep Voting Assistance Officers and voters informed about election dates, important deadlines throughout the absent voting process, changes to state laws that affect how voters may request and cast their ballots, and other crucial absentee voting information.

To receive these Voting Alerts, contact FVAP at Please provide your full name in the body of the email message.

Older news releases can be found here.

Information on Your Voter Activities

Display Motivational Voting Posters (with your name and contact information) and election calendars to remind people about voting and upcoming elections. All personnel need to receive yearly instruction and have access to absentee voting activities. These activities can include training sessions, registration drives, distributing absentee voting materials, and providing support to citizens with absentee voting questions.

VAO Training Certificate

VAO training is required during even-numbered years. More information on in person training and online training can be found here. Once you complete the training, a certificate will be awarded.

Service Voting Action Officer Contact Information

Each Military Service and the Department of State has assigned a Service Voting Action Officer who is the voting program manager for that Service or Department.

Directives and Guidance

The following directives and guidelines help Voting Assistance Officers in the execution of their duties.

Department of Defense
Air Force
Marine Corps
State Department

Measures of Performance

This is what the Service will be measured on in support of their absentee voting program.


Last updated: 06.04.2012